My... Home?

Where is my heart?


~Key pov~
Taemin nestles into his pillows, hugging the banana milk shaped one. One day, he will be mine, but for now I will deal with watching his every move. He looks around his room, as if confused. The door opens, and Taemin's 'Minho' walks in. Taemin's confusion atomically brightens into happiness. Minho Taemin's hair. Minho should die for putting those filthy hands on my angel. The other thing's they do bother me too. A thing is inserted into Taemin's arm. Taemin's face seems to go from pain, then something else. But the pain part bothers me. Minho pets Taemin's blonde dyed hair back and kisses his forehead. Minho says something then walks out again.  Taemin's expression darkens again. He seems antsy today. I want to make him feel better, but I can't, calling out would make him notice me, then I could not watch anymore. I hear my door jiggle. Someones trying to get in? But no one visits ME. I'm to 'abnormal'. I have seen adults visit Taemin, but my adults never visit me, not after I stabbed 'her'. I'm not sure who she is, but I rember stabbing her because she wanted me to leave here, and Taemin, for her. But this white room is my home. She tried to take me away, so the pen went into her hand. I jump off my bed and sit down. Minho enters the door, after unlocking it.
"Always... Locked.... Door......... Is." I say, angry that he is here, interrupting me from watching Taemin. He try's to pet my hair, so I glare and hiss. He better leave soon. What if Taemin sneezes and i'm not watching? His sneezes are adorable.
"Key! Stop spacing off." Minho says, loudly. I glare even more, my eye almost unable to see out of. He speaks yet again, "We want to try to get you used to people, so we are putting a house together. It will be like living in a normal household." I look at him, unsure what he means. Are they making me move? This is MY life, I have no where else. Liquid pours down my face. This is a uncomfortable feeling. The wet stuff is making it hard to see. AM I LOSING MY VISION? I scrub at my eyes, trying to get the stuff to go away. It finally stops, but there is a pain in my chest. I feel a heavy thing around me. I flail trying to get it off me. What if I suffocate? I realize Minho is wrapping his arms around me. Why is he doing this? I like the heat, but it is uncomfortable.
"Please agree, I want to make you a better home." Minho, whispers in my ear. Even though I hate him, I don't want to make him sad. But I can never leave. What would I miss in Taemin's life? What would happen to us?
"T-Tae...... Min." I say, unsure. I have never said his name out loud, before. There has never been a need. I feel something push me lightly onto the bed, and see both of Minho's hands out. Did he just push me?
"Taemin will be there." He says, grabbing my hand. He walks, like he is trying to take my left hand. He can't have it though, it is my hand. I glare and follow him, so he does not take my hand. He mutters, maybe to me, or maybe to himself. Unsure, I stop listening. Is Taemin really going to be there? Where are we even going? We seem to walk for hours, the white walls twisting and covered with white doors. Even the people are wearing white. I don't know why some have pants, and others have short unconnected pants. I stop walking, hoping Minho will too, and not just run off with my hand. Minho stops, after tugging on my hand.
"Yes?" He says, annoyed sounding. I point at the unconnected pants. 
"What ...... Pant's.... Not...... Pant's?" He seems to understand my question. His anger turns into a smile.
"That's a dress. Girls wear them." He says, sound sure of himself. What's a girl? I won't ask him now, but rember to later. We enter a door finally. The place we are is weird. The floor is green and gray. The roof is blue, with white things, and a really high bright light. Minho walks on the path made out of gray. I wonder if the green is bad?
"Min.... ho?.... What?" I point at the green. He pats my head and lets my hand go. He kneels down.
"I forget, you were raised in there. This is grass." Minho, touch's the grass. I kneel too, but don't want to touch  the grass. I look at the weird blade like, green things, sticking out of the grass. The man in my memories told me about this.
"" This is not a question, more like trying forming words. Minho, picks me up, like a child in the storybooks from the memory man. Green is a color, I rember from my time with the memory man, 'lessons' I think is what he called them.
"Green.. Color?" Minho smiles when I say this.
"Good job. If you keep that up I will buy you ice cream." Minho carries me. I am not sure what buying ice cream is but it sounds like a good thing. So I will let Minho 'buy' me 'ice cream'.  My mind soon fades on the thought of 'buying ice cream' 
Minho ly shakes me, I am still in his arms. My eyes flutter open. The weird things didn't happen when my mind died this time. I don't feel like crying for once. WE are standing in front of a big object, that seems to have a roof. I stare at Minho, confused.
"This is your home now, Kibum." He simply states.
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Chapter 5: Ooh wow. I'm enjoying this.
ShortBecauseImAnElf #2
Chapter 5: I, I don't know how to comment, stupid typo
ShortBecauseImAnElf #3
Chapter 5: U don't know how to comment properly but I like the story so far ^^
Chapter 1: i shall reread this with lots of caffeine in my system, then i will patiently (not) wait for more
Chapter 1: This is good, seems like it will be interesting.