Chapter 5

I Am Not The One He Love.

Fate brought them together again even when Jaejoong tried to avoid Yunho.  Two weeks after their meeting at home, they meet again at Jaejoong’s office. Yunho and Yoochun need to work together with Jaejoong and Junsu for their project.  Ordered by their big boss, Mr. Shim. Yes, both of them worked for the same company but at different building site.

"This is tougher than I think Junsu-ah. We need to meet them at least twice a week. Can you just represent me at the meeting next time?"

"I won't even if I can. You need to face him after all. Until when you want to avoid him?"

"I'm not ready yet. Last time we met, he doesn't say a word and we still fight. He not even says sorry. Sometimes I'm confuse whether him or me that should apologize."

"Why not both of you apologize and forgive each other?"

"Then I should slap him first then apologize."


"You're my best friend but you always choose his side. Why? Do you like him?"

"What? No! What makes you think that?

"I'm not blind Junsu. Maybe you suited him more than me."


"Jae, Su, come we need to go." called Yoochun.

"Do we really need to car pool? ask Jaejoong. "And why you sit at the front? It's their car Junsu."

"It's not their car, its company car and why you care where I sit?"

"Jae can you just get in? We need to hurry!" said Yoochun after take a driver seat.

"Ok ok aishh.." answer Jaejoong halfheartedly and sit at the backseat with Yunho.

Jaejoong get in and just look at the window. He doesn't want to face Yunho. He's heart still hurt.

Yoochun observe the two and shook his head. He needs to do something. Suddenly he makes an emergency break and all of them force to the front.

"Yah Chun what happened?"

"Hah? Owh, there's a cat crossing the road."

"Jae are you alright? Did you hurt? Let me see." said Yunho in panic while cupping Jae face and examine it.

Jaejoong feel all his blood rush to his face right now. He blushed. He hasn’t been touched by Yunho like that for a long time.

"Your face is red Jae, we should go to clinic for checkup."

'Of course I'm red. You touch me like that.'

"No, I'm ok.” said Jaejoong avert to face Yunho's eyes."

"Are you sure?" Yunho try to find the doe eye to make sure.

Jaejoong just nodded. His head hung low cannot face Yunho right now.

"Ok then. Chun, please drive carefully."

"Ne.."answer Yoochun smiling. Proud of how his plan worked. Just an emergency break and we got this scene. Hehe.

Again silent have covered them all until they reached at the project site.

"Jae, we have arrived. Come." Yunho offer his hand to Jaejoong whose mind still left at the scene.

"Ah? Owh ok." said Jaejoong while took Yunho hand.

Yoochun at the front just smile cheekily at the scene behind him while getting slapped by Junsu at the back.

" do that on purpose right?" said Junsu slowly doesn't want to be heard by the two.

"Of course why else? And don't you just love the scene just now?"

Really don't have any idea for chapter's name...


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Chapter 44: Great end but I don't remember the plot that well. Gonna read it again
I think that after Jae' archery teacher appears, the story is blurred on my mind
Chapter 44: Ahh. Yoochun pisses me off a lot in this story
faithot5 #3
Chapter 44: so sweet.yunjae!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 44: Wwwwoooo omg finally...though its a it too fast but im glad yunjae together weehhe <3
Chapter 44: thanks for the update and complete this story... (^,^)v
mysterycodes #6
Chapter 44: I'm so glad that this story end up with happy ending. Thanks for complete this story although it was quite short.
Niniwan #7
Chapter 44: Im glad its a happy ending..but why its so in a rush?...i mean.... too easy?...whatever.. thank you so much for the good story ^_^
Chapter 43: Please update soon. I hope Jaejoong doesn't leave Yunho. Yunjae need to fix things between them.
Updatesoon :-D
mysterycodes #10
Chapter 43: Please don't let them argue again.