
I Am Not The One He Love.

Jaejoong miss Yunho but it doesn't mean he forgive him.  He actually skipped work and go home.  Their home.  He knew Yunho is not there. Jaejoong closed his eyes and took a deep breath before open the door slowly.  After one month, he sees they're house is a mess, he see all the take out food container in the kitchen. 'He haven't eat proper meal, poor him.'  He then cleaned up the kitchen, the living room and take out the trash.  Now when everything is clean, he take a step to their room, his heart beat faster, afraid that Yunho would throw away all his belonging. Jaejoong open the door and he can't believe his eyes, he blinks many times to see that this is the only place that is really clean.  He touches their wedding picture but feel curious why the picture on the bed next to Yunho's pillow and not on the side table as it supposed to be.


At office Yunho felt something tingling at his heart. He's home? Yunho startled when he heard the door was open.


"Yunho, where's Jae? Yoochun asked eagerly.




"Home? Which one? Yours?"




"Ok then. Bye." Yoochun just left. Yunho still not gasp what happen. Then when he realize, he run to catch up with Yoochun.


"Yoochun! Wait for me. Where are you going?" asked Yunho still panting.


"To see Jae."


"Why? What's going on?"


"I just miss him."


"Can you just wait till after office hour?"


"I can't. Yunho, come." Yoochun grabbed Yunho hand and shove him into the car.  When Junsu called and tell Yoochun that Jaejoong skipped work, he needs to know where he is.  And when he knows Jaejoong is at home, he needs to bring Yunho there. They need to settle their problem.  They need some push.  Neither of them wants to take action to make peace. 


They reach Yunho's home. 'He's still here'. Suddenly Yunho heart skips a beat.  He felt so nervous to meet him.  Will they fight again?  He opened the door and found no one. 'Where is he?'


"Yunho, where is he?"


Yunho take the stair to their bedroom. He knocked but no response so he opens it and saw Jaejoong sleeping soundly on their bed.  Suddenly he smiles at the sight unconsciously and Yoochun just grin at him.




"Nothing." hype Yoochun. He loves the scene in front of his eyes now.  They still care.


"Are we needs to stand here till he wakes up or what?"


"Neh..let him sleep.  He looks tired." answer Yunho.


'I told you, Yunho. You care about him.'


They both come down to the kitchen and Yunho shocked that his kitchen is squeaky clean.


"No wonder he seem tired." 


"Yunho, I'm hungry."




"I found kimchi chigae. Lets heat it up. I miss Jae's cooking."  Yoochun said excitedly.


"Yah you! He made it for me."


"So? I'm your guest, you should treat your hungry guest with food." Yoochun heat up the food ignoring Yunho complaining.


"You can have that cracker." Yunho pointed to the tin of cracker.


"Cracker? If that made by Jae, I would glad to eat it. Ok Yunho, it’s done" Yoochun take a bowl and serve it.


Both enjoyed the meal.


"Jae should be a chef. He wasted his talent. This is super delicious"


"Really? Or is it because you're just hungry?


Both of them jumped out of shocked when they heard Jaejoong voice.


"Jae you're awake. Come eat with us."


Yunho doesn't say a word. It's just his eyes follow Jaejoong movement.


Jaejoong takes a seat beside Yoochun and across Yunho. He feels nervous all over him but he needs to look composed and cold to show him that he still mad. 'Mad, but still cooks for him? Hmm... I'm really confused about my heart and my action. It's not sync with each other. Aishh..'


"Jae, I meant what I said. You should open a restaurant and I'll be your regular customer. Why you worked for Shim Corp?" said Yoochun while take another bowl. Jaejoong just chuckled at him.


With no one notice, Yunho smile too.


"Junsu is lucky to have you stay with him. He won't starve" continue Yoochun.


"He won't starve even if I'm not there either, Yoochun."


Yunho still keep his mouth shut. They just exchange glancing without a word. 


'Did they have telepathy ability now?' wondered Yoochun as he observes them.


"Ok. I'm done." said Yoochun leaving both of them. He needs to leave them so that they can reconcile. He goes to the living room watching TV.


Five minutes already passed since Yoochun left them and they still not say a word.


"Have you eats well?" Jaejoong tried to break the silence.


Yunho just shook his head.


Suddenly Jaejoong fells his blood boil with anger. "Wow! You really hate me did you? Not even want to talk me.  Fine!" Jaejoong stand up and rushed out from the house startled Yoochun who is watching tv. 


"Jae!" called Yoochun while running to him.


"Let me go! And why the hell are you the one who's running to me and not him?" yelled Jaejoong.


"Jae wait!" Yoochun grabbed at both of Jae's arm. "What's happened?"


"Nothing. He just really hates me as far as not even want to talk to me" said Jae while holding his tears from falling. 'No way I would waste my tears to him'. "Yoochun please, let me go." pledge Jaejoong.


"Come, I drive you to Junsu's house. I can't let you drive in this condition."


Jaejoong just silent all the way to Junsu house.


"Thanks, Chunnie"


"Get some rest Jae."


Yoochun drive back to see Yunho. He really mad at him.


Thanks to all my subs and all the comments *bow* ^^


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Chapter 44: Great end but I don't remember the plot that well. Gonna read it again
I think that after Jae' archery teacher appears, the story is blurred on my mind
Chapter 44: Ahh. Yoochun pisses me off a lot in this story
faithot5 #3
Chapter 44: so sweet.yunjae!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 44: Wwwwoooo omg finally...though its a it too fast but im glad yunjae together weehhe <3
Chapter 44: thanks for the update and complete this story... (^,^)v
mysterycodes #6
Chapter 44: I'm so glad that this story end up with happy ending. Thanks for complete this story although it was quite short.
Niniwan #7
Chapter 44: Im glad its a happy ending..but why its so in a rush?...i mean.... too easy?...whatever.. thank you so much for the good story ^_^
Chapter 43: Please update soon. I hope Jaejoong doesn't leave Yunho. Yunjae need to fix things between them.
Updatesoon :-D
mysterycodes #10
Chapter 43: Please don't let them argue again.