Civil Apology

Civil Apology


Standing in the hall, you stared at the door blankly, considering just barging in and throwing all diplomacy to the wind. ‘Civil, meeting,’  you reminded yourself and knocked.


Go away.” A male voice from inside the room grumbled.


Shrugging, you open the door yourself and glance around the room. It’s fairly neat upon first glance, but with further inspection you began to notice where things had been shoved. Loose papers lay strewn across the desk and clothing in the half-open dresser drawers revealed what had been carelessly thrown. Band and movie posters that scattered the white walls along with his own drawings were the only things that marked the room as his own. As for the occupant, he lay on the bed on his back, staring at the ceiling blankly with a bowl of blackberries near his hand. When the door had opened he’d sat bolt upright, surprised by your unwelcomed entrance.


Just looking at him made your resolve slip slightly. He wore a simple loose t-shirt and blue jeans, but they didn’t call him Busan’s Wonbin for nothing.


“Didn’t I tell you to stay out?” Daehyun muttered blandly, placing a berry between his lips, testing it’s ripeness gently. Squeezing too hard, the plump skin ruptured, the dark juice staining the singer’s lips. Quickly pulling the berry into his mouth, Daehyun noticed your unconscious stare and composed himself again, walking calmly over to stand in front of you. Leaning down so that his face was uncomfortably close to yours he stared back into your eyes. “Did I not make myself clear the first two times? You’re not welcome in here. What will the others think?”


Jerked from your revier you stumbled back a step, gaze hardening into a glare. “Do you think that I’d be in here if I had a choice in the matter? Besides, if the members think of anything along those lines, you only have yourself to blame.”


Straightening up, Daehyun chuckled as he turned his back to you, heading back to his bowl of berries. “Then to what do I owe the pleasure of your presence?” He asked, leaning back against the bedpost, motioning for you to speak.


After a few failed starts, you eventually sigh and shake your head, heading back for the door. “You know what, forget it.” Reaching out for the handle it was yanked from your hand and the door slammed shut. Confused, you tried rotating the handle a few times and when that proved useless you tried forcing the door open, dread sending ice through your chest .


You were trapped with Jung Daehyun in his bedroom.


“Kim Himchan! If you don’t open this door this very instant I will pour soy sauce in every cup of coffee you drink!” You shouted through the door, yanking on the handle violently.


“Stop.” Daehyun sighed, walking up behind you unnoticed and resting his hand on your wrist. His fingers were icy cold against your skin, instantly sending goosebumps shooting up your arm. The hair on the back of your neck prickled uneasily at his proximity and your felt your heartbeat speed up when he pressed his chest to your back in order to reach around you. “At that rate you’re going to break the door handle off.” He was close enough that you could feel his voice vibrate around in his chest slightly when he spoke.


Swatting his hand away you pushed him back and turned around to face him, crossing your arms over your chest. “At least then I’d have something to beat you with if you try to make a move on me.”


Chuckling and shaking his head again Daehyun headed back to his bowl of blackberries. “What is it with you and beating me?” He asked, popping another berry into his mouth.


Suddenly remembering why you’d came in here in the first place, you leaned back against the wall, closing your eyes as you thought about your options: apologize or ignore him. As though your mind had been waiting for this opportunity, immediately stream of reasons not to apologize came up. Fighting them down you dug back up you humanity and took a deep breath before opening your eyes again.


“Look, I came in here to say I’m sorry for hitting you earlier.” This made Daehyun glance up from selecting the ripest berry in shock. “Despite how much you deserved it, that was a bit excessive.”


“Oh, so you do have a humane side?” Eyebrows raised in surprize still, Daehyun set the bowl of berries back on his bed and shoved his hands into his pockets, berry juice off of his lips as he headed up to you. Again, your mind went momentarily blank.


“Don’t make me regret it.”


Smirking at you, Daehyun withdrew a hand and patted your head lightly. “Alright, alright. Though I do recall that you once promised to do me a favor if you ever apologized to me...”


Crap. That was exactly why you hadn’t wanted to do this, but you’d hoped that he’d forgotten. You should have known better.


However, your thoughts were interrupted when a pair of lips pressed against your own. Eyes flying open immediately, you saw Daehyun in front of your face, only a few centimeters away and staring intensely into you eyes. One hand brushed the side of your neck gently while the other pushed against the wall beside your head, trapping you.


“What the hell!” You hadn’t intended to speak loudly at all, yet the words came out nearly as a yell.


Panic flashing across his face, Daehyun leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours again to silence you. “Don’t yell.” He muttered against your lips, staring at you to make sure you’d obey. Seeing your eyes wide in shock again, you felt the corners of his mouth tilt upwards in amusement and his eyes fluttered closed as he pulled you closer.


The rapid thump of his heart when he pulled away brought you crashing back to reality. Without thinking you quickly stretched upwards and kissed him once on the lips. Pulling back shyly as you realized what you’d done, you looked at everything but Daehyun, eyes wandering from poster to poster on the walls.


Meanwhile, he continued to stare intensely into you eyes as his hands rested against either side of your neck, waiting for your wandering gaze to return home. Growing impatient as you refused to relent he moved his face an inch closer to yours, instantly making your eyes return to his. “You need to eat more at lunch.” He stated, and despite his sarcasm and smirk his tone was gentle. “You’re too skinny.”


The mood shattering with his words, he was back to being the Daehyun you know how to deal with. Narrowing your eyes at him you pushed him away from you. “I would if someone would stop taking my food.”


“If you would stop sitting beside other boys I wouldn’t have to take your food.” Grabbing his bowl of berries, he was back in front of you before you could try and run for the door again. Pinching a plump berry gently he pressed it against your lips. When you crossed your arms and refused to open your mouth he shrugged and let go of the berry, causing it to fall down the front of your shirt. He headed out without another word, the door easy swinging open for him.


Gasping at the coldness suddenly against your warm skin, you dug the berry out and threw it so violently into the trash that it exploded when it hit the bottom.


‘Jung Daehyun, you are impossible.’

AN: This is just a little thing I wanted to write before leaving for band contest today, so sorry if it's not as good as I usually write! ^^ I might go back through and edit it when I have more time.
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