chapter six

ferris wheel


“no-w?” you asked, he nodded, you decided just to gave him a peck, so you leaned in, just as your lips touched, and you were just to pull away taemin cupped your face not letting you go and responded to the kiss, you standing there motionless again.

‘come one _________ do something’ you scolded yourself, as a reply of your thought you kissed him back, you stayed like that for more then a minute until you broke away, leaving you both breathless,

“I like it.. you kissed back” taemin said a bit panting

“and also I like kissing you” he added, that made you cheeks go red, when both of you got your breath you just stared at each other… it was silent until taemin spoke up.

“can i?” he asked….. ‘what can I?’ you thought ‘kiss?’ you added…

Taemin leaned in as if he read your confused mind.. but he was interrupted when the door bell rang.

“i—I’ll go get it” taemin said and went to the door… you followed him inside but stayed in the dining table where you can see taemin..

“can I help you?” he asked as he opened the door, and glared at the person ‘maybe he’s mad because he got interrupted’ you thought and giggled

“your order sir” the delivery boy said handing taemin the cart

“oh…thanks.. here’s your tip” taemin said, reach for his wallet and gave the man a bill

“thank you sir” the delivery boy replied, as taemin closed the door

“nice timing food” taemin mumbled, which you heard, and laughed ‘cute.. he’s talking to the food’ you thought

“_______! Our lunch is here” taemin called

“I’m right here” you replied and popped your head out; taemin went to you and placed your food on the table.

You both ate quietly, not knowing on what to say after what you did awhile ago…. You could feel that taemin oyuld look at you and look away directly as you look back.

“so..?” he asked  ‘oh yeah…’ you thought ‘my reply’

“um… i-“ you got cut off when your phone rang

“i.. uh..  need to answer this, sorry” you said

“why do people like interrupting us” taemin complained as you got up and headed towards your bed


“hi dara.. what’s up?” you greeted

“ugh… nothing’s really up.. only the ceiling” dara joked

“hahaha.. nice one..” you replied, and saw taemin leaned against the wall leaving your meal

“hehehe… so _______”  she called in like a serious tone

“yeah..” you asked a bit nervous

“bom.. told me on what happened to you last Friday”

“oh….that” you said

“______ I think you’re lying” she replied which caused you to widened your eyes and caused taemin to go sit next to you

“what happened?” he whispered

“she knows that I am lying” you whispered back

“oh…. Well there’s nothing you can do but tell her the truth.. she’s a smart one” taemin whispered

“yeah.. I think so”

“hello?!!! ______________?!!!” dara shouted on the other line

“dara.. hehehe I’m here sorry about that” you replied to her

“so?” she asked

“I going to tell you tomorrow, be early so that no one can disturb us.” You instructed

“umm… ok.. so I’m right..?” she asked

“yes.. you’re right.. but please don’t tell bom, cl and minzy about this” you pleaded


“it’s because… they turned their back on me last year.. before I met you.. and I don’t trust them the way I do before” you explained

“oh.. I see.. don’t worry _________ my lips are sealed… I will cherish the trust you have given to me” dara assured

“thank you so much dara” you replied

“um… I need to go now.. can’t wait for your story tomorrow” you bid

“bye” you hang up.. sighed and faced taemin

“it’s ok for me to tell someone… I know you want to talk to someone about this I won’t mind” taemin said, and you just gave him a very big smile

“and oh.. Starting tomorrow I’ll be the one to pick you up in school” he added

“why?” you asked

“well.. I’m your fiancé and I want to see my fiancé everyday starting today” he confessed

“um.. ok sure” you replied blushing 

“how about let’s go for a stroll while waiting for the driver to arrive” taemin suggested

“ok” you replied.

“well.. it’s still 12 noon and the driver will pick us up on 3:00.. so we still have three our to have fun in this resort” taemin calculated looking at his watch.. while grab your hand and interlock it with his.

Both of you got out of your room and passed through the hallway, then to the lobby.. when you got there (the lobby) you quickly take your hands and you’ve you self a distance from each other when you saw a group of people that you know.


Who are they? Kekekeke comment your guess…

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