Episode 10

Fame, Love and Riot

Luhan's POV

-at Luhan's Dream Land-

"Oppa~~" she beamed

"Neh,my princess?" I asked

"Saranghae~~" she said and smiled, I smiled back

"Nado" I said, so I pulled her closer and lean in to kiss her... I closed my eyes to feel the moment inch by inch... I'm going to close this gap soon....

"Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!~~~~~~~~" I heard someone shouted

Le wokes up -- 

Who's that beach?!! Why yow interupting my kissing scene!!!! I climb out of my bed and storm out of my room... *ding dong* I pressed the doorbell...This girls!! They're pissing me off! I'm about to press the door bell again when someone opened the door...

"Jeongmal, Mianhaeyo~ Sorry Sorry~~" she said and bowed many times

"Please don't shou--" I was cut off my word when I saw her face... definitely!! She the girl! The girl on my dreams... le drools

"Excuse me?" she said and waved her hands in front of me

"Ah, Mianhae..." I said and ran back to our Unit... Kyaaaah~~ :'> Yeppeoda!! I can't believe I'm fanboying right now. OMIGAWD! How do I look? Waaah! So I ran to the nearest mirror... I'm dead... my bed hair and omigawwd! My morning breathe... definitely turn off... then I started hitting my head and repeatedly-mentally shouted PABO!!

"Yah, Hyung! Why are you hitting yourself?" Sehun asked

"I'm such a jerk to appear like this infront of a girl" I said

"Eh? Are you dating?!!" Sehun shouted

"SHH! Don't shout you little brat" I said and covered his mouth

"Yah, Luhan and Sehun stop flirting with each other and get ready! We have practice!!" Kris scolded

"Neh!" We shouted back

I should meet her again :'> but she seems familiar! I think I saw her... Oh yeaah! I forgot! She's the girl on my dreams... how? is it possible? are we meant to be? OMG I sound so gay... *face palm*


>>Fast Forward<<

Candy's POV

Today SM staffs let us hear our newest single named We are bit Different (=.=') Okay so they said that our cute image will vanish! ... Swag image will be born! Kyaaah! I'm not confident enough to be called swag (;_;) Le hopes the dance steps are easy!! So I can cope up with the other members, I don't want to be a burden to them. Let's talk about the songs first... So we have 5 tracks...lemme list it~~ 

1. We are bit different (Our Debut Song)









2. Get Up









3. Heaven (By me :3)









4. Gone not around any longer (Duet by Queenie and Yejin)








5. If you love me (Duet Yejin ft. One Exo member)








See? Ehehe~!! All the songs are cool!! Kyaah~ Why don't I have a duet? Hmppt! Lucky Yejin! She can a duet with EXO! I wanna have a duet with D.O~~ Yep, he's my bias in exo~ shh, be quiet~~ It's just between you and me, okay?

"Hey, Candy stop day dreaming~~ The choreographers will dance the song" Yejin whispered, I answered with an 'ok' sign 

Then the song started to play... 

[Play this :3 





Woaaaaaah~~ The dance steps... so many kyaaah!!! Help me ;v; I don't want to be a burden... lecries... 

"So girls, you better know the rhythm of the song then after lunch we'll record~~ and have a demo~" Manager said

"Neh~" we all answered... the ryhthm is catchy and I love it keke... one thing only bothers me is the dance step lol. When it comes to memorizing the beat Eugeen and Britanny always come to me and help them, and vice-versa I will come to Eugeen or Britanny when I have problem in the steps~ ^^

"How's the song?" I asked

"It's cool~~" They said

"I really wish we will be famous with this song~~" Yejin said

"We will ^^" Queenie cheered

"We just need to exert MORE effort and let's help each other ^^" Eugeen said

Time passes to fast and we need to record already... This is all our comfort zone so we didn't mess up so much ^^

"Okay, So on the chorus part I can here some sharp, you can clean that up next time" the mentor said pertaining to me

"On the raps, you need to put more swag in there feel it" she said

"No more no less" she ended

"Thank You" we said and bowed

"Woah, that was great" Manager said

"As always =.='" he added

"Yah, are we finish here?" we asked

"Yes, you can go~ But tomorrow we'll start with the choreography" Manager said and left us

"OMIGADD.. help mee" I mumbled

"Don't worry, I will" Eugeen said and wrap her arms on my shoulder, I nodded to agree...

So far so good~~ May all our efforts be paid ^^~~

"Let's have a jamming?? You want? Stress remover?" Yejin asked

"I want!" Queenie squealed

"Kajja! Let's go~!" she shouted... we went out the building and hop in the car... whenever we are stress we all jammed... where? well, we have this secret bistro where no one knows us ^^~~ And we all sing there and sometimes get paid kekeke~~ Finally we arrived :3 Jamming on!! 

[Candy's on Piano, On beat box is Eugeen, on the other box is Yejin, with the guitar is Queenie, and the other instrument is Britanny ^^~ Let's say XD Dunno what the name of the instruments XDD]

[Play this: 





To be continued... 


A/N: Let's just say that those songs I put was I.O.N's original XD... I hope the list where fine though ~~ ^^ Subscribe, UPVOTE and COMMENT! Kyaaaaaaaah! <3 2 updates in a day~ love me :3







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Chapter 19: Kyahhh..!! Although I prefer Lay to be with eugeen.. Hahaha coz he is my Bias.. :P but Kai and Eugeen is cute too.. Hahaha.. Update soonn :D
Chapter 16: Author-nim, I do read your story, it's really cute acctually.. :) please continue to update, ne?.. :)
Chapter 16: Update soon author-nim!! :) I read your story every time you update so don't worry :)
Lizzy_501 #4
Chapter 15: jun jun junnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. kay i got nothin. QUEENIE AND LUHAN AND YEJIN AND KRIS. OMG so~ fluffy! our babies /.\
Chapter 14: nicey update
Lizzy_501 #6
Chapter 14: kris and suho are just being mean D< and cute chanyeol is cute!!!!!! More Sehun and Brittany!
ForeverSM #7
Chapter 13: I wonder which I.O.N. would end up with which exo member
Lizzy_501 #8
Chapter 13: I'm in love with the love exo is feeling for I.O.N orz whatamisayin. Curious to know who yejin's partner is~~~~~
Chapter 13: Oww.. My Lulu.. Hahaha.. He's soo CUTE.. :)
ForeverSM #10
Chapter 12: Go Luhan!!