Not Soon Enough


“We need to get you to the hospital.”


“Keep driving.”




“Kai! P-please... Just keep driving.”


Kyungsoo pressed his forehead to the cold glass clutching his side tightly trying to get the bleeding to stop. His breath fogged the widow not that it mattered. He had his eyes closed and was more focused on his breathing, which seemed to be getting more and more difficult to do as the minutes passed. It did hurt and he could’ve made an attempt to go the hospital, but it was already too late.


They both knew it the only difference was that Kai didn’t want to accept it.


And even if they had made it in time and Kyungsoo’s life had been prolonged it wouldn’t have changed anything. They still wouldn’t be together. Not the way they wanted to be.


So instead Kai did as he was told and drove. They drove past the city into the darkness to a place only they knew.


Kai didn’t get it.
It was his fault the only person he had ever come to love was like this.
He was the reason Kyungsoo was dying and yet the elder seemed as if nothing was wrong.
As if
Kai hadn’t called him in the middle of the night to that warehouse.
As if
Kai wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger.
Kai just didn’t get it.


They pulled off the road and he helped Kyungsoo out. He took him into the woods past a wall of trees into a small meadow opening. They often met out there in secret when they could.


“Stop… trying s-so— hard,” Kyungsoo spoke quietly as they sat on woodchipped ground looking up at the star filled sky. He felt Kai’s hand on his side applying pressure best he could as if it would help. He smiled at the gesture.


“You’re going to be okay.”


“It’s not your fault, Kai… Jongin.” Kyungsoo looked up at him with pained eyes. Kai felt his chest swell.


It wasn’t Kai’s fault.
He didn’t ask to be good at killing people.
He didn’t ask to be part of Korea’s most notorious mafia.
He didn’t ask to meet Kyungsoo.
And he sure as hell didn’t ask to fall in love with him.


Kai had hope.
That maybe when this was all over— the war of fighting over territory and power that they might’ve had a chance together.
A chance to live a normal life.
A chance to go back to college and become a writer like he always wanted to be.
A chance to come home to smiling Kyungsoo.


He could hear the other’s breaths become shorter and harsher.


“Kiss me.” Kyungsoo whimpered, touching Kai’s jaw line with bloody fingers. He barely had enough energy to lift his hand. Dry plush lips pressed roughly together. Even the kiss hurt, but to Kyungsoo it was the sweetest thing he would ever experience.


“I love you… always remember that.”


“This wasn’t supposed to happen.” It was getting harder to breathe himself.


“I love you… ” Kyungsoo repeated.


Kai believed him.

Maybe it was the way Kyungsoo laughed at the lamest things or maybe it was the way he walked. Maybe it was how he did things, but in the few months they had been allowed to work together Kai was feeling things he promised himself to never feel.
He got nervous when Kyungsoo got too close.
He got angry when anyone touched Kyungsoo.
He melted when Kyungsoo would say his name. His real name.
What was supposed to be a onetime thing developed into something that was done on a regular basis.
A bed wasn’t needed although that was their favorite spot to do it in.  
At times if not always he caught himself wondering what Kyungsoo was doing when they weren’t together.


“I’m sorry.” Kyungsoo broke his train of thought.


Kai shook his head and gripped the other’s cold hand. So like Kyungsoo. He was the one with the bullet inside him. He was the one dying and yet he was the one apologizing.


“I’m so sorry, Jongin.” He repeated choking back tears.




“I—“ Kyungsoo's cold body went limp and Jongin swore there was a small smiled on his lips. “I’ll… s-see you.. soon..”


No sooner had he exhaled his last breath, Kai heard a faint click and felt a hard object pressed to the side of his head.


“Not soon enough, hyung.” Kai whispered. He found himself grinning and clinging to the dead body just a bit tighter.


It wasn’t like Kai to not be aware of his surroundings. If he hadn’t been so caught up with Kyungsoo he might’ve noticed the other car that was parked not too far away.
He might’ve heard someone walking up behind him.
He might’ve even had time to reach for his gun.

Kyungsoo was supposed to be nothing more than a delivery boy, but it’s funny what happens when you drop your guard. Love must really be blind.


Chanyeol  took a deep breath and pulled the trigger.


Malkom’s Note
Yeah… this was pretty random LOL
Hope you guys like plot twists.


So just for those that didn’t get it. Kyungsoo and Jongin were on rival mafias. Jongin was your typical hit man and Kyungsoo was a messenger who was “undercover” to get information. So they had the whole sneaking around slash forbidden love going on, until one night Kyungsoo is discovered and is sent to deliver something and Jongin is ordered to shoot him. So then they drive away, but Kyungsoo had let someone know from his side that Jongin would be there. Thus enter Chanyeol!!
cuz I have this sick obsession with ChanSoo for some reason ;; ♥
Dun judge me, guise OAO 


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leeraeah #1
Chapter 1: This was AWESOOOMMEEEEE!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: Ugh your plot twists are killing me!
Chapter 1: Wow that was really good and the plot twist! Omgg
Chapter 1: lesknflknzdlklksgj damn it you're so good.
Chapter 1: That...was...AWESOME OAO
watwotwut #7
Chapter 1: so did kyungsoo really love kai??
I'm scared <:C
wow..... i am scared :|..... *looking around*