— unknown pieces

Free From Oil
unknown pieces
"The things I find out are weird as socks with sandals."
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I did not dare to come back to that party until 9 o'clock. I just ate at the local Carl's Jr. and chilled at a park for one hour. No biggy. However, when I came back, the place was a mess. More stuff had broken including the strings of my brother's guitar. All I could say to this is, "Gyurim, you're paying for all of this."
I doubt she heard it in her sleep. She was assolutely knocked out on the couch, but being the kind cousin I am, I kept her warm by putting a blanket over her exposed body. 
My brother wasn't here at the house at the moment. Yet again, he never really is. Jaeho's one to never stay at home because of his relationship with our parents. My mother never gave him a key so he has to knock on the door to come in. The only time he's here is when they aren't here. He doesn't know I was left behind, though.
Oh yeah, that's because I haven't told him. My mistake.
Nonchalantly, I took out my phone and called him. It was almost immediate that he answered. His voice was somewhat annoyed, since it was night and I'm calling him; his accent faded away as he hung out with ghetto people, and he never went to London.
"Nice greeting, big bro."
"Oh come on, be nice to me."
"FINE. I forgot to tell you..... but mum and dad left last week to London and left me here at the house."
"I FORGOT. Well, you have a week to stay here, unless you can finally tolerate them."
"Impossible. I'm coming over right now."
"What? What? Why now? You can come tomorrow." There was stalling in my voice. Never will I let him see this mess. 
He hung up. Great. I should roll Gyurim into a river.
I don't know how it happened, but I was on hardcore cleaning mode. The living room was easy to tidy up. Kitchen was left flawless due to Gyurim's understanding of my mother's love for it. The bathroom reeked of vomit. Now that I realize it, the house wasn't really a mess. The thing was, it stank so bad. I grabbed a bottle of febreeze and shrugged. "Might as well finish it all." 
I practically free ran around the house while spraying the fragrance. I was so tempted to pray a bunch of it at Gyurim's face, but I'm fortunately not that cruel. Plus, her face was just too cute when sleeping.
A few minutes later, the doorbell rang and as I predicted, it was Jaeho.
"I'm hungry."
"Nice greeting again, bro."
"Why thank you." He rolled his eyes.
I saw him walk to the kitchen and open the fridge, like he always does when he gets home. The snoring Gyurim didn't seem to matter to him. I didn't even think about him wondering why Gyurim was knocked out on the couch with lipstick. How sarcastically stupid of me.
I went up to my bedroom, wanting to go to sleep after seeing how peaceful she was. My brother's voice exploded and I stiffened up in my tracks up the stairs.
What? Vodka? My face turned sour in confusion. Why the heck was there vodka in the fridge? Did Gyurim save some for herself? I thought about it while going to my brother with the same perplexed face. Oh yeah, drunk face saved it for me.
"It wasn't me." I put my hands up like he was the police and I was the criminal. "Gyurim held the party while I went out cause I didn't want anything to do with it. I came back to check and this dude said he would save some for me, which I totally didn't agree with. But he was drunk, you know, I couldn't do anything." I talked so fast with wide eyes of defense that I wasn't sure he understood me.
Jaeho squinted his eyes at e but then returned to normal like he just realized something big "Drunk, you say? Save a drink?" He interrogated me.
"Yea, yea."
"Did he call you little miss?"
"Wait, you know him? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS." I started to freak out. Never will I ever want any more business whatsoever with this drunk face.
"This is why you don't know my friends. Kim Himchan is his name. He goes to the same school as us. He's practically my closest friend." He paused, "And uh, his house is where I go when I'm not here. He told me that he was going to a party and asked if I wanted to go, but I refused because that guy is crazy when he's drunk. You've obviously seen the evidence."
"Closest friend and same school, huh. How come I've never heard of him?" Now it was my turn to interrogate him.
"I tried my best to keep him away from you. That's why I avoid you at school." He frowned, "Stay away from him still. Himchan's a lusty dude who looks at girls, specially ones he knows he has connection to. You're my sister, I'm his friend, solve the puzzle."
"Okay, I'll avoid him." I sighed, tired of this nonsense of my brother's friend.
"Good night." I said, and he wished me swell dreams.
this chapter went nowhere. I guess it's an intro to jaeho and his chemistry with himchan. hopefully, more will come in the next chapter.
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✯ — ❛okay i know i said that i don't write for people but i at least wanna know what you guys think


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I thought you already leave. Oh well i love the whole chapter himchan charcter suits him. Update more and god bless
universal #2
Chapter 2: oMFG AWESOME
gyeogi #3
Chapter 2: dnsnwisjkajajsk.
perfection. ; u ;
Chapter 1: Seriously. When i comment i don't know what to say but-
Chapter 1: I love love love your layout! ^^ The story's nice so far. The girl cracks me up with her sharp remarks. Can't wait for more. :D
glowbug #6