Chapter 2


“Chanyeol, do you think that creep is one of them?” Kai asked, anxiety creeping into his words as he peered over the metal frame on the roof of the mall. Chanyeol scowled through his right over the eyes bangs. “Why do you think that fool is one of them? He just looks like a homeless ert.” Chanyeol gestured to the baggy pants and holey t-shirt the man was wearing. Any normal person wouldn’t be able to see this far into the mall from outside, but they weren’t regular humans. Another indication of this was, hello, they were on a roof. “Well he looks creepy.” Kai mumbled. “Agreed.” Suho stated. Chanyeol chuckled and sank his hands into the pockets of his jeans. Kai shifted his weight and slid his hands nervously down his thighs, as if wiping off sweat. But Kai’s species didn’t sweat. Movement caught Suho’s eye, and he nudged Kai. Kai moved to get a better look. “I don’t see anything!” He said with indignation. “Look closer!” Suho said nervously. Kai squinted and his eyes zoomed in, almost like a telescope or a camera lens. But his eyesight was better than a hawks. The homeless ert was pulling something out of his grungy pocket. No, that wasn’t something. That something had a sharp blade. “He’s got a knife!” Suho wailed, already losing his cool. “Time to intervene.” Kai said, standing up, but Chanyeol grabbed his arm. “No! He might not even be doing anything!” he said with a grin. Kai growled and yanked his wrist from Chanyeol’s grasp. “What do you think he’s doing with a knife in a mall? Asking for more hot sauce?” If Chanyeol thought he was calling the shots, he was dead wrong. What made him think he was in charge, anyway? Just because he’d been on more missions and was the oldest of the three? So what. Experience didn’t make a capable leader.The best leaders were those who put the welfare of their soldiers above their own. Anyone who knew Chanyeol knew he only looked out for himself. Beside him, Kai felt Suho’s apprehension rise. For a quick moment, he closed off the noisy world and quieted his own soul, tuning into Suho’s heart rate. Kai’s gaze narrowed slightly as he listened to the kid’s breathing pattern. Inahle. Exhale. All in check. Just first time jitters. Assured that Suho was okay and ready for the fight, Kai returned his gaze to the pretty girl unknowingly the subject of attack. Her name echoed in his head; Caroline Hunter. He’d known her name instantly. They all had. “Let’s go,” Kai said, touching Suho’s shoulder. Suho stood, along with Chayeol. Without a word Kai teleported into a group of people inside the mall, walking towards the man with the knife. He followed the man’s gaze. It was directed right at Caroline. One talent of Kai’s was that if he touched someone while teleporting, they would go with him. But for now he had to watch this play out. As much as he didn’t want to admit it Chanyeol could be right. Or the man’s target could be someone else. If it was, he wasn’t allowed to save the victim. It wasn’t God’s plan, per say. But what were the odds? He had stared her down back at that McDonalds, hadn’t he? Kai was right, anyways, and all three saw it before it even happened. The slight movement in the man’s hand towards Caroline, as if he was aiming preliminarily. He lifted the knife towards Caroline. But Kai was finished before it had even started. “Don’t you dare.” Chanyeol growled, already aware of Kai’s plan. But it was too late. Kai flash-stepped in front of the man, and poked his grungy shoulder with his pristine heavenly index finger. In seconds, both had teleported to a spot unknown to Suho and Chanyeol. As much as Kai hated breaking the rules, he had to, this time. He felt a special connection to the girl. Deep in the woods, Kai shoved the man to the ground, hard. The man was freaking out. “What the?” He screamed, whipping his head around.“What were you doing?” Kai swung out his arm to grab the man’s collar, lifting him in the air. “What? I-“ The man said, but an evil presence settled over his face, and he grinned sadistically. “Why hello there,” he chuckled. “I didn’t know they were so low on men that they started to send toddlers down to do their dirty work!” Kai growled and shook the man. Fear rose in his eyes but he smiled. “Why were you going to stab her?” Kai screamed in his face. “Oh, Caroline you mean? She’s beautiful isn’t she?” Kai shook with anger. Fear flashed in the man’s eyes once again, but this time, he didn’t hide it. “Who are you?” he yelled in a completely different voice. “What are you doing? Let me go!” Kai measured his breathing. This man was being possessed. As much as he would like to snap his neck, he couldn’t. It was again, against one of the many, many rules. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t be rough. He dropped the man and he landed on his back, the wind knocked out of him. Kai bent down with inhuman flexibility and stared the man down. “I will find out what you are doing.” He whispered, anger radiating from his breath. He looked into the sky. Taking a breath, he spoke. “In the name of the father, I command you, demon, come out of him!” With that the man let out a horrible wail that turned into and evil scream. The grass around him wilted and turned black. And just as quickly as it had started, it was over. Kai reached into the man’s pocket, and took the knife, throwing it into the woods. He touched the man again, and teleported him into the parking lot, where he lay until hours later, when he woke up and walked away with only a gap from his memory. Chanyeol and Suho teleported to where Kai stood in the parking lot. “What were you doing?” Chanyeol barked angrily. “He was possessed. I merely banished the demon and brought him back.” Kai said tiredly. “Let’s just go back to the roof. But no more teleporting, I’m exhausted.” That’s what using his powers did. Sometimes Kai slept off his fatigue for days, even weeks once.“Fine.” Chanyeol seethed, then, stretching his back, did something that would land any person in a mental hospital. The good thing was that no one could see it anyways. Chanyeol, Kai, and Suho stretched out their wing, that’s right, wings, and flew to the top of the mall roof again. They were angels after all. Angels sent on a mission. To protect Caroline Hunter.     




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