Chapter 1


“Uhh guys!” Caroline wailed humorously, clutching her abdomen and wiggling in her seat in the old, beat up suburban that her mom called Betsy. Her mom’s name just also happened to be Betsy so Caroline wondered if that’s how the name came to be. Caroline’s friends turned in their seats and stared, not quite getting the joke just yet. “What’s wrong with you?” Hayley half- concerned, half playfully asked. “I gotta pee! I’m gonna pee my pants!” Caroline wailed again, this time a little less jokingly. Scarlet rolled her big blue eyes at Caroline, staring at the reflection in the rear-view mirror from her position in the driver’s seat. “Caroline.” Scarlet said impatiently. “This is our first time going somewhere in the car without our parents. Can you please not mess this up?” “Come on Scarlet, lighten up!” Erin said, turning 180 degrees to face Caroline in the uncomfortable car. “Do you seriously have to go that badly? Should we stop?” Caroline nodded anxiously, biting her lower lip and slowly laying down sideways across all three seats. “Argh!” Scarlet growled. “Seriously Caroline!? This is an hour drive. You couldn’t even hold it for an hour?!” “Come on Scarlet.” Caroline spoke through gritted teeth. “Stop being so uptight. This is suppost to be a fun trip to the mall. So what if I have to pee? You know me. I have an iron bladder! This is the only time this has happened to me! Something like this is as likely as the apocalypse!” Hayley and Erin grinned at their friend’s joking. “Whatever.” Scarlet said, pulling the hunk of junk onto the nearest off ramp. It was true. Caroline insisted that holding in your pee was supposed to give your bladder resistance, so after a period of time you could hold it for hours, days if necessary. She was just like that.This trip to the mall was the girls first trip, as Scarlet had said. The first time their mom had ever trusted them to go out with the car alone, not to mention with a friend. Caroline, Scarlet, and Hayley were all sisters. Erin one of their best friends. When they all heard that a Forever 21 was opening an hour away from them, there were no questions. They had to go. So what if their trip was delayed a few minutes? “Oh my god guys it feels like I’m giving birth or something!” Caroline wailed. Hayley shot a concerned look at Erin, who rose her perfect eyebrows in a “I don’t know what her problem is!” kind of way. Scarlett took what seemed like hours, maybe on purpose? To pull into a McDonalds not far from the exit. As soon as the car stopped Caroline ran inside with super speed and agility, Hayley and Erin cracking up behind her. Even Scarlet cracked a smile. Although every girl was 17, they all acted like they were 12 sometimes. When they made it inside Caroline had already occupied the one bathroom. “I guess I’ll go while were here,” Hayley said, and Erin agreed. Scarlet turned, cathing a guy who was awkwardly staring at them. And no wonder why. All four girls were stunning. Caroline had medium length blonde hair with pink ends. She had blue eyes, along with her sisters, and was medium height, 5’4 to be exact, just a few inches taller than Scarlet and Hayley. There was one thing she was lacking, however. s. ases. Whatever you call them, she didn’t have them. And neither did her sisters. Hayley had short blond hair while Scarlet’s flowed to the top of her waist. Erin had long brown hair, with beautiful brown eyes that could shoot daggers if necessary, which was occurring right now. Like a scolded puppy, the lone boy scooted away, but was happy with what he saw while he saw it. Any guy would be.Caroline stepped out of the bathroom, waving her hand in front of her face, grinning. “You guys do NOT want to go in there!” She laughed. “I took an unexpected dump as well! Very unexpected!” A woman standing behind the girls slinked away quietly, and Erin said “I think I can hold it. “  Hayley spoke. “Well I can’t!” And ran into the bathroom, pushing Caroline out of the way and slamming the door behind her. “I’m getting back into the car. Hurry up.” Scarlet said, turning. “Coming too!” Erin trilled and walked after Scarlet comically, pretending to be on a catwalk. “I’ll wait for Hayley.” Caroline called after the girls, leaning against the wall in front of the bathroom. Just then the door to the men’s restroom opened. Caroline instinctively looked to see whomever left. A man in his forties left walked out, classic serial killer look. Caroline shuddered inwardly but stared him down. He looked in her eyes for an unusual amount of time, walked away, then looked back at her. When he was finally gone Caroline let out pent up air. “Boy was he creepy!” Caroline thought. She had never felt that kind of way before, like the man’s presence was radiating evil. It was pretty weird, not to mention scary. Usually, she would shrug it off, but even as they left McDonalds and arrived at the mall, Caroline just could not shake the memory of the man’s look he gave her. She even remembered the clothes he was wearing. “Some people just look creepy.” Caroline reasoned with herself. “It’s probably nothing. Just forget about it.” And after a while, she did. Forty bucks and an auntie annes pretzel later, though, she thought of him again. But that was only because she caught him staring at her in the food court.




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