Almost disasters

An Exotic Terrain


You weren’t sure how you ended up in this situation. After the conversation you had with D.O. not too long ago, you weren’t sure whose bad luck made things like this and in all honesty, you were kinda slightly ting yourself.

You looked up to where a grumpy Kai was walking four metres in front of you, leading you to the weapons hut. D.O. had some important warrior business to attend to and apparently so did the other members of EXO-K. The only one who was free to take you was Kai. D.O. didn’t seem too happy about leaving you with Kai, but there was no other choice and he sent you off with a reassuring smile. You sighed.

Me and my bad luck. Or is it his bad luck? Ugh.

You kept your eyes on the terrain below you, taking extra care of where you placed your feet so as not to trip or slip on anything. You trudged behind Kai at what you thought was a ‘safe’ distance. You almost felt bad for doing so, but you weren’t entirely sure whether these rumours about him were true and you really didn’t want to take any chances. After all, you did almost fall into a bonfire last night right after that small argument with him.  If that wasn’t bad luck, you didn’t know what was.

You looked up at him to make sure the distance between you and him hadn’t grown too large as you didn’t want to lose track of him. Your eyes trailed down Kai’s back, the sun highlighting the contours of his shoulder blades, his spine, the little dimples he had on his lower back right above his flap/loin cloth. Your eyes started to travel lower down before you realized you were checking Kai out. You mentally scolded yourself.

Bad eyes! Bad! Don’t you dare check out that jerk ever again…even if he does have the iest tanned back you’ve ever—

You slapped yourself in the face before your brain finished that sentence. Wanting to change your erted train of thought, you looked around you and your eyes fell on a bush with small red berries on them. They looked like the same berries that the black haired boy from EXO-M gave you the other morning.

You stopped quickly and picked a few berries, excited to taste its sweetness again. You held one of the small berries between your fingers and rubbed it on your dress to try and clean it as best as you could. When you were satisfied with the sheen that came from the polished fruit, you put it between your teeth but before you could bite down on it, a hand swiftly grabbed your wrist and pulled your hand along with the berry, away from your mouth. He smacked your other hand that was cupping more berries, sending them all to the ground. He looked down at you with a scowl.

“Do you have a death wish or are you just stupid?” You snatched your hand away from his and returned the scowl.

“There you go calling me stupid again! Didn’t I tell you to stop doing that?!” You put your hands on your hips in attempt to intimidate the tanned boy. It didn’t work.

“Well maybe if you stopped doing stupid things, I’d stop calling you stupid.”

"I wasn't doing anything stupid! I—"

"Those are poisonous." Kai rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms. You furrowed your eyebrows.

"They can't be...I've eaten them before." You looked the plant up and down and the berries did look the same as what you had eaten. Kai let out an exasperated sigh.

"These berries look very similar to the ones that are edible. The ones you can eat have round leaves." He pointed to the plant in front of you. "These ones have spiky leaves and thorns. These will make you sick and if consumed enough, can potentially kill you."

Your eyes widened and you mouthed a small 'oh'. Feeling a little embarrassed you looked around you as you tried to avoid eye contact with Kai. Kai saw your embarrassment and immediately felt bad for calling you stupid because it really wasn't your fault that you mistook the two. You weren't from around here after all. He let out another sigh and walked around you to a small tree. He climbed it with ease and soon jumped down with two round fruit. One was green and the other light blue. They both looked a bit like oddly coloured nectarines. He threw the light blue one at your chest and you caught it clumsily.

"These are safe to eat." Kai took a bite of the green one he kept for himself and continued to walk towards the weapon shack.

You followed behind him slowly as you examined the fruit in your hands. You'd never seen a blue nectarine before and you thought that this looked more poisonous than the small red ones that Kai knocked out of your hands. You brought it up to your nose and took a deep sniff. It smelt very sweet and made your mouth water but you were still a bit unsure.

Kai turned his head around to make sure you were still following him and saw you eying the fruit suspiciously. He sighed, slightly hurt that you didn't take his word straight away. He knew that if it was any of the other EXO-K warriors, you wouldn’t question them at all. He couldn't help but wonder if anyone had told you anything about the rumours revolving him.

"You don't have to eat it if you don't want to." Kai turned back to the front. "I understand if you don't trust me."

You knew Kai didn't like you but you also knew that he would never put his tribes precious 'angel' in danger. So you decided to trust him this once and took a bite of the blue nectarine. It let out a small crunching sound which told Kai that you had finally given in and tried the fruit. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly upwards. Kind of. Sort of. Almost. But you didn't see it because he still had his back towards you. Even if he hadn’t, you were enjoying the fruit too much to notice anything right now.



You finally came to a small broken down shed. The wood was rotting, the door only barely covered the entrance and the roof looked like it needed a new layer of palm leaves. Kai didn't say a word to you—he just walked in leaving you standing outside, watching warily as the unstable looking hut slightly swayed in the breeze.

"Are you coming in or not?" Kai yelled from inside the hut after he realized you hadn’t followed him. You took a few deep breaths and hoped that this thing would stay standing for as long as you were in there.

Entering the weapon shed you saw many tables and shelves with different tools and weapons on them. The wall on the far left was covered with different sized knives and daggers, all with their own unique shape. On another wall there were swords and bo staffs of different kinds

You felt very on edge in a small broken down hut filled with dangerous weapons, with a boy known for killing people with his bad luck curse.

"I'm gonna try find you a belt that's small enough to fit around you without falling down." Kai said while rustling through a few boxes. "In the meantime, look around and pick a weapon that you think you can handle."

You looked from table to wall to more tables and honestly couldn't see anything that you thought you could wield. They all looked too big and scary to you. You walked up to one table and saw a strange looking contraption. It looked like it could be a bow and arrow, but it had all these weird add-ons and bits coming out of it.

You picked it up and held it up to your face to have a closer look at all the widgets. It was very well designed for something made of bamboo and vines.

Kai appeared in front of you out of nowhere and grabbed the automatic bow from your hands. You didn't even hear him come up to you so you jumped a little at his presence.

"Far out. You're doing these things on purpose aren't you?" He asked, voice slightly shaking with anger. You let out an agitated sigh as you shrugged your shoulders.

"Oh c'mon, what did I do wrong now?" Kai's piercing eyes never left you as he lifted the weapon with his right hand, pointing it towards the wall like a gun. He pulled the trigger and an arrow went hurling out the end so fast that you barely blinked and it was already lodged in the wall. You chewed on your lip as you realized that was the end that you were pointing towards your face.

"Oh." Your face grew slightly pale at the thought of what could've happened if you had pulled the trigger while still holding it. Kai sighed again for what seemed like the hundredth time today.

"You really are stupid." He said in his gruff voice but before you could yell at him again for calling you stupid, he shoved a slingshot in your hand.


"What is this?"

Kai had to resist the urge to call you stupid again.

"It's a slingshot." He bent down to the floor and picked up a rock.

"No, I know that, I'm not stupid." Kai's lip slightly curled up with amusement at the fact that you seemed to know what he was thinking. "I just thought you were going to give me a weapon, not a toy."

Kai handed you the rock in his hand, walked up to the wall and tapped on a plank of wood. 

"Aim here."

You shot a miffed glare at him, gripping the slingshot tightly in your hand. 

"Are you freaking kidding me? D.O. told you to give me a weapon so I can defend myself. Not treat me like a child and give me some toy that even a five year old could use.”

Kai smirked and crossed his arms.

"Oh okay smart mouth. If it’s so easy, hit that plank and I will level you up to a real weapon."

You sneered at him and positioned the rock in your slingshot. You’d never actually used one of these before, but you’ve seen kids playing with them back when you were in grade school and they seemed to be able to aim at your head pretty well. So you didn’t think it could be too hard.

Pulling the slingshot back and releasing it, the rock flew forward towards the wall but didn’t quite make it all the way. It landed just in front of the wall, not even touching it. You and Kai stared at the rock on the floor amazed that  you so much that it didn’t even make it to the wall.

Kai on his bottom lip, biting down slightly to hold in his muffled laughter as he tried to keep a straight face. He cleared his throat.

“Well then—“

“—NO! Don’t you dare say a word!” You exploded, sending the most threatening glare you could muster while pointing a finger at him to shut him up. Kai swallowed and you saw his lips being forced downwards in attempt to not let his contained laughter out.

Your eye twitched as you grabbed another rock and fired it much harder than the first time. This time you hit the wall, but nowhere near where you were aiming for.

Air escaped Kai’s lips and he broke out into a smile, silent chuckles escaping his mouth. By this moment you had steam coming out your ears as your cheeks filled up with blood, causing distinct redness. Angry at yourself you picked up a larger rock but instead of using your slingshot, you just chucked it with all your frustration and strength at the wall, not caring to even try and aim.

You soon regretted not aiming though as the rock you threw hit one of the top shelves that held up heavy large wooden boxes filled with tools. The rickety shelf went tumbling down towards you. You squeezed your eyes shut tightly knowing that with your ty reflexes, you’d never get out of the way in time.

You fell down to the ground with a small thud. A cloud of dirt and dust surrounded you causing you to cough violently. You lay there and waited for the pain to hit you.

But if didn’t.

You slowly peeled open your eyes and bumped noses with Kai who was barely an inch above you, his hands and knees on either side of you. You blushed many shades of red as you tried to push him off of you.

“Y-yah!” You yelled, pounding on his shoulders when he didn’t move. “Get off of—“

You froze when you saw the pained look Kai had on his face and you finally hit the realization of what happened. Kai had taken the blow for you. You looked around you as you saw the broken shelf and tools scattered everywhere.

Kai slowly moved so he wasn’t on top of you anymore, his back remaining hunched as he crouched on the floor. He kept his head hanging down so you couldn’t see the strain in his face.

“K-Kai…oh my gosh…are you okay?” You got up from the ground and squatted in front of him, resting a hand lightly on his shoulder. You moved around to look at his back and saw that the skin had been broken and was bleeding, a large bruise was already forming under it. “I-I’m so sorry! I’m so clumsy, this is all my fault…can you stand? We need to get you to D.O. right awa—“

But before you could say anymore, Kai had stood up straight, his face cold and serious. The chuckling boy that was making fun of you before was gone now, replaced with one that was trying to hide the fact that he was in a lot of pain. He threw a belt and a small dagger in front of where you were still squatting. When he spoke again, his voice was so low you had to strain to hear him.

“Use the dagger if you need to defend yourself. We’d all prefer you to use a range weapon like a bow and arrow, but obviously you have the aim of a drowsy two year old.” He turned his back to you and you got another look at his wound. It was starting to swell. “If you almost kill us with a sling shot, who knows what you’d do with a bow and arrow.”  

“Kai you should really get that looked at as soon as possible before it—“ Kai ignored you and continued talking, agitating you. Here you were being concerned for him and he was just brushing you off.

“I’ll let you keep that slingshot though. Practice. If you get less y, then we’ll see about training you with a bow.”

And with that last statement, Kai stalked off.

You picked up the belt, dagger and slingshot and ran after him. Not because you were concerned anymore for the jerk. If he didn’t want to acknowledge your concern before, then he doesn’t deserve it now. You ran after him because you didn’t know the way back to the village and the boy was walking away at quite the speed.

While practically jogging after your least favourite EXO-K warrior, you wrapped your belt around your hip and strapped the dagger and slingshot in the two small weapon holder straps. You swore to yourself that you would practice with your slingshot until your aim was perfect so you could prove to Kai that you weren’t completely useless. Not only that but you also didn’t like the idea of close combat with your dagger. If you had to fight anything, you would much prefer to attack from afar.



The trip back to the village was long and awkward. Neither of you said anything to each other. Kai walked quite a few metres more in front of you and honestly you were glad he did. Today’s incidents made you believe what D.O. said were true. You almost ate poisonous berries. You almost shot yourself in the face with an automatic bow and arrow. And you almost got pancaked by an old shelf and its wooden box friends.

Kai was bad luck. And as bad as you felt about this, you wanted to stay away from him as much as you could. You were already pretty clumsy. You didn’t need the extra bad luck to be constantly almost killing you.

When you finally got to the village, Kai disappeared without a sight. You didn’t even see him leave. He just…disappeared.

Man that jerk is so fast, it’s almost like he can teleport.

You started to walk back to your teepee when you suddenly felt an all too familiar feeling in your lower stomach… You needed to pee. And other things.

What are the chances they have a fully flushable toilet around here?

Fear suddenly hit you as you thought about alternative excretion methods.

Oh no. I am not ting in a hole. That is not happening.





A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! For those who are waiting for EXO-M to come into the story, wait just a little bit longer! They shall make their appearances very soon!! ;)

Thank you for reading and subscribing! Don’t forget to comment, even if it’s just a small one to let me know you’re still reading :) Saranghae~! <3

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My elderly father has been in very bad health so I haven't had time to update as I am his only carer. I'm so sorry for the hiatus :(


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Chapter 18: Its been so long..i had to reread it from the begining..enjoyed it just like the first one nonetheless..will be waiting for the next chapter
Alosya #2
Chapter 18: Omg please update soon its been so long
Chapter 18: REJOICE!
pendidikansivik #4
Chapter 1: HEUNGGGG UR FINALLY BACK!!!! THANK U SO MUCH FOR NOT GIVING UP ON THIS MASTERPIECE *me running around the house screaming*
Chapter 18: wow I really love this story welcome back
MeganeAlpaca #6