A warm lesson

An Exotic Terrain

You ran forward through the trees, dodging branches and bushes. Your eyes darting from side to side as if searching for something. You weren’t entirely sure what or who it was you were searching for, all you know is that something felt wrong. Something bad was going to happen—or was happening. Or had happened. Again, you were not sure.

A large luscious tree came into view and you slowed down to a halt. You took in every aspect of its beauty. Its green leaves. The thick foliage. The fresh sweet smell it exuded—it was so full of life.

As you examined the tree in awe, it started to change. Your smile drooped as the leaves slowly grew dry, shrivelling and falling down to the ground; as if autumn had suddenly hit. The once sweet and invigorating smell mutated into a a stale musk. 

“W-what’s going on—“


You woke up with a slight jump – the kind of jump you get after falling off a cliff in a dream. You sat up and rubbed the blur from your eyes, not satisfied with the few hours’ sleep you had gotten.

You turned to your left and noticed you were no longer alone in your teepee. Sehun was sitting cross legged next to your bed and was cutting up fruit. He looked up from the weird looking apple and flashed a wide toothy smile at you. He bowed his head once and then continued to cut the apple into slices.

“Is that for me?” You asked, earning you a nod from the younger boy. Sehun gave you a look that said he thought it was a silly question. Why else would he be cutting fruit in your room if it weren’t for you. You threw your blanket off and scooted closer to the edge of your grass bed to pick at one of the small berries. You were too hungry to wait for him to finish cutting up the apple. Sehun caught a glimpse of your leg and saw the raised scratch you had gotten from wandering aimlessly in the forest when you had first arrived here. He finished cutting up the fruit and pointed to the scratch on your leg.

“Oh it’s nothing, don’t worry about—“ But before you could continue, Sehun had jumped up and ran out of the teepee. He returned a few minutes later dragging D.O. in with him. D.O. had a small basket of herbs in his arms.

Sehun pointed at your leg again and D.O. ruffled the younger boy’s hair and smiled.

“I’ll take care of it Sehun.” D.O. sat down next to you and pulled out a bunch of small white flowers. He picked a flower from the bunch and held the bulb above your scratch and squeezed it. Clear sap started to seep from the bottom and he smiled apologetically. “This might sting a bit for a few seconds.”

“D.O. really, it’s fine. That ert witch doctor said it wasn’t necessary to—OWWWW MOTHER F—THIS IS NOT A ‘BIT’ YOU LYING LITTLE—oh it’s stopped.“

Sehun held his fist over his mouth trying to supress a laugh. D.O. on the other hand openly laughed out loud, his face scrunching up cutely.

“You’re hilarious, Angel!” He said as he put the remainder of the white flowers back into his basket. Again with the ‘angel’, crap.

You sighed and looked towards Sehun.

“I’m glad at least you can’t call me ‘angel’, Sehun.” You turned back to D.O. and poked him in his chubby cheek.  “Gives me a bit of a break from all these other delusional people who think I’m an angel.”

You rolled your eyes as Sehun flapped his arms around like wings while he mouthed the word ‘angel’. Nope. I guess he’s the same as the other idiots.

“Uh, Angel?” D.O. looked at you with a confused expression. “Did you call JYP a ert earlier? Because that’s not possible…he doesn’t like anyone.”

“What do you mean he doesn’t like anyone?”

“He’s a-ual. Which means…he’s not attracted to girls or boys.”

You stared at him wide eyed, completely not believing him. You saw Sehun shake his head vigorously. He made a few hand gestures that you didn’t understand and suddenly they both cracked up laughing.

“W-what did he say?” You asked, a little disappointed that you couldn’t understand his sign language.

“H-he said that w-what I said wasn’t true,” D.O. couldn’t hold back his laughter, “because he was pretty sure that JYP was in love with himself. If he could marry himself, he would.” D.O. and Sehun had another fit of giggles. You really didn’t find it that funny at all. When the boys saw that you weren’t laughing with them, they settled down and D.O. cleared his throat.

“Anyway, I should probably tell you how things work around here. Once the sun starts to set, everyone will start getting ready for dinner,” D.O. started to play with some of the herbs in his basket. “Dinner is a very important meal because it’s when the whole village gather together as one. Any announcements that need to be made are made during this time. And then, Suho or Elder Soo usually tells us a story after we eat.”

D.O. went on to tell you how every one of the EXO-K Warriors had their own job to do during the day, so not all of them will be able to keep you company at the same time. Sometimes none of them will be around so you had to find other things to do by yourself or make some other friends around the village.

Night had begun to fall as the people of the village rushed around to get ready for dinner. You watched as a few of the warriors piled up more logs and sticks in the middle of the village centre creating a large bonfire. There were smaller bonfires being set up around this larger one and people huddled around them.

“ANGEL!” A loud booming voice almost deafened you as you were tackled into a hug, the man nuzzling the top of your head slightly. “Suho says you get to sit with us around our fire! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!”

“Get off me, you big baby!” You tried to wriggle out of his grip, but his arms were fixed around you like a clamp.

The tall guy eventually pulled away from the hug and dragged you by the arm towards a small pile of sticks that hadn’t been lit yet. Like his hug, his grip around your arm was painful.

“Ow! You big oaf! This is not how you treat a lady! Let me go!” The curly haired tower let you go and gave you a clueless smile and sat next to the unlit pile of sticks. You realized he had no idea that you were angry, so you decided to let it go. “What’s your name anyway?”

“My name’s Chanyeol!”

“Well Chanyeol—“

“Now that you know my name and I know yours—“

“Actually you really don’t—“

“—that means we’re friends now right? Right?”


“Right? Right? Right??” Chanyeol waved a stick in the air, his face beaming. You gave him a withered look and sighed.

“Yeah, yeah, I suppose so.”

Chanyeol squealed as he bounced up and down on his bum with happiness. You rolled your eyes and shook your head at how such a handsome, tall man with such a deep voice could squeal like that. He really was very immature.

After he’d gotten over his excitement, you watched him as he got to work on starting the fire.

“Can’t you just light the fire using the other bonfires that are already burning?” You asked him, confused as to why he’d do it the long way instead of the easy way. Was he really that dumb?

“I could. But I rather do it from scratch. I lit all those other individual fires by hand too!”

“What?! Why?? That’s so much additional effort and takes up so much time! Why do you do that??”

Chanyeol raised his head and looked at you with his confused puppy dog face that seemed to almost be permanently stuck there.

“Because I like starting fires.”


The boy laughed—almost manically, before continuing to scrape the stone with a sharp knife. You shuddered slightly before sitting yourself next to the pyro, watching his technique, hoping to learn how to make one yourself since the last fire you tried to start didn’t quite work.

Chanyeol saw you watching intently and looked between you and the stone in his hand.

“Here,” He said, handing you the stone and knife, “since I like you so much, I’ll give you this one to light! You better feel special! I don’t let anyone light my fires!”

“O-oh. I…I don’t really know how to…” You looked down at your hands with embarrassment, expecting the loud goof to laugh at you. Chanyeol looked at you, shocked that you didn’t know how to make a fire.

“Really?! But it’s easy! Here, I’ll teach you!”

Chanyeol placed the stone in your left hand and the knife in your right. He circled his arm around you so he was holding the tops of both your hands. You felt his firm chest pressing against your back and his warm breath brushing against your ear as he leaned forward slightly.

He moved your arms like a puppet and made you scrape along the stone creating small sparks.

“Like this…” His deep serious voice vibrated in your ear and you shivered slightly, a blush started to grow across your face. A few minutes ago he was a bouncing annoying baby, squealing like a pig because he got to be friends with an ‘angel’. How did he suddenly have you melting with just two words.

He must be really passionate about starting fires if he has this kind of y transformation…

You were so caught up in the dizzy spell Chanyeol had got you in that you didn’t realize the pile of sticks had caught a spark.

“Quick, Angel! Now we have to blow on it before it goes out!”

You both scrambled onto your hands and knees and start to softly blow on the ember making it burn red and grow. Soon enough the fire had grown big enough to be called a ‘bonfire’. You beamed a smile at Chanyeol and squeezed the stone you still had in your hand.

“I did it, Chanyeol! I did it!” The light from the fire hit your face making it glow bright, amplifying the happy look in your face. Chanyeol was glad it had gotten dark because it hid the strong blush he could feel rising in his cheeks. He reached out and put his large hands over your tiny ones and laughed, hoping to chuckle away the redness in his face.


Your eyebrows knotted slightly and you pulled away from his grasp, scoffing at his comment.

You’re angel?! Since when am I your angel?!” You shoved the stone into his hands and crossed your arms. Your cheeks were slightly pink but you ignored it. “I’m nobody’s angel! S-so shut up!”

Chanyeol chuckled and poked you in the cheek but before you could yell at him and poke him back, D.O. ran up and sat beside you.

“Angel, wanna help me cook dinner?” You turned to look at him but instead of seeing D.O.’s face, you bumped noses with a dead pig.




A/N: A bit of a short chapter. Next chapter will be double the length! Maybe even triple if you're lucky! :P Will update either tomorrow or day after :) 


Thanks for reading and subscribing! And thanks to everyone who's commented so far! You guys are amazing! Seriously makes my day better and better everytime I see those orange words! See you next chapter! <3 

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My elderly father has been in very bad health so I haven't had time to update as I am his only carer. I'm so sorry for the hiatus :(


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Chapter 18: Its been so long..i had to reread it from the begining..enjoyed it just like the first one nonetheless..will be waiting for the next chapter
Alosya #2
Chapter 18: Omg please update soon its been so long
Chapter 18: REJOICE!
pendidikansivik #4
Chapter 1: HEUNGGGG UR FINALLY BACK!!!! THANK U SO MUCH FOR NOT GIVING UP ON THIS MASTERPIECE *me running around the house screaming*
Chapter 18: wow I really love this story welcome back
MeganeAlpaca #6