We have to find him...

Open cases.

Jiyong POV

When Himchan and I returned to the station the headmaster had already faxed over all the documents needed and Seunghyun and the captain were already waiting for us. 

"We need to go through these as quickly as possible so we can catch this guy." Seunghyun said

I nodded as Himchan opened the first file and looked over is slightly, before starting to summarize it to us " Goo Hara, 18 years old and from a rich background, her father is a famous businessman, her brother goes to school in switzerland, her mother died when she was seven, shes not close with her family from what the school has stated from therepy sessions she has with the school therapist. She gets good grades, she only has a few friends." He told us

"Anything that could have caused her to snap?" Seunghyun asked 

"Her best friend Nicole recently commited suicide, it could have been a stresser" He told us.

"Who's next?" The captain asked

This time Seunghyun opened up a file on the pile " Kim Jaekyung, she is friends with Goo Hara, although their not overly close it says here, she lives in an average area, normal family, shes got a pretty basic life story. The only thing that indicates her is she gets bullied pretty bad for her speech problem."

"Speech problem?"I asked

"She has a really bad stammer, she's self concious, she often takes days off school to avoid the bullies,her attendence is really low."

I picked up the next folder, and opened it , quickly scanning over the information " Gong Minzy , she gets bullied because her brother is disabled,  their really bad incidents as well, police have been called in before"I told them

"What kind of incidents?" Captain asked me

" Last year they set fire to her house, they all served juvinile sentances but it was nothing serious, the law can't really do much to minors" I told them

"She is a viable suspect " Seunghyun said, Himchan merely nodded along.

The captain picked up the next one " Oh Sehun, bullied alot for having an older boyfriend, he gets pushed around alot. In the past year he had his wrist broken by some of the boys, one for dating an older guy and also for being gay, it's caused him alot of problems. The school have reported him as anti social and agressive" 

" Next is Do Kyungsoo, he's weaker than most the boys in his year and looks so as well, last year he was ually assulted by some of the other boys, he's barely been to school this year. He got ill afterwards, he's been and out of hospital all year. Realistically he's not strong enough to pull any of this off it may be one of his family members." Himchan said

" Henry Lau, he moved from Canada a couple of years ago, he's not used to Korean customs and people have taken advantage of this alot by making him do things that made him uncomfortable, he's friends and roomates often resort to violence to protect him, we should see about him, he's high on the list." 

I picked the last folder up and opened it, the minute I did I felt a lurch in my stomach, for some reason I felt this was one we had to keep an eye on. " Jung Ilhoon,  18 years old, lives with his older brother , parents left when he turned 15 , bullied for being a robot" I told them

"Robot?"Himchan questioned

"Apparently kids have beaten him up alot and called him robot, unfeeling, not human, last year he was in hospital for six months due to a beating he got in school, some of the kids were excluded from school and were followed up with police investigation but some weren't. It also says they he tried to commit suicide a month after being released." I explained

They all nodded, for some reason I felt like this guy was someone we needed to keep an eye one. " Alright Jiyong and I will question ,Henry, Sehun and Ilhoon. Himchan and captain would you be able to interview the rest?" Seunghyun said 

Everyone nodded, Seunghyun and I left first, the drive to the first suspects house was in silence. 

"Who's house?"I asked when we pulled up at a nice house

"Henry Lau's. Come on lets get this done,we've got a long day." Seunghyun said

I nodded. The area was nice that much I could say, but then again the file did say he lived with roomates, who were protective, the file didn't mention how old his roomates were, we only had to wait about half a minute before the door opened to reveal a handsome man at the door. It was obvious this wasn't Henry the guy looked to old to be a high school student.

"Does Henry Lau live here?"I asked

The guy narrowed his eyes "Yes, can I ask who you are?"He asked in a rather snotty tone

"I'm officer Jiyong and this is detective Seunghyun, we need to talk to Mr Lau" I told him

He sighed but opened the door wider, an invitation to come in. The house was nice, well kept it was obvious that those who lived here liked organization, and usually these people have routines, our murderer had a routine, i'd keep a note of this locked away in the back of my mind. 

The man led us to a spacious living room and told us to take a seat "KYUHYUN COME HERE!" the man shouted

A minute or so later another man entered the room, looking shocked that there were other people in the house, finally he turned to the other man with a look of confusion " Wonnie, what's going on?" He asked

"They need Henry, Kyu...is he home yet?" 

"Yeah he got home about an hour ago, i'll go and wake him." with that he left the room

"Where was Henry last night?" Seunghyun asked 

"He went to stay at my cousins house." The man told us

The room slipped into silence until Kyuhyun reentered the room, being followed behind closely by another boy, I could tell straight away this wasn't our guy.


We had just finished at Sehun's house and so far neither of the boys stood out to me, in fact I felt sorry for them for being pulled into this situation they both seemed like nice kids in unfortunate situations. 

We were now on the way to the last kids home and I could feel my stomach tying in knots. 

"Seunghyun, I have a feeling on this one" I told him 

"I know, me too" 

Again we slipped into silence, it was getting dark by the time we reached the house it was getting dark. I suddenly felt reluctant on questioning when we reached the house, it was nothing nice just a standard house in a standard area. 

When the door opened we were exposed to someone who was obviously the boy's brother. 

"Is Ilhoon here?" I asked 

"No he just went to the shops, he'll be back in a bit , do you want me to take a message?"He asked

"No, could we come in and wait?" I asked

"Who are you guys?"He asked

"We're from the police" Seunghyun said

I noticed something pass through the mans eyes for a second but I couldn't because the moment it came it was gone. 

We all sat in silence for about 10 minutes before the door opened to reveal a rather shocked looking teenage boy. Why did I feel more wary of the brother than the boy who had just entered?


Youngjae POV

The door had rang age ago, someone had been in the house for about an hour, but I eventually heard the door slam, I wish I could have screamed out for help but when the door had rang intially Daehyun had gagged me and left the room. About three minutes later the door slammed again making me jump. 

I felt myself shaking with fear when I heard someone walking up the stairs, the door slammed open revealing Daehyun looking at me with an odd expression on his face causing me to shake in fear. 

"Oh Youngjae, it's so sad you missed our guests, they asked an awful lot of questions... apparently their very worried about you" I felt my eyes widen at the statement.

"Sadly, i'm not going to give you back" I felt him unbuckle the gag and dropped it to the ground and leaned in close to my face, "It's odd that I originally got you for Ilhoon,but now I get angry whenever he talks to you, or whenever he lays a hand on you...I don't want to share you" 

I froze in shock when I felt lips on mine

Was Daehyun kissing me? 



Sorry for the long wait, so i'm going to include the interviews in the next question. Who's interview do you want to see alongside Ilhoons Sehun or Henry? 

I'll try and update soon. 

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Chapter 5: Wow great story so far!
I love any story thst includes big bang and bap!
Omg ! This is amazing plz update soon *3*
lolepanda #3
Chapter 2: I think i'm in love >O< can't wait for the next chapter <3 ;*