and action

Open cases.

Jiyong POV

I watched as Seunghyun walked up to me, a look of distress marring his features, I knew it must be something to do with the case, I mean what else could make him look like that.

“What’s up?” I ask, staring up at him once he’s reached my desk.

“Two more bodies were found last night; forensics said that their teeth were missing at that both had been brutally , they were found under a bridge.” He told me

I could practically feel the stress rolling off him, and I wanted nothing more than to ease his worry but I couldn’t because honestly I was just as stressed and worried as he was. It had to be the same guy the public didn’t know the details of the case, and the fact he’d done it again showed that this case had got a lot more serious.

“I think we should bring in a profiler” I told him

He sighed, I knew what he was thinking, the minute we bring in a profiler is the minute we admit we have a serial killer in town, and that was something none of us wanted to admit. I could see though that he had agreed with my statement.

“I’m gonna go tell the captain, the sooner we start to make things happen, the faster we can catch this sicko.” He told me, wandering off towards the captain’s office.

I sighed as he disappeared, I wanted nothing more than to make him relax, to somewhat ease the stress that came with this job but I couldn’t.

Ilhoon POV

When I arrived at school that day, I knew something must have happened, there were people crying in the hallways, while others just seem to walk around with a look of disbelief on their faces.  I didn’t really understand what was going on, but it must serious.

I turned out I didn’t have to wait long to find out because first lesson was replaced with a whole school assembly. I took my place beside Youngjae, out of everyone in school he was the nicest, I mean we weren’t friends but he didn’t bully me like everyone else does.

I was about to ask him a question but I quickly stopped myself when the headmaster stood up in front of us. I must say it was odd to see Mr Choi so solemn.

“As you know the school got some bad news last week, when we found out Jessica had been killed, it is hard knowing something so bad happened to someone so sweet and kind to everybody. However today is also a day of sadness as the police informed us that two more of our students have been killed also, so tonight we are holding a special prayer ceremony to support the families of Jessica, Hyuna and Hyunseung.”

I kept my face straight throughout the whole assembly, everyone else was crying and hugging each other and talking about what nice people they were, but I felt no sympathy for them, they had made my life a living hell, why should I care what happened to them.

The rest of the day though was hell, people had noticed my lack of reaction in the assembly and within an hour rumours were spreading.  I could hear people accusing me of murdering my three classmates everyone pointing out that I had a motive and that my lack of tears just showed how evil I was.

By the end of the day everyone in the school was accusing me of being a murderer, and it hurt, but at the same time if only they knew how close they were to the truth.


“DAEHYUN” I screamed ,once I had shut the front door.

Only a second later he appeared, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

“What’s up?” He asked wiping his hands with a tea towel. Probably cleaning his knives again.

“You know I don’t approve of you killing people from my school, but I get over it because you’re my brother, but can you please just hide the bodies better, because now everyone thinks I’m the murderer and you know what I might as well be.”I snarled at him.

“I’m doing this for you though, I mean look at how those people made you feel. Ilhoon you tried to kill yourself because of them, I mean what if you had succeeded I would have been heartbroken. I’m doing this so you don’t have to feel like that ever again.” He explained

“I know and I’m thankful, but please hide them better next time.”I huffed

“Okay.” He smiled at me.

“I’m gonna go do my homework “I told him, before heading to my room.

I knew that my brother was not normal, and I knew what he was doing was wrong but at the same time I loved him and he was the only family I had left so I let it go. Anyway in a warped way he was trying to protect me.


Daehyun POV

“So let me get the straight, you’re worried about Ilhoon” Yongguk asked, taking a swig of his beer.

“Yeah, I mean I’m always busy at work, and when I’m not busy at work, I’m busy with the other thing, I don’t get to spend a lot of time with him, I think he may be lonely.”I explained

“Well then get him a playmate” Yongguk said as if it was the most obvious thing.

“What the is a playmate?”I asked

“Someone who can keep him company when you’re not around” Yongguk said

“Yeah but who am I going to get who will agree to that “I moaned

“Who said they need to agree…has he ever mentioned anyone who he gets along with well?” Yongguk asked

“Well we can’t take Sungjae, that won’t work…WAIT, he mentions a guy in his class who is always nice to him. Oh god what’s his name again…YOUNGJAE, that’s it “I said excitedly.

“Well then I’ll get to work then, you’ll have your delivery at the end of the night.” He smirked before leaving, as I let out a chuckle.

I hope you’ll be happier now I’ve gotten you a friend Ilhoon ah.

A/N: Okay this more like a filler chapter.

The next chapter will be longer and will start to get the plot rolling.

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Chapter 5: Wow great story so far!
I love any story thst includes big bang and bap!
Omg ! This is amazing plz update soon *3*
lolepanda #3
Chapter 2: I think i'm in love >O< can't wait for the next chapter <3 ;*