Have a fun talk






“IM BOREDDDD!!” she shouting at her ‘bored’ room. Yeah it’s Sunday, a ing bored day, she thought. Jesicca go out with her besties, ‘ah! Sulli! I wanna ask her to go out!’ then she takes her phone and finding sulli in her contact, she click ‘call’. She put her phone on her ear, suddenly sulli;s voice heard

“hello jungie”


“calm down jung! I would deaf, silly!”

“kkkk, sorry sull… Let’s go to mall, im bored til death now!!”

“sorry jung, Im in my way to my old woman. Kinda lazy to be honest”

“wtf ssul, Im going to die with this boredom”

“enjoy your boredom babyyyy” Sulli end with laugh and end their convo

‘ENOUGH! IM GOING OUT WITH MYSELF’ she changes her clothes to casual, she out from her house carrying purse and iphone. She heard those girls in her school like to talk about ‘Bloom and Goute’ café, ‘maybe im going to there since I have no destination anymore’ she thought. She heard that Bloom and Goute café at Gangnam-gu, so she need to use bus to sin-sa station.

After she went from the bus, she walks and look at the map. She scared that she would lost again. She looks around and squint her eyes. ‘Ah! There it is!’ she let out a sigh ‘Im not lost kid’ she laugh in her mind, then she walks to the café. She open the door and looking around  ‘it’s not crowded enough anyway and it feels homy’. She ordered espresso and while waiting, an unfamiliar voice heard. She turns her head and ‘GAAAHHHH’ she really shocked, she feels her eyes wanna out from her head. ‘OHFCK THAT GUY! THAT GUY AT THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! WHO MAKES ME UNIFROM DIRTY BECAUSE OF HIS MOTORCYCLE! OHGOD! I FORGOT HIS NAME’ then he looks at her too and make a little eye contact before she broke the eye contact. ‘here miss’ she hold her espresso and take a sit at the corner next to window. She take a sip ‘its nice’ she thought. “hey” suddenly a guy voice heard by her. She looks at the sound source ‘oh hell’ she talks to her mind.

“alone huh?”

“as you can see?’

“may I sit here?”

“sure” then he sat dealing with Soojung.

They keep silent with awkwardness then Soojung starts to make conversation.

“so, thanks”

“for?” he frowned while sip his coffee

“for the ride, first day of school” she shrugged

“no problem, but you should do something for me. Just say it as debt reciprocation” he smiles

“hell, okay.. what’s that?”

“I should think it first” he laugh

“what’s your name anyway? I forgot” she scratch her neck with awkwardness

“oh, so you haven’t know me before?” he shocked but still in keep cool style

“no I mean yes, MY friend ever told me your name but I don’t give a fck anyway. And why you must be surprised?”

“okay, my name is Kim Myungsoo. As you know, all girls are my fans. That’s all”

Soojung burst in laugh “ohmy, you are so confident!” she wipe her laugh tears. “Im Soojung anyway”

“I knew that already, the one and only girl who have a mess with Jiyeon, that ”

“tsk she’s totally , wait! I thought you are his boyfriend”

“people will always said that. She only too obsessed with me” he rolls his eyes

“does it means you have nothing with her?” Soojung looks serious

“yeah, I already interested with another girl anyway” Soojung doesn’t know what happen but she feels disappointed. They enjoy their time happy chatting, laugh always out from their mouth. Soojung feels comfortable with him ‘he’s not bad’ she thought. They are too enjoying their chat, and forget that its late already.

“well, it’s late already. I don’t wanna make my sister worried of me” then she got up

“I’ll ride you to home” He walks out from café and start to ride while Soojung in back. Soojung tells him the directions, it takes 15 minutes to soojung’s house. She jump from his motorcycle

“thanks for the ride and today” she smiles, he only reply with a nod and smiles too

“Don’t forget your debt reciprocation” he wink and starts to ride. While Soojung just watch him in front of her house. She smiles remembering what happened today.





“what the debt reciprocation would be?” she talks to her mind







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helloimyna #1
Chapter 4: i love the story kkkk xD keep update pls :3
cureybaby #2
Chapter 4: I love this chapter....!!! -_-
oppaa2728 #3
Chapter 4: i love ur gif
ajuchii_Jiyeon #4
Chapter 4: yah author-nim,,update soon..
can't wait to see the next chapter!!!^_^
like it...

cureybaby #5
Chapter 3: who's that guy?
AFishandeer #6
Chapter 3: who's that guy?o.o
update asap~^^
vidvydtyd #7
Chapter 3: next chapter pls!
angkeylf #8
Chapter 3: huaa who is he??????? ㅇㅁㅇ
Chapter 2: you gotta update soon <3
i looooovvvvee it
ukhti_k3cil #10
Chapter 2: Like it..
Update soon ♥♥