Chapter 10

Someone Special

Not even I can believe this, but it's true. I really managed to update before I leave for vacation again o.O

How the hell did I do this?

Whatever, the most important thing first: This chapter is written out of Kyuhyun's point of view. I just felt like I should explain his background a little more, especially because there's going to happen the meeting between the four involved people quite soon, so yeah...  And since I also wanted to explain Kyuhyun's character a little bit further, I just felt like writing this.



Leaving the plane, avoiding the huge crowd of fans which were all screaming Sungmin’s name, driving to the hotel, listening to the boring speech of the hotel’s manager, ignoring questions about his absent behavior, checking in, going upstairs to the room he shared with his best friend, ignoring more questions about his absent behavior, unpacking his things, still ignoring questions about his absent behavior, …

It was all so unreal, so … impossible to believe for Kyuhyun. He caught himself standing in front of the little wardrobe, staring at a plain black t-shirt. He had worn that one the first time Sungmin had actually noticed him. Their meeting had been embarrassing, but for Kyuhyun it had been the happiest minutes in his life. Together with every other meeting with the singer.

The most special one was surely the plane flight. Kyuhyun grinned widely as he remembered their cheesy conversation on paper. Never, not even in his wildest dreams had he really believed that Sungmin would really want to be together with him. As in boyfriend and… well, boyfriend. It was just too surreal.

Suddenly his facial expression became worried. Right, why should someone as handsome, famous, friendly, simply someone as perfect as Sungmin want to be together with him, Kyuhyun? He knew that he sometimes became a little bit snarky when he was annoyed or bored. He knew as well that he sometimes lacked a tiny bit respect in front of elder people.

So why would Sungmin want to be his boyfriend? Especially since their relationship could cause the singer a lot of problems and in the worst case could even destroy his career.

Kyuhyun bit his lower lip nervously. He definitely didn’t want to be the reason why Sungmin had to stop singing and performing. He knew perfectly well that this was what the older loved; music was the latter’s life. Not to talk about all the millions fans who would murder him alive.


“Kyu, are you alright?” the voice of Changmin suddenly spoke up next to him.

The brunet winced in surprise and turned around to glare at his friend. “Could you not speak to me right now? Please?” he asked in an annoyed tone.

Changmin rolled his eyes. “Urgh, you’re in your PMSing mode again. Why now? Why me?” he whimpered dramatically and let himself fall down on his single bed. After a few seconds of silence he opened his eyes and looked at Kyuhyun again, who was still standing in front of the wardrobe.

“Seriously now, is everything okay?” Changmin asked worried. Normally it took a lot to make Kyuhyun feel insecure or nervous, but that was exactly what the brunet looked like right now.

The older one (by only fifteen days though – Changmin always insisted that this didn’t count at all) of them sighted, dropping the t-shirt and letting himself fall on his own bad as well.

“It’s about Sungmin.” he confessed quietly.

Changmin nodded before realizing, that Kyuhyun could most probably not see him.

“What happened? Something during the flight? You two sat next to each other, right?” he asked curiously, but tried not to push forward to much. Kyuhyun didn’t like talking about his feelings, so it was hard for even his best friend to get some information from him.

“Well, something happened indeed…” Kyuhyun said in a somewhat dreamingly voice.

Changmin needed to press his face in one of the soft pillows to suppress a laugher. Who would have thought that some singer would be able to change Kyuhyun into a lovesick Disney princess just by talking to him?

“Didn’t you want to be careful? Because of the press and everything? Though, there’s not so much to hide anyways, you two aren’t even a couple!”

Kyuhyun bit on his lower lip again, hiding a smile. Now, that wasn’t completely correct anymore.

“Yes, we’re trying to be careful about speaking with each other when we’re at a public place. But no one could have overheard us at the plane, because all we wanted to say, we wrote down on a sheet of paper. It was Sungmin’s idea, isn’t he really smart?”

Changmin chuckled. “He’s a genius.” he agreed, simply because he knew that Kyuhyun would probably hurt him for bashing on his Sungmin.

There were a few seconds of silence, since Kyuhyun was hesitant about how much he could tell his friend. But he trusted Changmin with his life, so he didn’t need to worry about consequences, right? And honestly said he died to tell someone about the turn in his relationship with Sungmin. Who would have ever thought that he would end up with someone as amazing as Sungmin? Although he sounded like a silly kid, he’d love to yell it right in the faces of some former classmates of him, who had always for… Well, they had have a lot of reasons.

He slowly sat up, throwing a nervous glance towards Changmin.

“About… about this not being a couple thing… that’s kind of…. Not true.” he slowly said.

Immediately Changmin sat up as well, eyes widened and his mouth opened as if he wanted to scream.

“What the – don’t tell me… You’re together? As in.. you confessed to each other? Why the hell didn’t you tell me earlier, you bastard?”

Changmin quickly jumped at his feet and raced towards Kyuhyun to hit him playfully. “Okay now, gossiping-teenager-girl-mode activated! Tell me everything! When did it happen? Who confessed first? Wait – he confessed first, you don’t have the guts to do it. How did he confess? Did you kiss? Did you kiss on the plane?”

Kyuhyun didn’t know if he should laugh or yell at the other for being so damn curious and noisy.

“Shut up and give me at least a chance to answer your questions!” he chuckled.

Changmin closed his mouth immediately and stared at him with wide eyes.

Kyuhyun played with his fingers nervously before rubbing his neck. He didn’t really know how much he wanted to tell his best friend… but he really trusted the younger.

“Well… it happened during the flight…”

“I KNEW IT!” Changmin screamed excitedly before Kyuhyun could say anything further. As he caught the latter’s angry glare, he sank down again and quickly covered his mouth with both hands.

Still glaring at Changmin, Kyuhyun started once again. “He sat all by himself and then I saw Sunny, you know her right?, she started walking towards the seat next to him. I know she has a crush on him, so I… kind of forgot my politeness (“Which politeness? … Sorry, sorry… I shut my moth…”), I forgot my usual politeness and told her to sit at my seat because I get sick at the places near the emergency exits. She believed that rubbish and gave me her ticket. As I sat down we didn’t talk very much, especially after the other passengers entered and sat down around us.” Kyuhyun sighed as he remembered how frustrated he had felt at that moment. And also how nice it had been of Sungmin to worry about the amount of space he had. Kyuhyun had lied though, it had been uncomfortable as hell, but it always is…

“I didn’t though we get the chance to talk about… personal stuff, since there were too many people who could overhear us. But as I told you before, he came up with the writing-idea…. And yeah…”

Kyuhyun stopped, not really sure how to explain their written conversation.

Changmin’s eyes grew even wider. “Do you want to tell me that he confessed through… He wrote his confession!?”

Kyuhyun nodded. “You could say so… though… he wasn’t directly confessing to me…”

“What the hell does that suppose to mean?”

“It was  more like… third person point of view, you know? He was writing ‘The older wants this and this’ and I was answering with ‘The younger says this and this’.”

Changmin looked like he wanted to burst into tears. “Something about this is really cute, but on the other hand really stupid. Why couldn’t he just write I LIKE YOU on the damn sheet and you answered with I LIKE YOU TOO! What is so complicated about that?”

Kyuhyun shrugged. “We were both nervous I think. And I’m going to be even more nervous later on.”

His friend stared at him in surprise. “What do you mean with ‘later on’? Do you two meet each other?”

The older nodded. “We’ll meet on the roof, there are too many cameras all over the hotel. I think we’re going to talk about our… relationship. Or something else. I received a text message from my mother, they’ll arrive in Beijing tomorrow evening, so they’ll be able to go to Min’s concert in two days.”

He stopped as he heard a squeak from beside him.

“You called him Min!!” Changmin squealed, grinning widely. He earned one of Kyuhyun’s ‘What the hell did you do as God spread brain to the humanity?’-looks and shrugged. “Sorry, I was still in my teenager-girl-mode. Lots of trouble with your parents?”

Kyuhyun sighed and stood up to search for other clothes again.

“They’re just… as annoying as always. Remember how they acted as I introduced them to Ryeowook? I think it’s going to be even worse. They have been furious as the article about me and Sungmin had been published, telling me to quit my job immediately and leave Korea to live with them in China – ‘where we can keep an eye on you and your sick preferences’. Lovely, isn’t it?”

Kyuhyun laughed bitterly, clearly hurt by his parents harsh behavior. They had never cared about him personally, but just about how he represented his family and with that the family business. He couldn’t even count anymore how many times they had forgotten his birthday, just to tell him they wanted him to be independent from any gifts of his parents.

Sure. Independent his .

He wasn’t allowed to decide anything on his own, his whole career had been set up by his parents. Or well, they had planned everything, but thanks to a certain person, they hadn’t succeeded in making him a living marionette.

“What are you going to do about this?” Changmin asked carefully. He had met Kyuhyun’s parents more often than he liked to, and not only once had he offered his best friend to move in his own parent’s house when they still had gone to school.

“Well, they’re coming to Sungmin’s concert and later we’ll have a nice little chat together. They’ll be delighted. First they believe I’m together with Sungmin, then I convince them that the press is writing rubbish… and now I’m telling them I’m together with Sungmin!”

He sighed. “Sometimes my life .”

Changmin nodded and finally stood up as well. He approached his friend and pulled one of the latter’s black jeans out of the wardrobe. “Just forget them for a moment and enjoy your roof date, will you? Remember, millions of fans would kill to be at your place right now.” He grinned and gave the jeans to Kyuhyun, who slowly began to feel all excited and happy again. “You should wear dark clothes, it’s already late in the evening and if you were all black, it won’t be so easy to spot you.”

Changmin smirked. “And you look hot in black.” he teased his friend.

Kyuhyun glared at him and punched him hard in his side. “Shut up.” He murmured but couldn’t prevent to blush madly at his friend’s comment.

Changmin laughed. “Just telling the truth. And it’s not even my own opinion, I overheard Sungmin telling it his dance teacher.”

Kyuhyun had finished changing his clothes and was now blushing even deeper. “Don’t lie, he wouldn’t say something like this…” he murmured while walking hesitantly towards the door.

“Believe me, the way he looks at you, he definitely would say something like that. And who knows, maybe he’ll like your outfit enough to finally kiss you, hm? Or maybe to do even more….”

Changmin pushed Kyuhyun out of the room, who desperately tried to hide his burning red face.

Nothing like this will happen, nothing like this will happen, nothing like this will happen, Kyuhyun chanted inside his mind as he slowly walked towards the stairs.




The roof was impressing large, with a small metal fence surrounding it. Luckily it was already summer, so the air wasn’t cold yet. From here you could look down on the lights of Beijing, who were just as wide awake as during the day. Somehow it remained Kyuhyun of Seoul, and he felt a little flash of pain inside his chest. How much he wanted to be in Seoul right now, Sungmin at his side and everyone else, especially his parents, miles away.

There was some kind of small building, not more than a single room, at the right of him, made of the same material as the roof itself. Kyuhyun didn’t know why it was built up there, but he didn’t care anyways. Right now it was practical because he could hide behind it until Sungmin would arrive as well.

He sat down and leaned back until his back rested against the wall. Staring at the flashing lights of the city in front of him, he wondered what would happen in a few minutes. He still couldn’t believe it. Maybe he would never. He had liked Sungmin for such a long time now, and in the last few weeks his feelings grew even deeper, so that maybe… maybe you could even call it love.

Kyuhyun wasn’t stupid, he knew that Sungmin didn’t love him. They didn’t know each other good enough, and when the singer had confessed to him he had also just said that he liked him more than a friend. He could feel that Sungmin liked him, the other hadn’t really try to hide it. But to what extend – Kyuhyun didn’t know.

His thoughts were interrupted as the door to the stairs opened and the area around the ‘entrance’ lightened up. Quickly he moved a little bit further into the shadows, just in case whoever would come out wasn’t Sungmin. His worries vanished as he immediately recognized the short figure who was wearing black clothes as well. He watched Sungmin closing the door and looking around. It seemed like the older was disappointed that the roof was seemingly empty, crossing his arms while looking around.

Kyuhyun chuckled and stood up, walking out of the shadows and towards the other. Sungmin turned towards him and smiled instantly, signing him to wait and that he’ll come over. A minute later they were sitting at the same spot Kyuhyun had sat before,

about ten inches separating them. Kyuhyun could feel how he became more nervous with every passing second in which the silence between them was unbroken. Normally he enjoyed the moments neither of them spoke, just letting their minds wandering around. But this time, with unspoken words standing heavily between them, the silence was just awkward.


“So…” Sungmin started nervously, which quite surprised Kyuhyun. Normally Sungmin wasn’t nervous at all, or if he was, he didn’t show it. “How… how do you like the hotel?”

Kyuhyun stared at him wordlessly. They were not going to talk about the damn hotel, were they? On the other hand he himself was way too shy to start the most important topic.

“Well… it’s nice. And the rooms are great too, good thing the bed’s aren’t that close to each other, Changmin snores really badly…”

He could feel Sungmin tensing up next to him. “You… share a room with Changmin?”

Oh. Right. Sungmin tended to be jealous of Changmin. The singer tried to hide it, but Kyuhyun was perfectly aware of it. And let’s just say that even if he was nervous around Sungmin, he still knew how to play his cards right.

“Of course. We’ve done so before, so it isn’t a problem at all. We even shared a bed some time ago, for almost half a year. You don’t need to worry about me feeling uncomfortable.”

“It’s more about you being too comfortable…” he could hear the other muttering under his breath. Kyuhyun decided to ignore it and simply tried to hide his smirk.

“Why did you share… a bed for almost half a year? Did you live together?” Sungmin asked curiously.

“Well…” Kyuhyun hesitantly said. But then he decided to be honest about everything that had happened in his life. If Sungmin didn’t like his past, their relationship couldn’t work out anyways. Lies would make everything even worse.

“You maybe already noticed that my parents are rather… unpleasant to live with. I think I told you they’re kind of overprotective…” He paused but started again as Sungmin nodded encouragingly. “Well, that’s not really the point. They’re protective of their image, not about me. Whatever I did when I was younger, it had to match to the image of my family.  There was a time at high school, things got a little bit… out of control. I introduced Ryeowook, my boyfriend at that time, to my parents. Thinking back it was really stupid of me. I should have hidden my relationship from them, since I knew that they’re homophobic. They still are.” He sighed and quickly glanced at Sungmin.

“They tried to lock me away, hiding me from the public so I couldn’t dirty their perfect little world. After a week they eventually had to let me go to school, since they couldn’t let me fail the school as well. You know – because of their image as a very academic family. Back in school Changmin suggested that I simply moved in at his parent’s house. I had met them before and they’re were great people, very funny and accepting. Nevertheless I didn’t really want to accept the offer, first because it would have been a huge burden for his family and second… my parents were still my parents. But then…” Kyuhyun stopped for a second because the memory still hurt. Suddenly Sungmin scooted closer to him and rubbed his back with one of his hands. Relaxing a little bit Kyuhyun went on.

“My father picked me up from school. He wanted to make sure that I didn’t meet with Ryeowook again. He didn’t need to worry though – we broke up after my parents had kicked him out of our house. Our relationship wasn’t strong enough for something like this, but we remained friends after all. However, what my father did see was me and Changmin. Don’t get me wrong, Changmin is as gay as a rainbow is straight, but he… has his moments, you know? My father caught us hugging, and tried to separate me from Changmin. By separating I don’t just mean pulling me away, but trying to convince the school to exclude Changmin. And I … snapped, you know? He is my best friend, he helped me so much and so many times. He’s actually more like a brother to me than anything else. I couldn’t let my father just ruin him. So I told my father that he would not talk to the school’s headmaster, and that I would move in with Changmin. If not I would call all of his so important friends and tell them that his only son was gay. It may was stupid, but I just couldn’t live with them any more. My mother wasn’t a great help either, she was going out the whole time, sulking because she hadn’t a daughter instead of me, a troublesome, good-for-nothing-son.”

Kyuhyun bit his lower lip, emotions and memories to much to bear. The one thing he had always wished for in his life was that his parents would accept him. They didn’t even have to love him, though this was what you would think of parents, wouldn’t you? He just wanted them to accept him the way he was, so he wouldn’t have had to feel guilt all the time during his childhood.

“Of course they believed that I was in a relationship with Changmin more than ever as I moved in with him and his parents. Changmin’s parents were unbelievable nice, treating me like a second son, even though they first couldn’t offer to by a bed for me, so I slept in Changmin one’s. Later I got a part-time job so I could pay them back at least a little amount. Still, it was one of the happiest time of my life.”


There was silence around them again, but this time it wasn’t awkward at all. Kyuhyun understood that the other had to progress everything he just heard first, before he could answer to it. Only now the brunet became aware of the distance between their bodies. Simply because there was none. Their hips touched as well as their shoulders, and the left arm of Sungmin was resting at his back. Thanks God it was so dark already, because Kyuhyun could already feel the familiar heat creeping up his cheeks.

“He must mean a lot to you.” Sungmin said slowly, and Kyuhyun just hummed positively.

“What I… wanted to ask you…” the older asked after a few seconds of silence. “About our… err… conversation on the plane…”

Kyuhyun stiffened, feeling the whole nervousness coming back to him, that he was alone with Sungmin, that they were together (kind of), and that he should be careful because everything could be a ing long dream. Although… thinking about it he had bang his head into this stupid shelf this morning, and if the horrendous pain hadn’t woken him up, nothing would do.

So no dream. Although it felt like one. Not that Kyuhyun would complain about this being reality.

“Ehm… Kyuhyun?” he heard the other’s voice, sounding slightly confused.

“Sorry, I wasn’t… I just thought about… sorry.” Kyuhyun quickly stammered, before taking a deep breath to convince himself that killing himself right now wouldn’t make this less embarrassing.

“No problem.” Sungmin smiled. Immediately Kyuhyun felt more at ease, because really Sungmin had the most beautiful smile a human could possess.

“I just asked about this one sentence you wrote…. That you had a crush on me even before I knew you existed. What does that suppose to mean?”

Kyuhyun blushed even harder. It seemed as if he would have to tell Sungmin his whole life story tonight.

“This is… embarrassing but… you remember the time you debuted? When everyone said you wouldn’t even last a month because your music didn’t fit in and you were all by yourself while one boy group followed the other?”

He could see the singer nodding, the grip of his fingers at his back getting harder.

“It was around that time my parents told me their plans for my future. I was still in college, but apparently they had already talked to a few people and cleared the way for my lawyer career.” Kyuhyun  scoffed. “I wasn’t good enough for them back in high school, but when an article was published about me being the youngest ever to finish college, they decided that I was worth to contact again. They hoped that me being gay had been nothing but a phase, and that they could now have the perfect, successful marionette they always had wanted.”

Kyuhyun sighed, but Sungmin waited patiently for the younger to continue.

“I didn’t really liked the new groups at that time. Sure, some of the songs were catchy, but I didn’t like the idols who were performing them. But then I saw an interview with you… I don’t know why, but you were different. Although you were a rookie artist you didn’t try to make everyone liking you. You didn’t hid anything, you didn’t pretended to be someone else. You had no fake image, and that was what I had always yearned for. People around me, my parents and their friends, had always tried to make me into something  I didn’t was. They tried to make me being someone extraordinary, but that was just not me. I was no one special, I still am no one special, and I just wish for them to understand it. At that time I was close to give up and just follow my parent’s wishes. I was bullied a lot in college, for my appearance, my ual preferences, my parents, my good grades, just everything. If they would have believed that I was no one special, then they would have ignored me. I had no one to talk to, since Changmin spent a year in the USA back then, so I was growing more insecure every day. I even considered moving in with my parents again. But then there was you… You showed everyone that it was possible to fulfill your dream just by doing so. You ignored everyone who told you it wasn’t possible and just did it. Because of you and your strength I was able to object my parents again. Instead of becoming a lawyer I decided to give myself time to find out what I really want to do with my life – and until I found out about my dream, I wanted to be as close by your side as possible.”

Kyuhyun laughed nervously. “I’m sounding like a stalker right now.”

“No, you don’t” Sungmin said softly. “You sound exactly like the amazing person you are Kyu. You can’t even imagine how thankful I am that you told me all of this. I’m just really happy that I was able to help you even though I didn’t even knew you. God, why the hell, didn’t you just approach me the first day you started working as a staff member of mine? You could have asked me for a coffee or something. I would have said yes immediately, you look too cute to be true when you blush.”

Kyuhyun stuttered something incomprehensible and blushed even deeper as he felt Sungmin’s right arm around his torso, pulling them even closer together.

“Now I know why you always say that you’re no one special. It’s still not true though.” the singer murmured.

Kyuhyun chuckled. “Well, I’m working on it. I just want to achieve something which is important for myself, and maybe then I’ll be able to see myself as special. Until now, it always seems to be as if my parents are mocking me whenever I hear it.”

Sungmin nodded understandingly.


The younger enjoyed their closeness and the silence around them for a few minutes, before becoming a little bit braver. Slowly he lifted his right arm and rested it on Sungmin’s shoulder, who took this as a sign to scoot even closer. The black-haired lifted his head and rested it on Kyuhyun’s shoulder, who needed a few seconds to be able to breath again after Sungmin’s move.

“About your dream…” the latter started one more. “Did you already find out what you want to achieve in your life?” Sungmin asked while lifting his right arm to reach for Kyuhyun’s hand. The brunet didn’t dare to breath as he watched amazed how Sungmin linked their fingers and disconnected them again, playing with every single finger before gently over the palm.

“Hmm” he hummed as a response, his look still glued onto their connected hands. It felt amazing and normal at the same time. He was feeling excited because of this sign of affection towards him, but on the other hand… it simply felt right. Like their hands had to be connected.

“Kind of. But I’m not sure yet, and I definitely won’t tell you about it. It’s too embarrassing.”

Instantly Sungmin’s fingers stopped playing with Kyuhyun’s, and the singer sat up properly to stare at the latter with wide eyes. Slowly his lips formed a heartbreaking pout, and Kyuhyun had to look away to stay clear-minded. Why had Sungmin to be so perfect? And why did he have so gorgeous lips? Could lips be gorgeous? Anyways, Kyuhyun was sure that Sungmin had the most beautiful lips he had ever seen, and to be honest he wanted to kiss them since he had first seen the older.

Which was almost three years ago.

Suddenly those lips were stretched into a smirk, and Kyuhyun knew that Sungmin had noticed his absent stare onto his lips. Sungmin lent forwards and rested his arms and head onto Kyuhyun’s cocked legs. “Tell me…” he whispered slowly, successfully turning Kyuhyun into an embarrassed mess.

“N-no, I…” the younger stuttered. He wanted to look away from Sungmin, but he just couldn’t; the other looked y as hell staring at him through half-closed eyes, and the dim light at the roof wasn’t helping at all.

“Please Kyu, tell me…” Sungmin said again in pleadingly tone, though he couldn’t really hide a smirk.

Kyuhyun cursed silently. Sungmin knew exactly what he was doing to him, and he shamelessly took advantage of his weakness. He needed to distract the other in some way, even if that meant that he needed to act a lot more braver and sure than he actually was.

Slowly Kyuhyun leant forward as well, and only stopped as their faces were only separated by a few inches. He could hear how Sungmin’s breath stopped for a second, and smirked lightly. So he wasn’t the only one who was affected by their closeness. Kyuhyun tried not to blush as the singer’s gaze fell on his lips as well, and purposely bit on his lower lip. Sungmin’s eyes widened before he quickly lifted his look again. He stared at the brunet with narrowed eyes, obviously suspecting something. Kyuhyun looked back innocently, trying to force down another smirk. He wanted Sungmin to initiate the next step, since he knew perfectly that he himself wanted to kiss the other badly. But he wasn’t completely sure about Sungmin’s intention.

“You know…” Sungmin started again, his eyes staring right into Kyuhyun’s. “I just think that your boyfriend should know about these kind of things.”

The younger closed his eyes for a second because of the sudden happiness rushing all through his body. Although they had written about being boyfriends, Sungmin calling himself like that made it suddenly so real.

However, he didn’t intend to make things so easy for the singer. And he still needed to distract him from the topic they were talking about.

“Oh, so now you’re my boyfriend?” Kyuhyun asked, trying to sound surprised.

“Yes, and I’ve got a contract to prove it.” Sungmin smirked.

“So that sheet of paper was a contract?”


“Then…” Kyuhyun asked, taking a deep breath. He leaned towards the older even more, until their foreheads almost touched. “How did we seal the contract?”

Sungmin looked surprised, his eyes fixed onto Kyuhyun’s lips. “We didn’t exactly… seal the contract, but maybe we should do that now.”

Kyuhyun watched how Sungmin’s tongue quickly over the latter’s lower lip. He wasn’t able to say more than a short “Maybe we should” before the older connected their lips.

Kyuhyun forgot everything. He didn’t care about his parents, who would murder him. He didn’t care about Sungmin’s fans who would bring him back to life… and murder him again. He didn’t care about the press and he didn’t care about consequences.

He only felt Sungmin’s warm lips moving slowly and gently on his own. The kiss was sensual and deep, and to Kyuhyun it was the most amazing kiss ever. Luckily they were both sitting, because be now he felt too weak to be able to stand. Slowly he lifted his hands to pull Sungmin’s head even closer to him, kissing him back without a single sign of hesitance. This was right, he could feel it with every cell in his body, and he didn’t even want to think about stopping it any soon.

Sungmin seemed to sense that suddenly every single drop of shyness of Kyuhyun had vanished, so he tilted his head more, deepening the kiss and making it more fierce. Their lips moved against each other quickly, molding together just perfectly. Sungmin had successfully positioned himself on Kyuhyun’s lap by now, both arms around the younger’s neck. He slowed down a little bit, reducing the kiss to a few quick but affectionate pecks, before claiming Kyuhyun’s lips once more.

They only stopped as their lungs were screaming for oxygen, leaving them no choice but to back away. Both of them breathed heavily, and Sungmin leaned forward to rest his forehead at Kyuhyun’s.

The younger had closed his eyes, too overwhelmed to speak. This was really happening, and he never had felt so good in his whole life. Three years ago, Sungmin had unknowingly given him the strength to speak up against his parents. Now, after the singer’s confession and their first kiss, he felt as if he could do everything, if he wanted to. With Sungmin on his side, nothing was impossible.

As he slowly opened his eyes, he noticed Sungmin staring affectionately at him, a wide smile on his lips. “Well” the black-haired man whispered “I think that seals the contract quite effectively, don’t you think?”

Kyuhyun chuckled and nodded slowly. “Definitely.” 


So.... I hope you liked learning a little bit more about Kyuhyun ;D

I don't think there will be another chapter in Kyu's POV though.

And now, like every other SuJu-ff-author: *takes a deep breath*


AND CHO KYUHYUN: ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME? Seriously, I'll never find a boyfriend because all guys compared to you :C

Eh, yeah, sorry about that.

I'm definitely taking my laptop with me, because Heehee comes back this august and if I miss this lucky day I'll kill myself.  So feel free to comment and expect my replies^^ It will take some time though, because even nowadays the distance between Germany and Florida is no joke ;D

And now a little gift from me, since you all are amazing, putting up with my slowness and still you're commenting and subscribing and upvoting the whole time!

 Watch it. Seriously, watch it. Because Kyuhyun + horse = shy kyu, which is SO ADORABLE!!! *.*

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Thank you!
Almost finished the last chapter!! It should be up later today, so please look forward it! :D


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Chapter 16: I really enjoyed reading this. So fluffy and such a cute storyline! Ugh relationship goals right here XD
Thankyou for writing a great story
Alice_K26 #2
Chapter 16: Its the end... Sob sob... I really like minkyu story .... Hope you can write more ff bout minkyu... But of course i love kyumin tooo...
Thank for this beautiful story... I like the cute adorable shy kyu very much......
somaming #3
Chapter 16: Soooo i came across this and when i saw the 'minkyu' thing i was a little bit hesitated to read it since i prefer kyumin but im glad i did read it or i would have missed this piece of art! I love every single chapter of this very well written beautiful fic that i dont know what things i loved should i mention first (but surely the stutters-alot-shy kyuhyun was my fav tho).
Its my first time reading one of ur fics so hope you would write more kyumin's in future cuz your talent shouldn't be watsted
Chapter 16: Ok... so here's list of what I love about this fic:
1. The fact that it includes the idea of standing up to people who look down on homouality (although I bet most fangirls, if not all, love manxman ships! XD)
2. The great storyline
3. Awesome character personalities (I nearly died)
4. And that ENDING!!! *sobs* Why is the story ovverrrrr???
Darkiss #5
Chapter 16: OMG!!! I love this story so much!!!!! It reminded me of Masquerade (one of my most favourite fic ever). KyuMin they not only had sweet, happy moments but also suffered hardship. They is not only a lovey- dovey couple but a fighting- for-petty-reasons-but-it-never-lasts-long couple. This made their relationship more real!
Btw I really like all your A/N so intersting ^^!
My English is pretty bad, so hopefully u can understand what I mean.
Chapter 16: wow! tgis story is reaaalllly beautiful... eventhough i dont really like the part whre kyu discnnct his relationship with his parents...

anyway, overall,i really love this story! ^^
Mingsshi #7
Chapter 16: Omg . eventho I took more than a week for finished this . I feel contented after read this .. The line story is interesting and always make me curious despite I should hold back my curiousity againts this fic because my busy schedule nowadays . but still I could finished this and yeahhhhhhh happy ending what else be better that this \O/ . I feel touched where the part when the fans still support him no matter what , I'll be like those fans for kyumin (real) . I'll support their love no matter what world will say againts them .
thanks for writing this fic ^^
Mingsshi #8
Chapter 14: here we go . the meeting must be eventful .
Mingsshi #9
Chapter 13: omg the moment of them >< ! I envy to you kyuhyun
Mingsshi #10
Chapter 12: every moments they had are precious here