


Kyuhyun sank back onto his bed, pulling the covers around him and shutting his tired eyes. A full month of schedule had definitely taken its toll on him and he had been longing for some proper sleep, the lack of which could be put down to a number of reasons, the hours he was working didn’t really help, but then there was the more pressing matter, the fact his other half, soul mate, love of his life, whatever tag you wish to put to it, was growing more and more distant from him with every passing day....


Hey guys, this is my first fanfic so go easy on me please! Comments are loved and I appreciate any constructive feedback, just don't slaughter me!


Title: Drained

Pairing: Kyumin

Summary: They'd been together for five years but they were slowly drifing apart. Was it the end or would they be able to hold onto their love?

Disclaimer: The usual, completely mine, made up in my head, 100% fiction. 


I hope you enjoy it. *nervous*


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minniemgee #1
Chapter 1: please KyuMin, don't be scare.. we will always support you, KyuMin hwaiting..chuu~^^
Melodie94 #2
Chapter 1: awwww :) so nice! >////< I did picture them ><
tiyan_mute #3
Chapter 1: ah... so nice :)
bedhairrrr #4
Chapter 1: Very nice :D
kyutekyu #5
Chapter 1: awww... this is lovely <3