A day in the life of Koronchan!


Everyone wants to be Koronchan, right?
A short oneshot about Ruki's dog, Koronchan!


A day in the life of Koronchan!

I wake up to see Ruki's face just an inch away from mine. He opens his eyes too and smiles at me. He pets me for a while and then rises from the bed and stretches. I jump from the bed and run to the kitchen, him following me sleepily. He puts some food in the bowl that has a text 'Koronchan' on it and I start eating. He makes breakfast for himself too.

After he has finished his breakfast, taken a shower, put his clothes on and done his hair, we go for a walk. It's warm outside and I even see a couple of other dogs. At some point, he takes his cellphone and speaks with someone. As soon as I hear the name 'Reita' I look at him happily. Is Reita coming over? Are we going to visit Reita? Reita is so nice!

When we return home, Ruki starts watching TV, but starts cleaning almost immediately with that noisy thing. Vacuum, I think it is called.

As soon as Ruki is done with cleaning, he starts making songs - the TV is left forgotten. I don't like it when he sings. He's so loud with those 'gaah's and stuff. I hide in a corner because I want him to stop. After finishing singing, he comes find me and pets my head softly, saying some soothing words. This is how he makes up all that screaming he does when singing.

After an hour or two, we're heading out again. Earlier I had thought we would visit Reita, but we're not going to his house. This is a bit sad, because I had been looking forward to seeing his birds, Keiji and Oscar. They were always funny to watch.

Instead of Reita's, we go to another familiar house, Kai's house. I like Kai too. He always gives me treats when he's cooking.

Reita is there too, and Aoi and Uruha. They're talking something about 'World Tour.' I don't know what it means, but when Ruki talks about 'tour', he always leaves for a long time. But he always comes back, so it's okay.

We're going to stay here at Kai's house for the rest of the day. He's cooking and I, as always, be next to his feet and look at him with puppy eyes so that he would give me something. And he does, even though Ruki doesn't want him to. Kai smiles at me as he secretly gives me a small piece of meat. I eat it happily and he continues cooking.

I get some food from Kai at the dinner too, under the table so that Ruki doesn't see. Reita does, but doesn't say anything. During the dinner, the continue talking about this 'World Tour' and meeting 'fans' from different 'countries.' They also talk about a new 'single' they are going to release during this tour. Then they ask what Reita wants for birthday present, because his birthday is next month. He jokingly says he doesn't want Kai to bake the cake, but I know he's lying. Because Kai's cooking is delicious and even Reita likes it.

In the evening we go back home and we go early to sleep because he has to wake up early. I'm looking forward to the next day as I fall asleep next to his face.

This was really short and I'm sorry about it. I wrote this with help of things I know about Koronchan, like that Ruki always starts cleaning when he starts watching TV because when he puts on his glasses, he sees the black fur of Koronchan on the white floor. And Koronchan really doesn't like it when Ruki's singing. I like it, though. I love it.

I'm so jealous... I want to be Koronchan T.T

I tried adding an image of koronchan, but i don't know how to... sorry


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NateNecromancer #1
I liked it!
I really wonder if Koron really hates it when Ruki sings~
"After finishing singing, he comes find me and pets my head softly, saying some soothing words. This is how he makes up all that screaming he does when singing."
Ah , Ruki's such a nice papa , isn't he ? * u *

"Earlier I had thought we would visit Reita, but we're not going to his house. This is a bit sad, because I had been looking forward to seeing his birds, Keiji and Oscar."
Sad Koron is sad . But still cute though ! Fufufufu ~ *is shot

"...he always leaves for a long time. But he always comes back, so it's okay."
That trust . ; v ;

Short , but cute ! I always imagined Koron to be a mini Ruki and not this cutesy though . But this fic is still cute , so good job !

Oh and is it really true that Koron hates it when Ruki sings ?