Walking With Her for More Springs

Walking With Her in Spring

A piece of blue petals tucked in between her disheveled hair. She took it and smiled. She looked around the park where she sits now. The whole garden erupts with a carpet of bluebells. Yes, bluebells... not the cherry blossom. Because she's in London now. And this is her second spring here.

There's not too much difference actually. Many couples walking hand in hand enjoying the spring, the same as in Seoul. Season of love, right? A season of cliches -- flowers bloom, birds singing, bees buzzing and people falling madly in love. If you're a scientist though, the love sickness can be blamed on one very real thing. It's dopamine. Around this season your brain unwittingly becomes a dopamine factory, turning you into a love junkie. 

But, with no any creature from Mars beside you now, how could you be? Diandra sighed.

Spring refer to the season, and also to ideas of rebirth, rejuvination, renewal, resurrection and regrowth. As she is feeling right now. She proudly the hard-cover folder that held her diploma.There it is, Le Cordon Bleu London logo. She just got back from the graduation ceremony at her campus, on the left side of the park.
"Grand diplome the patisserie .. Finally i got it," she whispered. A little smile appeared on her face when she unconsciously remembering of one thing.
She was fascinated of how life is so unpredictable. How God always had mysterious wayss in determining the continuation of our lives. Who would have thought  that she was going to fly thousands of miles away from Indonesia to Seoul because of the will of her deceased mother, to learn pastry  in order to be a successful baker. But destiny instead led her to met a celebrity and became his personal assistant. And fell in love with him. 
Because of him. He gave her the strength to fight for her dream. He was the one that made ​​her finally flew again thousands of miles more and separated for over 2 years to become patiserrie she had dreamed all this time.
"Oh how much i miss the pouty guy .."
Baby please don’t you ever leave
If I say the cliche words “I love you” once more
Would you stay with me?
Since we can’t know from the beginning, we don’t need to hurry
If the time heals all wound, we will be strong
Followed by Kang in tow, Yoochun hurried down the arrivals terminal hall toward the immigration. He adjusted his vivienne westwoodglasses and then prepared passport in his hand. He wanted to take care of the imigration issues quickly and get out of the airport.
Yoochun gave his passport to the immigration officer. The middle-aged woman looking back and forth to Yoochun and his opened passport. She seem a little hesitant.
"Excuse me.. can you open your glasses for a while, Sir?"
Kang struggled not to laugh at the sight of Yoochun pouted his lips, annoyed. He knew, all that Yoochun wants today is just out of the airport as soon as possible. 
Come on! Did she just doubt that I was not the real Park Yoo Chun?
Yoochun bit hastily lowered his glasses. He breathed a sigh of relief when the immigration process went quick and smooth then. He stepped out of the airport rushed to the waiting MPV outside. He can not hold his smile along the road that made Kang rubbed his temple.
I know that you're super excited today. But for the good sake of spring, Yoochun.. That's creepy.
Yoochun slowed down his step. He could see blue covered field of flower that he didnt know the name on the right and left side of the path. His heart pounded.
Oh my.. I need to see her, ASAP... or I'll got an asthma attack for being too elated.
He remembered for what happened 2 years ago. In the spring. Like today.
His body was being hugged tightly. For a few seconds all he did was hold his breath in surprise before finally hugged her back.
"Yoochun .. I'm sorry," she whispered in his ear.
Yoochun pulled back a little and looked at her eyes directly, searching for something.
"Baby, why? U dont get it?"
She shook her head. She bit her lower lips as she hold back the tears that nearly come out of her eyes. 
Yoochun cupped her face with both of his hand and smiled. There is a faint of joy for a milisecond that she didnt left, but to see the sadness on the face of the girl he loved, he felt a little guilty for having that thought.
He was going to say like 'it's okay', 'there will be another opportunity', when Diandra kissed his lips and said, "Yoochun ~ aah .. Take care of yourself, will you? Im going to London".
Yoochun smiled at the memory. Unexpectedly, it's 2 years already they've separated by distance. It was not an easy time, but together it can be passed. The long distances and long time apart, that's what makes them more mature, grow together, support each other from a distance in order to achieve their dreams.
And now there she is, sitting gracefully at the white bench, grinning. He stopped and facepalmed himself to hide his chuckle.
It's creepy grinning to no one in the middle of a park, you know.. Silly girl.
Yoochun stepped toward her. He could imagine the response that she would give later when she find her most-wanted-to-see-today guy is here, in London, at the same park with her precisely. She has been that expressive girl ever, so easy to read. Yoochun have planned to surprise her at her graduation by coming to London. And how could he know that she's at the park? Well, sometime it's good to stalk someone's facebook update :p
It's just a few steps more to the girl. He fight the urge to run to her and hug her tightly. At the first time she left, he never thought that he would missed the girl this much. The parting have made him realize for how much he need her and can not life more better than with her beside him. 
And how much i love her.
"Cant enough daydreaming of me?"
Yoochun cant hold his wide grin to see her surprise look. She sat up, stuttered, tried to say something but unmanaged to do that when Yoochun pulled her to his embrace. She was stunned. She wanted to say something to express her feeling but she couldnt. It was too good to be true.
"Yoochun~aah..I almost died of heart attack"
Yoochun chuckled. He swore that her whinning like just now is something that he wanted to hear for the rest of his life. 
"I miss you so much, baby.." Yoochun whispered to her ear as he felt her head is finally rested on his chest and hugged him back. 
2 years separated made him learn many thing about relationship. Maybe he couldn't offer her much yet, but because of her he will take a very big step in his life now. 
He pulled back a little, holding her left hand and looked at her face. He take a deep breath before he began to speak.
"Walk with me?
She smiled and nodded.
"For more and more springs?", he asked again as he pulled out a little black velvet box from his pocket. 
***THE END***
Ja jjang!! ^^ 
That's it everyone.. 
Hahaha.. I know it took so long for me to update the story
Blame my cupcakes order :(
*justification* :p
Anyway... gomawo, gomawo
Thank you for the subscribers and readers
and thank you for the comments for all this time
I love you all ^^ smoooch
See you in the next story
PS: this story kind of related to The Empty Space For You so kindly check the story too ;)
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haeri0610 #1
Chapter 2: This is ur 1st story? Really?

Woahhh... It's great...
I like ur story, author-nim, good job :)
Samantha24 #2
Chapter 2: awwww... i wish someday someone will ask me.. "walk with me for more and more springs.. ahhh thank you. such sweet story
kimbap876 #3
The story is really sweet-many thanks!
Samantha24 #4
Chapter 1: Hi! so happy you're back, waiting for your update..
Chapter 1: *wide grin*
i'm back from my holiday!! ^^
have bought new toys for my cake decoration
so @kimbap876 @minnie6002 @samantha24 keep waiting for the last update, yes ;)
thank you for ur support guys
Samantha24 #6
Chapter 1: please update sooooon...
Samantha24 #7
Chapter 1: pleased update sooooon...
Chapter 1: aaaawwwwww chunnie is sooooooooooooooooo sweeeeeeetXD
what what?she got the scholarship??
update soon^^
waah you'll go to lembang??^^
kimbap876 #9
New Chunnie story? Wow, many thanks, author-nim, I just subscribed and will follow this. I guess you can tell who my bias is...
whaaaatt whattt happened??? what's going on??where is my chunnie?? don't tell me he's in coma and i didn't know about it>.<
aaaa authornim you're killing me!!update soon pleaseT.T