Luv U

Walking With Her in Spring

2 days earlier

The fan meeting was about to start. But the boys were not ready on the assigned spot yet.In the makeup room Jaejoong and Junsu came toward yoochun who seen unwell. Junsu patted the back of the hard breathing yoochun. He had an asthma attack again.

"I.. my med... small red.. bag". Yoochun said with difficulty, trying to breathe. He lean back his head and breathe slowly. His face was getting pale.

"Should we call Didi?". Jaejoong whispered to Kang but failed, because Yoochun abruptly sais, "No! Please do not say anything to didi. I'll be fine. Just get me my inhaler."

Junsu turned around and looked at Yoochun.

"Wae? He is your personal assistant. Least she should know about your condition".

"Do you get enough rest last night?", Kang said suspiciously. It seems there was already an assumption that spring in his mind.

Yoochun looked reluctant to answer. He just shrugged and walked towards Jaejoong who held his inhaler.

"Hyung, please .. I beg you. Don't let didi know about anything that happen to me today. She will have her final trial of the next few days. I don't want her to know if I was drop today. You know, with her stubborness she would even be busier taking care of me instead of concentrate on the trial preparation. That is the chance for her to pursue her dream, and I don't want her to fail". Apart from all that has been said, Yoochun also wanted to show her that he could responsible for himself and not always depend on her. Although he know very well that he really need her to be around".

Eventhough not fully agree with his thought, Jaejoong nodded.

"Araso.. but are you sure that you'll be okay? We should not stay up late and drink that much last night". Jaejoong lowered his voice. Yoochun nodded and sprayed the inhaler because they heard the code up to the stage for a further 10 minutes.



The fan meeting ran smoothly. The boys were walking toward the backstage when suddenly Yoochun drop to the floor.

"Yoochun!". Junsu who was walking beside him instantly lifted the limp body to a nearby couch. Some staff were panicked and immediately called Jaejoong and Kang who are still talking at different room without knowing what was going on. Kang and Jaejoong ran over Yoochun who laid pale on the sofa accompanied by Junsu. "Palli hyung! He suddenly fainted. Look at his face! He is so pale and sweaty. What should we do?"

Jaejoong blurted out saying, "We take him to my house. Kang Hyung, please send doctor to my house. I'll explain the rest, later. Lets go".



The door forced open, then Diandra entered with Jaejoong and Junsu in tow. At the same time in the room, the doctor had just finished his duty and excused himself to go. Yoochun who was buttoning his shirt shocked and turned toward the door. By seeing the intruder, he gasped and stood up.

"Didi .."

Jaejoong mouthed apologize then dragged Junsu out of the room and left them alone. Yoochun were going to walk toward her when she shouted.

"Stop! Dont..", she shook her head. Her eyes were burning and blurred with tears welling up. What is it? What happened? So many questions raged in her mind. Mixed emotions that she felt make her dizzy. She didn't know whether she should be happy to find Yoochun or else.

"Didi .. I'm sorry".

"No! Stop right there! Do not go any further. How could you do this to me?". She stared at Yoochun and began to cry. She covered her face with her palms and slumped to the floor. Regardless of the girl's inhibition, Yoochun hurriedly approached and pull her into his embrace. For the next couple minutes the room was full with her sobbing.

Cry baby. She mad at me but hug me this tightYoochun cant help but smiling.




A wide grin appeared in Yoochun's face. And a death glare in others. 

"How could you forget to eat your breakfast? I served it to you, by myself"

"I was late already, so i wrapped it to be eaten on the way, but forgoten" 

She grunted. How can't you not to be late, you bothered me with your baby-whining-act while i was getting ready instead of getting ready of yourself. But later on, she thought that it was kind of her fault for failing to notice that he didn't take his breakfast, at home.

"So, what was it with the fainted thing?"

Yoochun shrugged and laid his head on her shoulder, playing with her finger.

"Doctor said it was due to fatigue and peptic ulcer. I drunk with Jaejoong until dawn the night before. I know.. I know what you're going to say. I was wrong. That was totally my fault. That's why i didn't want you to know. You've done so much taking care of me, but i'm failed taking care of myself. Im so embarashed. But Didi~ah.. it was me who decided not to tell you, because i wanted you to focus to your final trial preparation"

"How could you think that i still can focus on it with you missing for days without any news?"

Yoochun sitting up and look at directly to her eyes.

"I'm so sorry.."

Didi sighed, but then a little smile came up in her face. She caressed his cheek and notice the thick eye bag in the face of this tired looking guy. 

"Please take care of yourself. Eat your meal. Get enough rest. Try to stop smoking and drinking. You have to live healthy. I cant always be around to take care of you. If i got the scholarship, I would leave you for at least a year"

She's always this caring.

To be reminded that she's gonna left for a long time, Yoochun feel a weird sensation runs through his spine. Its like there's something rushing in his heart. Something that he dont want to hold any longer.

"I love you"

Then all he did was reached her face, gently her cheek and kissed her with the most softly way. 

"Just promise me that you'll get the scholarship"



So, this is the day. The day of Le cordon bleu's scholarship announcement. It's been 45minutes since Diandra came into the building. 

Yoochun waited impatiently with hand on his pants pocket. His feet playing with fallen petals on the ground. The weather outside was still a bit cold for spring though, but some of colorful flowers has began to bloom. 

Yoochun raised his head when he heard footstep approaching. He smiled to see the face he longing to see for the last hour. He gasped and hold his breath when suddenly she hug him so tight.

"Yoochun, I'm sorry"






"Hyung! Wae?? I want to see Yoochun", Junsu whined and turned to walk into the room again before his colar pulled back, made him stop.

"It's all your fault! They're gonna fight because of you"

"What i've done?". Junsu pouted and crossed his arms on his chest.

"You yelled 'yoochun is already awake!' in front of Didi, as if he just got back from coma or something. You worsen this matter, u know that?"

"But he was! He was already awaken from his long long sleep.. he just woke up a while to eat and drink his medicine then went to sleep again. What is so wrong with my words back then?"

Jaejoong grunted then ruffling his hair in frustration. 







I listen to Stevie Hoang 'Luv U' while typing this chapter.. Thats why it becomes the tittle of this chapter

Dont laugh! I know, its not so creative of me.. It just that im so sleepy already that i cant think any other option *grin*

I hope i can post the epilogue before my next holiday trip to Lembang XD






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haeri0610 #1
Chapter 2: This is ur 1st story? Really?

Woahhh... It's great...
I like ur story, author-nim, good job :)
Samantha24 #2
Chapter 2: awwww... i wish someday someone will ask me.. "walk with me for more and more springs.. ahhh thank you. such sweet story
kimbap876 #3
The story is really sweet-many thanks!
Samantha24 #4
Chapter 1: Hi! so happy you're back, waiting for your update..
Chapter 1: *wide grin*
i'm back from my holiday!! ^^
have bought new toys for my cake decoration
so @kimbap876 @minnie6002 @samantha24 keep waiting for the last update, yes ;)
thank you for ur support guys
Samantha24 #6
Chapter 1: please update sooooon...
Samantha24 #7
Chapter 1: pleased update sooooon...
Chapter 1: aaaawwwwww chunnie is sooooooooooooooooo sweeeeeeetXD
what what?she got the scholarship??
update soon^^
waah you'll go to lembang??^^
kimbap876 #9
New Chunnie story? Wow, many thanks, author-nim, I just subscribed and will follow this. I guess you can tell who my bias is...
whaaaatt whattt happened??? what's going on??where is my chunnie?? don't tell me he's in coma and i didn't know about it>.<
aaaa authornim you're killing me!!update soon pleaseT.T