So Incredible

Keep Me In Mind

Daesung awoke at six in the morning.

He yawned as he sat up on the couch he was resting on, scratching his head. He frowned, glancing around. Where am I again...? Daesung wondered curiously, before he remembered. "Ah! I'm at Jiyong-hyung's house..." Stretching his arms, he stood up and glanced at the curtains.

The sun was already in the sky, the rays of light making way past the dark curtains. Daesung hummed under his breathe as he opened the cloth, letting the light hit him. He smiled cheerfully, already in a upbeat attitude for the day. His cheerfulness and smile was what made him so damn loveable to everyone. He was about to wake up Jiyong, but remembered one thing.

Jiyong absolutely despised to be awakened early in the morning, especially at... Daesung glanced at the clock. Six fifteen in the morning.

Running a hand through his blonde locks, Daesung puffed his cheeks. Might as well make some food, he shrugged nonchalantly, making way to Jiyong's wonderful and beautiful kitchen that he secretly envied. He glanced through Jiyong's fridge, finding ingredients for kimchi jjigae. After finding all the necessary things, Daesung went to straight to cooking. He spent around thirty minutes preparing the food and cooking rice before settling down to eat.

At around seven thirty, Daesung finished and was cleaning up around the kitchen. Noting that Jiyong was still asleep, he decided to leave a note on the older man's fridge. Finding a pen and a piece of paper, he scribbled down "Hyung, left early and made breakfast. Have a good day~. Love, Daeraemon. Yeah. No more Dae-man, because Daeraemon is way better. :P"

Placing a magnet over the note, Daesung smiled, feeling accomplished. He made way to Jiyong's living room, straightening out the couch and putting away the blankets. Something fell out of the blanket as he folded it, and Daesung immediately picked it up.

Seunghyun's jacket, Daesung remembered with wide eyes, face reddening again as he thought of the blue haired man and his intense gaze that always seemed fixated on him. Gah! Why am I blushing...?

Because he's a freaking y bastard you should totally go for, that's why. The inner voice explained bluntly, urging.

No, uh-uh, nope. It must be because I ate something spicy, and it's just kicking in right now! Daesung thought adamantly, shaking his head. La la la, oh, look at the time!

Daesung hurriedly tied Seunghyun's jacket to his waist, still smelling the amazing cologne. He grabbed his keys along with his messenger bag and locked Jiyong's apartment as he rushed out. Sighing, Daesung decided to walk home instead of taking a taxi. It was a nice day, after all.

Strolling down the street, Daesung whistled a small song to himself. He smiled at all the fellow people on the sidewalk. They greeted him back politely, and Daesung was feeling great by this point.

And that's when he noticed something.

A young man with a mohawk, large sunglasses, and white Dr. Dre Beats placed over his ears was walking down the middle of the street, with a car less than fifty metres rushing down the street as well. Daesung attempted to yell out, but realised that the man probably couldn't hear him over his music.

So, Daesung did what he always did. He became Daeman Daeraemon.

He broke out into a run, adrenaline pumping throughout his body. Daesung tackled the man, pulling him away from what would have possibly been his murder scene. The car whizzed by them, not even stopping to acknowledge if the two were alright.

Mohawk Guy glanced at Daesung and the passing car with wide eyes, mouth open in surprise. Daesung let out a small breathe of relief, breaking out into a smile as he pulled the other man to the sidewalk.

"Are you okay?" Daesung asked concernedly, wiping the dirt off his pants as he turned to Mohawk Guy.

Mohawk Guy blushed suddenly when he saw Daesung's bright smile, coughing into his fist. "Y-Yeah," He said in English, before switching to Korean, "I'm alright."

"That's great. You should really look both ways ― huh." Daesung paused when he stared at Mohawk Guy with narrowed eyes. He snapped his fingers quickly, a triumphant grin making way across his lips. Daesung pointed a finger at Mohawk Guy, finally realising what it was. "You're Taeyang!"

"Shh!" Mohawk Guy said frantically with a finger on his lips, glancing around to see if anyone heard. Thankfully, the only person who walked by was an old woman who didn't give them much attention. "Please don't say that so loudly," Taeyang pleaded quietly, "I don't want to be bombarded by... y'know. And my name's actually Dong Youngbae."

Daesung grinned apologetically, nodding. "I'm sorry, Youngbae-ssi. Ah... My name is Kang Daesung." He introduced himself, bowing slightly.

"It's fine," Youngbae responded truthfully, "thank you. For what you did back there ― you saved my life." Youngbae's genuine gratefulness was apparent as he locked eyes with Daesung. His heart fluttered slightly as Daesung merely smiled again. "If there's anything I can do to repay this debt, then... um..." Youngbae fished through his pockets and found a pen. He grasped Daesung's hand gently. The mohawked man scribbled down a few numbers on the palm while Daesung watched curiously. "Call me."

Youngbae awkwardly and nervously let go of Daesung's hand, absentmindedly rubbing the cord of his headphones. Daesung read the numbers, before turning to Youngbae. "Um, okay!" Daesung agreed with a shrug. "I barely watched your new music video yesterday, honestly. I really liked it; you sing really well." Daesung grinned as Youngbae gazed at him, silent.

"Well, I need to head back to my place," Daesung jerked a thumb in the other direction before waving, "I guess I'll see you around?"

As Daesung walked off, Youngbae watched him with a small, dreamy smile. "Yeah," He murmured, "definitely again."

Jiyong awoke to someone repeatedly ringing his doorbell. He groaned in aggravation, glanced at the clock that read 9:38, and groaned again. Shoving a fluffy pillow over his ears, he attempted to ignore whoever was bothering him. It couldn't have been Daesung, because the blonde knew better then to wake Jiyong before ten-thirty and because he also had a key to the apartment.

However, the person bothering him was determined to not be ignored.

Sitting up in bed, Jiyong rubbed his eyes. He sluggishly pulled on a pair of pyjama pants, running a hand through his hair as he lazily walked to his apartment door. Daesung cooked breakfast for me, he realised as he smelled the air, his stomach growling uncontrollably, Dae is the best...

He finally reached the door, yawning as he pulled it open. Jiyong came face to face with a pouting Seunghyun and a poker faced Seunghyun. Glancing between the both of them, he let out an annoyed groan. "Couldn't you two have waited? I was sleeping," Jiyong frowned, but moved back to allow the two men in.

"Sorry, but TOP-hyung was like, 'Oh we should totally visit Jiyong and I want ice cream and blah'," Seungri shrugged his shoulders uncaringly as he stalked into his apartment with Seunghyun close behind.

Jiyong shut the door, scratching his head. "We were supposed to meet on Wednesday," He muttered as he attempted to remember the specific details, "for... y'know."

Seunghyun nodded. "Yeah, but that's four days away. We were bored, and we haven't seen you since high school." He rubbed his neck. "We barely had time to talk after our meeting the other day."

"There's tons of catching up you could do here," Jiyong replied blandly, making way to his kitchen that Seungri had probably invaded, "anyway, brown?"

That took Seunghyun off guard. He blinked in befuddlement until Jiyong rolled his eyes. The younger man quickly gestured to the older man's newly coloured hair, which was a light brown colour. "The cordi-noonas wanted to change it for our 'thing'," Seunghyun explained, patting his brown head mechanically, "I liked the mint colour, though."

"Looked more like blue to me," Jiyong mumbled out, seeing Seungri already starting to eat the food Daesung had prepared, "heyyyy, that's for me!" He stalked over to the younger man, attempting to take back his food.

Seunghyun excused himself to use the washroom as Jiyong scolded Seungri for stealing his breakfast. Seungri eagerly watched Seunghyun disappear, thoughtful expression on his face as he turned to Jiyong. "Hyung," He spoke, holding up a piece of paper, "this is for you."

Jiyong took the note, seeing that it was from Daesung. He snorted at its contents after he finished reading it, folding the paper and placing it inside a drawer. Seungri watched him, his lips a straight line. "Kang Daesung," He uttered, "do you know him?"

"Um, yeah?" Jiyong raised an eyebrow at his question, surprised by the unsuspecting question. How does Seungri know Dae...? "Why, do you like him or something?" Jiyong frowned at the thought of that before shaking his head. "Well, he really can't love you back since he's been in love with this one guy for years."

"Who?" Seungri inquired quickly, making Jiyong feel suspicious. The black haired man had his eyes narrowed, intent on finding out about Daesung's "one true love".

"I don't know his real name," Jiyong admitted honestly, "but I think Dae said they called him Sleepy? Something like that..."

Then Seungri did something that honestly caught him off guard. He laughed loudly, amused by what had just transpired. Jiyong just blinked as the younger man clutched his sides, laughing his pretty off. "Pfft, Seunghyun-hyung..." Seungri chuckled, inwardly plotting. "Haha, but I won't tell him just yet..." He grinned widely, leaning back in his seat with smugness radiating from him.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jiyong furrowed his eyebrows, hands on his hips.

"Nothing," Seungri responded with a wink that made the older man pink, "just my inner musings."

"Crazy kids these days," Jiyong shook his head as he let a small smile on his lips, turning away to find rice to eat.

Seunghyun had come back during that time, sliding into a seat next to Seungri. The two of them pouted childishly to Jiyong, who twitched uncontrollably. He attempted to ignore them as he placed the kimchi jjigae and a bowl of rice on his table. But the two Seunghyuns would not quit.

"...Okay, fine," Jiyong snapped, and the two jumped up to find plates and utensils for themselves. As they settled down to begin eating, Jiyong gazed at them thoughtfully. "So, what's your daily plan, anyway?"

"Ice cre ―"

"TOP wants ice cream, even though we had some just last night and he didn't eat any," Seungri interrupted the brunette, munching on his food, "and I want to go around doing whatever. They opened a mall here around two years ago, right?" Seungri glanced at Jiyong with puppy dog eyes, which were just as lethal as Daesung's to the older man. "Show us around, please?"

"...Why should I do it?" Jiyong huffed out, spoon in mouth.

"Since we haven't been here in six," Seungri waved his hands, "six years. We don't know our way around, and we also promised manager-hyung that you were gonna take full responsibility of is and give us a tour, so..." Seungri shrugged helplessly.

Jiyong frowned, resting his chin over his hand. "Hm. Fine," He consented with a sigh, "after we finish eating, you clean up my dishes, and after I take a shower, then we'll leave."

Seungri cheered loudly while Seunghyun let a small smile slip out.

Daesung was freaking the hell out. But let's backtrack.

After Daesung got home and got his gym bag, he immediately went to his gym. He worked out for an hour or so, then returned home while whistling and cheerfully greeting random stranger. When he arrived at his apartment, he tried to plan his day. Before he took a shower, he remembered to jot down Youngbae's number on a piece of paper. Soon after, he decided that he should spend the day doing whatever he wanted.

But then Daesung tried to find his wallet to get some money.

And that's when it all went to hell.

He went through the pockets of his clothing and Seunghyun's jacket, a frown on his face. After finding them all empty except for a stick of gum, he chewed on his cheek worriedly. It's not there, Daesung freaked out, where is it?!

Finding his messenger bag, Daesung dumped out all of its contents. He hurriedly sorted through the messy pile, but found nothing. Daesung messed his hair up, panic etched throughout his tanned features. Maybe... maybe it's at hyung's place, Daesung thought hopefully, darting into his bedroom to find his cell phone.

Daesung found Jiyong's number, texting the older man quickly. Hyung, are you awake?

Yeah. Jiyong's responded a minute later. Why?

Can I come over to look for something?

No, I'm not at home right now.

Daesung groaned at the response, rubbing his forehead. His phone buzzed again, daesungie, meet me at the mall right now was what the message read.

Um okay, Daesung replied back, running a hand through his hair. Jiyong didn't usually text like that, nor did he prefer calling him Daesungie.

He sighed as he found a pair of pants and a shirt to wear. Snatching Seunghyun's jacket from his coat rack, he pulled it on and okay-ed himself in front of his mirror. He grasped his keys and phone, locking his front door tightly.

The mall that had opened two years ago was usually around twenty minutes away from Daesung's apartment complex. But he had found shortcuts, so it cut off around five minutes of the estimated time. He arrived at the mall, which was bustling with shoppers ranging from old people to young children.

Although Daesung was still harbouring worry in his heart, he plastered on a bright smile when seeing people greeting him. Making way into the large, four story building, he tried to scan the area for Jiyong.

Hyuuung, Daesung texted him, where are you?

There was no response. Daesung groaned frustratingly, walking around to find his friend.


He ceased moving, glancing around curiously. Was someone calling me? Daesung wondered, but he saw no one familiar near him. He shrugged it off, but jumped when someone put a hand on his shoulder.

"Daesung-ssi," A deep, familiar voice uttered out.

Daesung whirled around, eyes wide as he recognised the voice. "S-Seunghyun-ssi?" He stuttered out, seeing the familiar face, but unfamiliar hair. The taller man had undoubtedly dyed his hair brown over the course of around half a day, surprising Daesung. "I, what..."

However, Seunghyun was busily staring at the jacket that Daesung had around himself, an unreadable expression on his face. Daesung coloured red; he was wearing Seunghyun's jacket, and for some reason, this made him entirely embarrassed. "I ― um, well, uh. It smelled really great, so I ― no that's completely stupid, Daesung," Daesung rambled on to himself, horrified at what he had just said to himself and Seunghyun.

"It's fine," Seunghyun replied calmly, inwardly pleased to see Dae sung in his clothing, "I have something to give back to you, though." He proceeded to go through his pockets, and finally found what he was looking for.

Daesung watched as Seunghyun held out his Doraemon wallet, mouth agape. He took it from the brunette, opening it to really see if it was his. His identification card and picture immediately popped out to him, along with his library card. Daesung smiled with relief and complete gratefulness to Seunghyun, all the stress and worry within him disappearing. Seunghyun blushed pink as Daesung gazed at him so happily, delighted at the younger man's attention.

"Thank you so much," Daesung exclaimed brightly, "you made my day so much better, Seunghyun-ssi!" Seunghyun smiled back a little, elated that Daesung was so happy. His heart wouldn't stop thumping away when Daesung's honey orbs looked at his own dark ones with such warmth. "But I... should probably give this back," Daesung pointed to the jacket, nodding.

"Y-You can keep my jacket," Seunghyun said firmly, voice leaving no room for arguments. Daesung opened his mouth, but Seunghyun continued on. "For helping me yesterday. Really, just keep it. It looks better on you than me," Seunghyun said honestly, having already looked over Daesung with approval.

Daesung turned pink at his words, before coughing into his fist. "So, um, what were you doing here?"

"Ice cream." Seunghyun responded immediately, making Daesung give a small chuckle. "But lost trying to find it."

"You know they have maps, right?" Daesung pointed a finger to one a few steps away from them, smiling amusedly. Seunghyun shrugged sheepishly to the shorter man. "I'll take you," Daesung offered, quickly taking Seunghyun's hand gently.

The blonde stopped himself. What am I doing? He asked himself, feeling abashed. I bet he thinks I'm a weirdo. Daesung made to take back his hand, but that was when Seunghyun squeezed Daesung's hand back tenderly. They locked eyes, and Daesung grinned at the taller man with a small warmth budding in his chest.

"So, uh, the ice cream shop's at the food court, if you want to remember next time," Daesung informed Seunghyun, pointing to the far left with his free hand, "how's it been, anyway?"

"How's what been?" Seunghyun asked cluelessly, busy with being jubilated by the fact that Daesung was holding his hand. Daesung's hands are really soft and warm, Seunghyun noted thoughtfully.

Daesung chuckled amusedly, "Being back in your hometown. It must be exciting, right? Seeing all your old friends and stuff..."

Jiyong immediately flashed throughout Seunghyun's mind. Seunghyun didn't really have much friends except for the younger man when he lived there... "Not really," Seunghyun admitted, "I wasn't that popular during school, and I only had a few friends."

"But that's all that matters," Daesung said truthfully, encouraging tone in his voice, "those few friends you have, the ones that truly accepted you back then, are something you should be excited about."

Seunghyun ceased moving, making Daesung glance back curiously. He stepped closer to Seunghyun, eyebrows furrowed. "Something wrong?" The blonde inquired, head tilted.

The brunette gently brushed back a strand of Daesung's blonde hair, causing the younger man's heart to thump furiously. Seunghyun let out a simple smile, and Daesung hurriedly glanced away, a small flush making way across his cheeks.

Notes: I'm sure you've noticed the little TaeDae I put in dere. Rest assured, though, treasured readers, this story will end with ToDae. I swear upon my manga collection! Please continue to give me support, and thanks for those who have given me support through comments and suscriptions. :D Until next time, ciao or arrivederci~.

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Kelnj98 #1
Chapter 2: update :(
Chapter 2: awww, please update, author-nim
SlaveOfLunacy #3
Chapter 2: Oh my such a cute story! I wonder when Dae will notice that Seunghyun is his beloved Sleepy ^^ Subscribed!
Zimmy02 #4
Chapter 2: aaawww~ the holding hand scene is really.. so cute~!! :'3 my todae fell... TAT
and don't forget about my gri too > < aakh! I love this story more ^^

please update soon author-nim :'3 *give DaeRi's puppy dog eyes*
Chapter 2: Ahhh TODae always make me feel giddy! Kyeopta!
Thankyou for assuring me that nothing going on btwen Bae and Daesung. TODae ftw! ^^

And, as GRi hardcore, can you gimme more of them too? Pweaseeeee! >_<

Waiting for more, dear! Its getting exciting! :)
Chapter 2: Cute ToDae <3 I love them ;o; I want to know what´s going to happeeen >u<
And Dae rescued Taeyang, wao, he´s super Daeman (I mean, Daeraemon XDDD)
LoneShiba #7
Chapter 2: I re-read it for 10 times before leaving this comment, , and all I could say is please update it soon. oh my, are you killing me softly or something? that was fluffy and sweet and suddenly the end of the chapter popped up ;A;
ssdajsjnfhureukfyavbuibgnahnhajkgbhaj my sleepaemon couple sdgjsadnhgaslbfyarskjnhjkahjfnahfjks <3
great story >/////////<

argh, now I want to read it again >/////<
tarepandasan #8
Chapter 2: yaaaaaaaaaayyyyy sleepy and doraemon meet again! ^^

and the seunghyuns are just too adorable! lol
IndigoGrey #9
Chapter 2: Woah @ Seunghyun being so forward! But :( for the chapter cutting off right as he makes a move. I was so into the story and now I have to wait to see what happens lol And I have the urge to kick Seungri for not telling Seunghyun that Dae is also in love with him.

And the TaeDae...oh boy. I can already see Seunghyun losing it once he finds out that they're both interested in Dae, especially since both have a deeper attachment to Dae due to his rescuing.
Chapter 2: Yeay they met again and this time with a skin contact(?) I mean holding hand awwwww:3
Update soon! ^^