
Keep Me In Mind

Six years later

Six years had passed since that unforgettable incident, and Kang Daesung was twenty-one years old, currently occupied as a secretary to please his parents. He also did singing gigs for Jiyong, his best friend of twenty years. Daesung hadn't seen Sleepy since he played hero all those years ago, but Sleepy was continually passing throughout his mind.

He was doing his usual routine after work - walk home while texting Jiyong, find food to eat, watch his favourite episode of Doraemon, and then sleep.

However, Daesung saw several people ganging up on some dude with bright blue hair across the street. The blue haired man was backing away from the group of men, who only advanced further on him. The unbearable need to save the person came forth from within him, and he also felt déjà vû and a dilemma on the horizon. Déjà vû for when he saved the mysteriously sweet Sleepy from annoying bullies. Dilemma, because the guy had blue hair. So, he decided to text Jiyong about it.

Hyung, should I save this dude with blue hair on the street from getting his kicked? :D

His phone buzzed a second later. You probably should.

But he has blue hair...

Daesung, why does his hair colour matter? You even have blonde hair.

I dyed it because you made me! D:

And the noonas at your workplace are all over you now, so you should be thanking me!

And that's because you mailed them photos of me shirtless! They won't stop giggling whenever they see me, or stop touching my arms! I'm dying it back again just you watch. :P

AISH, stop arguing with me and become Dae-man or whatever it is. I've been having an amazing writing streak today, and I don't need you ruining it. D:<

asdjkkgb hyung.

"I knew I should've changed that name," Daesung said to himself in a whiny manner, pouting as he shoved his phone into his pocket, "Daeraemon would've been so much cooler!"

And then he remembered the blue haired guy.

He rushed over to the group with his messenger bag slung across his shoulders and took a slightly defencive position in front of the blue haired guy. Daesung was no longer a weak little teen; he worked out for hours, and received amazing results. Underneath all his baggy clothes was a great body, all toned and hard-earned muscle. He even had a personal trainer going on, and he wasn't stopping any time soon.

The blonde raised his hands up in front of the glaring group. "Please, no ganging up on other people. A group against one guy isn't fair," Daesung smiled cheerfully, attempting to ease the tension from the murderous side with a jubilant attitude, "I'm sure that this all can be resolved if we just talk through it."

Huh. Daesung bit his lip as he reprocessed his words. That sounded really lame.

"Shut up!" The guy spat out, glaring at Daesung, who didn't even flinch. "That bastard," He gestured towards Blue, "stole my girlfriend. She broke up with me just for him! I'm just here to teach him a lesson." And he cracked his knuckles just for emphasis, but Daesung inwardly snorted since the man before him was anything but muscular. Also because the last sentence was particularly cliché.

"So she's dating him now?" Daesung thought he made a terrible mistake, and that Blue deserved the -kicking he was supposed to receive. Hah, Hyung was wrong! His dyed blue hair has made his head all wacky, so he makes it off with women already in relationships. Daesung deduced, nodding his head.

"No... They've actually never met before." The man admitted finally.

Daesung was lost for words. How in the... what in the... This situation only further confused Daesung. "And how is that his fault? If he doesn't even know your ex-girlfriend, how can he control her actions?" He pointed out, eyebrow raised. Blue must have a lot of admirers, Daesung thought.

"...Well, if you put it that way..."

Then the rest of the group of men murmured, and Daesung idly wondered if all of the men had been dumped because of Blue. Daesung left them to contemplate his words while grasping Blue's hand and dragging the taller man off. He was more then pleased when the group didn't notice during their mulling, and pulled Blue along until they were at a park table.

Daesung took a seat, but noticed that Blue wasn't letting go of their entwined hands. He glanced up to say something, and that was the first time he ever saw what Blue looked like. And he was shocked. Really.

He's tall, lean, and with a striking, intense gaze that had Daesung reeling back in surprise. Blue's skin was smooth, his cheekbones were high, his face was more than gorgeous, and he looked like a regular modern day Adonis just walkin' down the street. No wonder why all those chicks dumped their boyfriends for this guy.

Oh my goodness, he's hot. Gah, Daesung, why'd you even think that? But he really is...

And in the presence of such beauty, how can plain Daesung compare?

Er, he's still holding my hand.

Daesung pulled his hand gently, indicating he wanted out of the gentle hold this blue haired man had it in. Blue appeared embarrassed and slightly disappointed, hesitantly letting go of Daesung's right hand. "Thanks," The blue haired man said with a deep voice. The more Daesung looked at the guy's face, the more he was struck by how handsome he was, and how oddly familiar his face was. But I've never seen someone like him before...

Daesung merely smiled, waving it off. "It's nothing. I remember saving some other guy before," Daesung voiced, since he was suddenly in a chatty mood, and Blue seemed pretty interested once he heard Daesung's second sentence, "I think they called him Sleepy. He was really nice and sweet to me, but I never saw him again," Daesung even blushed again at the thought of Sleepy, because he was the first person (other than his mother, obviously) to say he wasn't ugly and the first person to ever make him feel so damn giddy. Thinking of Sleepy had always made Daesung blush and feel like a school girl.

He was disappointed when he never saw Sleepy again, and completely aggravated at himself for not asking for Sleepy's real name. Daesung had told Jiyong over the phone about it (since they had both went to different high schools at the time), and the older man had burst out laughing, claiming Daesung had a little crush on a dude.

Wasn't a crush. Daesung thought adamantly.

Hm. Sure. The inner voice said disbelievingly.

It wasn't.


You know what, I'm just going to ignore you.'re just going to ignore yourself. Okayyy, that's normal.

Daesung blinked out of his internal, uh, "battle", seeing that Blue was taken aback by Daesung's words and red tainted cheeks. "What did you say your name was again?" Blue asked after a long silence, eyes bearing deep into Daesung's.

"I didn't say my name," Daesung grinned sheepishly, "but, uh, it's Kang Daesung." Blue let in a sharp intake of breathe, and Daesung merely tilted his head in confusion. "Something wrong?"

"N-No," Blue managed out, "I'm Choi Seunghyun."

"Seunghyun-ssi," Daesung repeated, the name rolling off his tongue easily. He smiled warmly at Seunghyun, who finally decided to take a seat in front of him. Seunghyun just kept staring at him with his smouldering dark eyes, and while it was sort of flattering, Daesung was a little unnerved. The blue haired man was so entranced by him, and the blonde didn't know how to react.

Suddenly, Daesung shivered in the cold air, since he was just clothed in a plain black t-shirt. He heard the ruffling of clothes, and saw Seunghyun taking off his oddly coloured jacket (its sleeves were a bright pink leopard pattern while the torso was merely a regular black). He just gaped when Seunghyun generously passed it over to him, the jacket warm and with the odour of intoxicating cologne.

"Um," Daesung found his voice with a grateful smile as he gave into Seunghyun's urging and wrapped himself into the larger clothing, "thank you. So are you new here? Or just passing through?" He asked conversationally, finding himself oddly comfortable in the older man's clothing.

"I lived here six years ago," Seunghyun divulged to Daesung, a serious expression on his face as he leaned closer to the blonde, "but I came back because —"

And Daesung's cell rung.

And his (now seemingly) dorky Doraemon theme song bursted out of his cell, and he fumbled through his pockets for it. Seunghyun looked quite amused at the swaying Doraemon phone charm attached to Daesung's mobile while Daesung mouthed a silent "sorry" to Seunghyun as he accepted the call.

"J-Jiyong-hyung?" Daesung spoke after seeing the caller ID. Seunghyun pretended to be interested in a nearby tree, but Daesung guessed that he was still listening in.

Jiyong sounded immensely relieved. "I thought your got kicked."

"Have faith in me!" Daesung said with a small chuckle. "I'm not that weak..."

"I'll make sure to tell the noonas at your work that you beat up a group of guys ganging up on some teen." Daesung could practically see (yes, see) Jiyong's smug grin over the phone.

"Hyuuung, don't do that!" He whined and rolled his eyes. "And I'm still mad about the shirtless photos."

Seunghyun tilted his head in interest at the mentioning of those last two words, but Daesung didn't take any notice to his inclination.

"Fine, fine," Jiyong sighed dramatically, "you coming over to my place for dinner?"

Daesung glanced at Seunghyun, contemplating. The blue haired male was still looking at the tree, tapping his foot against the ground. While the taller man was definitely interesting and undeniably handsome, Daesung was really hungry and had forgotten to go out and buy food. And when offered free food, Daesung honestly couldn't find the strength to refuse. "Mm... Sure, hyung. I'll see you at your place."

"Love you, little dongsaeng," Jiyong said, since they had always said that to each other when they parted ways. It was a habitual thing for the both of them, which started when Daesung was four and Jiyong was five.

The blonde smiled, eyes softening at the words from his brother like figure. "Yeah. I love you, too. Bye." He ended the call and stood up, smiling apologetically at Seunghyun. "Sorry, but I have to go." And the blonde ran off before Seunghyun could say anything, leaving the older man sitting at the table.

Choi Seunghyun let a small frown make way across his face, his heart clenching painfully. Kang Daesung... His eyes landed on a blue wallet on the seat where Daesung had sat, a familiar robotic cat etched throughout it. The twenty-four year old picked it up, opening it.

The ID inside of it held the picture of Kang Daesung, the blonde smiling into the picture with his angelic looks. Seunghyun's heart swelled as he stared at it, holding the wallet to his chest.

Daesung was curled up on Jiyong's couch, idly glancing at the TV in an attempt to ease his boredom. Jiyong had went off to get some ice cream, and he left Daesung to clean all the dishes. Of course. But Daesung didn't mind at all, since he was one of the few that actually enjoyed cleaning.

Jiyong was his best friend, after all. He supported Daesung, and Daesung supported him through his works. The older man worked on composing songs, singing, and rapping. He was known as "G-Dragon," but he was only really famous via the Internet. Jiyong had a record label, but he also hadn't produced much yet. Daesung cheered for his best friend every time, no matter what.

While Daesung blasted one of Jiyong's new songs, his mind wandered back to Blue. Er, wait, Seunghyun. He took off the jacket Seunghyun had unhesitatingly given him, and raised it in front of himself. It was really a weird piece of clothing, with its pink sleeves and all. He pressed his nose into the jacket, immensely liking the scent of it.

Oh my gosh I'm such a creeper, Daesung thought as he suddenly stopped sniffing it. I'm smelling somebody's jacket. How weird can I be...? But it does smell amazing, I wonder what cologne Seunghyun-ssi wears — no, no. Creepy thoughts again, Daesung.

Jiyong chose to arrive at that moment through the hallway, bag of ice cream in hand. He saw Daesung's face shoved in the jacket and just stared. Daesung finally noticed him and froze, a sheepish expression across his face. He tried to find an excuse for wanting to smell its intoxicating goodness, but it was too difficult. "...Hyung, it's not what it looks —"

"Dae, stop right there," Jiyong interrupted him, collapsing into one of his couches, "I don't want to hear anymore. That jacket's not your style though."

...Not my style...? Daesung nodded though, folding the jacket and holding it to his chest. "It's not actually mine," Daesung admitted as he tapped his foot to the beat of the music, "that guy I saved — he sort of gave it to me."

"'Sort of'?" Jiyong inquired doubtfully, eying the clothing. "Wow, Daesung."

"What?" The blonde wondered curiously.

"Because every guy you save wants to be with you," Jiyong explained with humour clearly in his voice, and Daesung just flushed in embarrassment, "remember Sleepy?" His teasing tone was quite apparent. "I actually wanted to meet him when you told me about him, but he just had to mysteriously disappear."

"How does giving me a jacket mean that someone wants to be with me?" Daesung asked in disbelief, raising an eyebrow.

"He wanted you to be warm and remember him whenever you see that jacket so that you'll eventually end up being hopelessly in love with him," Jiyong waved a hand dismissively, "I don't know. Gooey love crap like that."

"That made absolutely no sense." Daesung said, crossing his arms as he leaned into Jiyong's comfy furniture. Jiyong merely shrugged and turned off the music, focusing on the television. "Uh, hyung?"

"Yeah?" The bored man responded distractedly.

"The ice cream..." Daesung reminded him, looking at the frozen treat that was slowly melting.

Jiyong jolted in his seat as soon as he heard those words. He rushed into the kitchen, leaving Daesung to chuckle quietly. The blonde directed his attention to the television when he heard music. It began with a young man sitting at a piano, and when he began playing, Daesung was immediately entranced. He liked the pianist's dancing and singing, along with the overall music video.

Apparently, the man singing was the pianist for his best friend's wedding. And apparently, he was also in love with said best friend, who obviously didn't reciprocate those feelings. Daesung almost burst into tears at how sad the video was, but held it in, like a man. Yeah. How could she leave him for the other guy? Daesung wondered pathetically as he absentmindedly smoothed down the jacket in his grasp, sympathising with the pianist. I mean, pianist man is so sweet to her and he sings really well...

"'Wedding Dress'?" Jiyong waltzed into the room with two bowls of slightly melted vanilla ice cream, having heard the familiar song from the other room.

Daesung briefly glanced upward at the older man, taking the cold bowl gratefully. He finally realised that Jiyong was referring to the video. "You know this song?" He asked, dipping his spoon into the dessert.

"'Course," Jiyong responded bluntly, "I keep up with all new music, not just staying on trot." The last part was directed toward Daesung, but he ignored it. The shorter male gestured to the young man singing on the television with his utensil. "His name's Taeyang, and he recently released this a week ago."

"Oh," Daesung nodded, "the song's really nice."

"I bet you cried when I was gone," Jiyong smirked before he put the spoon in his mouth.

Daesung shook his head adamantly, pouting childishly. "Did not," He said defensively, "but it was really sad, hyung."

"So you did."

"Did not!"

"You cried when you watched TVXQ's 'Why Did I Fall In Love With You?'," Jiyong reminded him, "you're such a er for broken hearts in a wedding setting, Daesung."

"It was really emotional, hyung," Daesung defended himself, shoving the cold treat into his mouth, "anyone else would have cried."

Jiyong rolled his eyes. "I didn't cry."

"Because you have no heart," Daesung stuck his tongue out at Jiyong, who mock gasped in horror, "can we please change the subject?"

The rapper contemplated Daesung's request, a small grin making way on his lips. Oh no, what now? Daesung didn't like the mischievous look Jiyong had. Why didn't I just talk about his new song...? "Great idea, Daesung!" Jiyong finally exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "Let's get back to that guy you saved."


"Tell me, was it love at first sight for the both of you?" Jiyong continued on, ignoring Daesung's blatant complaints. Daesung groaned aloud, knowing that Jiyong wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon. "Did he give you, his blonde knight in shining armour, a passionate kiss?"

Daesung felt his face grow warm at those words. "None of those things happened!" He replied adamantly, glaring at the fellow singer.

"I see," Jiyong nodded, "a hug full of admiration and undying love, then?" The blonde chucked a pillow at the black haired male, who caught it with ease. "His phone number? A hickey? A groping session?"

"None of those," Daesung grumbled out, "you called and I left. That's all that happened."

"So I ed you," Jiyong said thoughtfully, pursing his lips, "sorry, Daesung-ah." Daesung buried his head into a pillow, not wanting to hear anymore. He felt Jiyong try to snatch the pillow from him, a small smile on the older man's face. "Ah, you're so easy to tease, Dae. Want some more ice cream?"

Daesung lifted his head up a little more from his pillow, mirroring the smile as well. "Yeah, hyung."

"Where have you been, TOP?"

Seunghyun glanced at the other Seunghyun in front of him, a frown on his lips. "It's hyung to you, maknae," He responded briefly, stepping into their hotel room with Seungri close behind him. The shorter man rolled his eyes in response, shutting the door firmly. No need for any crazy fangirls to pop out of nowhere and demand entrance...

"Manager hyung wasn't happy that you just went and left," Seungri informed him as Seunghyun found a hoodie and pulled it on, "Youngbae-hyung —"

"I met him." Seunghyun interrupted Seungri, plopping down on one of the comfortable beds.

Seungri was lost on what he was referring to, but it suddenly hit him. He grinned excitedly. "You mean that one guy you've been hopelessly in love with for years, right?"

"Yeah," Seunghyun affirmed, remembering Daesung's smiling face distractedly, "he didn't remember me, though."

"What?" Seungri gaped, waving his hands wildly. He stopped for a moment, thinking. "Well, I guess that makes sense. I mean, you used to be..." And Seungri made a large round gesture with his hands. "Y'know?"

Seunghyun merely stared at Seungri, his blank gaze having the shorter man glance downward nervously. The younger male coughed out a small sorry. Seunghyun sighed, running a hand through his dyed hair. "I think he might like someone else, though."

"Really?" Seungri asked with wide eyes. "How do you know? Was he with some chick on a date or something?"

Seunghyun shook his head, a frown playing on his lips. He remembered how Daesung had said, 'I love you' to that mysterious Jiyong, and how he had said it with such affection and adoration. Those words that Daesung had said... "He," Seunghyun corrected Seungri, "it's a man, whose name is Jiyong. He told Jiyong 'I love you' over the phone."

"Psh, I bet you're way better than that guy, hyung," Seungri brushed it off, shrugging, "you've got the face of a model, it'll work out. Just kill that Jiyong guy."

A small pause took place, with Seunghyun having a thoughtful expression across his sharp features. "..."

Seungri's eyes widened drastically. "H-Hyung, I was joking! Please don't do that." Seungri hurriedly spoke, worried that Seunghyun was actually contemplating killing that guy. "So what are you going to do about that Daekwang guy...?"

"I know what I'm going to do," the older man replied, "I'll just make him fall in love with me, and he'll be mine."

The determination in his tone was blatantly apparent. Seunghyun was determined. Kang Daesung was the one person he wanted to always be with. Kang Daesung, with his blinding and beautiful smile, was the one person Seunghyun had ever truly wanted so badly.

"Hyung, that sounded really creepy," Seungri announced honestly, nodding. Seunghyun gave him a look. "Sorry," the shorter man raised his hands, "I wonder, though."

The blue haired man raised an eyebrow. "Wonder what?"

"What the fans will think when you finally declare to the world that you want it up the —" Seungri paused as he thought over what he would say next. "Uh, when you finally say that you only want a man. I bet some of them would ship you guys, and then some of them would be like, 'Oh no, TOP oppa is gay, and it's all that Daekwang —"


"Daesung's fault. I thought that me and TOP oppa were going to marry 'cause he looked at me that one time during his concert, and oh, it makes sense that he's gay because he didn't have a during his music video 'Turn It Up', because I bet Seungri would have had one, and it's totally not fair that he doesn't have his own video with only y girls all over the place and in his lap —'" Seungri's ramblings in his high-pitched voice were interrupted when the hotel room's door opened. Seunghyun was eternally grateful to Youngbae, who held a bag full of ice cream in his grasp at the doorway.

The mohawked man glanced between the two. The awkward expression on Seunghyun's face and the whiny expression Seungri had on could only mean one thing. "Seungri complaining about not having only y girls in a video again?" He asked while shaking his head.

Seunghyun nodded.

"Seungri, you already had girls in your other music videos," Youngbae reminded him with an eye roll, setting down the ice cream. He turned to Seunghyun and Seungri, getting out some bowls and spoons. "Want some? It's chocolate."

"Ooh, ice cream," Seungri clambered over to the older man, excited to eat the creamy delight, "thanks, hyung."

"Pass," Seunghyun answered, rolling over to the other side of the bed to gaze out the window.

"What's with him?" Youngbae wondered quietly to Seungri.

The younger male grinned secretively, spoon shoved into his mouth. "Nothin', hyung. Nothing at all."

"That just makes me more suspicious..."

Notes: Honestly, big thanks to all who commented and suscribed. :D You all made me seriously happy. Also, in case you hadn't noticed, TOP, Seungri and Taeyang are in a trio while GD and Dae are just sorta regular people.

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Kelnj98 #1
Chapter 2: update :(
Chapter 2: awww, please update, author-nim
SlaveOfLunacy #3
Chapter 2: Oh my such a cute story! I wonder when Dae will notice that Seunghyun is his beloved Sleepy ^^ Subscribed!
Zimmy02 #4
Chapter 2: aaawww~ the holding hand scene is really.. so cute~!! :'3 my todae fell... TAT
and don't forget about my gri too > < aakh! I love this story more ^^

please update soon author-nim :'3 *give DaeRi's puppy dog eyes*
Chapter 2: Ahhh TODae always make me feel giddy! Kyeopta!
Thankyou for assuring me that nothing going on btwen Bae and Daesung. TODae ftw! ^^

And, as GRi hardcore, can you gimme more of them too? Pweaseeeee! >_<

Waiting for more, dear! Its getting exciting! :)
Chapter 2: Cute ToDae <3 I love them ;o; I want to know what´s going to happeeen >u<
And Dae rescued Taeyang, wao, he´s super Daeman (I mean, Daeraemon XDDD)
LoneShiba #7
Chapter 2: I re-read it for 10 times before leaving this comment, , and all I could say is please update it soon. oh my, are you killing me softly or something? that was fluffy and sweet and suddenly the end of the chapter popped up ;A;
ssdajsjnfhureukfyavbuibgnahnhajkgbhaj my sleepaemon couple sdgjsadnhgaslbfyarskjnhjkahjfnahfjks <3
great story >/////////<

argh, now I want to read it again >/////<
tarepandasan #8
Chapter 2: yaaaaaaaaaayyyyy sleepy and doraemon meet again! ^^

and the seunghyuns are just too adorable! lol
IndigoGrey #9
Chapter 2: Woah @ Seunghyun being so forward! But :( for the chapter cutting off right as he makes a move. I was so into the story and now I have to wait to see what happens lol And I have the urge to kick Seungri for not telling Seunghyun that Dae is also in love with him.

And the TaeDae...oh boy. I can already see Seunghyun losing it once he finds out that they're both interested in Dae, especially since both have a deeper attachment to Dae due to his rescuing.
Chapter 2: Yeay they met again and this time with a skin contact(?) I mean holding hand awwwww:3
Update soon! ^^