Chapter 8- Bao's POV

Enemy Lines

It's been weeks.

And I want to get out of here.

I'm scared and I want this nightmare to end.

"Bao shii, supper is now served. You are welcome to eat. You haven't eaten much since your arrival."

"Kamsamnida, Eunhee, but I'm truely fine." I bowed and shook my head, looking out the window which portrayed clouds beyond one's line of sight.

"As you wish..." She bowed, closed the door and left me alone.

It's been almost 2 or 3 weeks since we've last returned to California. Every day has had training of some sort and I was sick of it. And not cause I couldn't do it, but was I WOULDN'T do it.


"Bao, please just cooperate."

"I can't do this Soohee. I just can't." I dropped the long blade, cringing as I heard the resonant sound of it hitting the steel floor.

"I know this tough and sudden for you but you have too. They're after you for some reason and we have to find out why. For the meantime you have to be able to protect yourself. Same for L.Joe and kinda L."


"I'm sorry Bao..."


Not one minute has past since the moment we left the living room though. Soo tells me that we have been jumping from one dimension and back. Time is much slower apparently than the one in the soul place we stay at.

It wasn't enough to relieve me though.

We've sent to every where in the world, besides the one destination I wanted to be in, and slayed these...creatures. 

I haven't been able to see myself the same now.

My hands had been dumped with the filth of another creature's blood. And soul or not, blood is blood to me.

"Bao, please come and eat."

"Yeah, I know this isn' but do it for us? And for yourself as well..."

I turned and saw L.Joe and L standing in the doorway, pleading eyes and worried facial expressions worn on their face. I smiled a small smile and shook my head.

"Aniya...I'm not hungry. I ate a sandwhich just a moment ago."

"Hyori shii said you didn't finish it." inserted L with don't-give-us-that-crap tone.

"Because I'm not that hungry."

"Alright, fine then." L.Joe grabbed L's elbow and dragged him out of the room, L protesting the whole while.

I sighed and tried to clear my mind but so many questions overpowered my thoughts.

How were my parents? Ricky, Changjo, Niel- the childish dongsaengs? And the rest of Infinite? Do they notice our absence or has that amount of time not passed yet?

So many questions, not enough answers.  

Just then I heard a cart and a bunch of noise. The screen door swiped to the side and in came in L.Joe and L with a cart full of food.

"If you won't come to the food, we'll bring it to you! Mhm~ so good."

"Mhm! Bao ah! This food is amazing!" They boasted as they munched on delicious and amazing looking food.

I hated where we were but my appeitite will always win over any emotion I have.

"I-I don' I'm not hungry, I already told you guys."

"Fine, so you won't mind if we eat in here and talk?"

"..n-no.." I stuttered as I saw my favorite dish- spicy kimchi, pickled eggs, stir fry and bimbibap.

I my lips subconciously and wiped at the drool falling from my mouth. I grabbed a notebook that I managaed to get from the first time we went back to our dimension, unfortunately in was in Spain.

I don't speak spanish. And I certainly don't have any euros.

My first offense in my entire life, commited because I was forced into this stupid thing. Stealing.

I sighed softly and began to sketch whatever, listening to the smacking of lips and sastified moans of eating great food from the two guys. I would glance over the page to see that amount hadn't changed, like they never touched it.

"You guys aren't even eating the food." I scolded them

"What? Yeah we are, it's amazing! You should eat some!" L said innocently but I still couldn't believe him.

"You guys are just saying that so I will eat. You're probably just pretending that you're eating it."

"No we aren't, promise. "

Just then my stomach rumbled loudly, totally defying me. L.Joe shook his head disapprovingily then.

"Not buying it. Say ah~" He wrapped egg with some kimchi and held it out so I could it eat.

"L.Joe, please. I'm no-" he stuck it in my mouth before I could finish or protest. He smiled, feeling accomplished, and continued eating himself.

"Ne, now eat more. I know you're lying, I mean didn't you hear your stomach just now?!"

"Whatever." I turned my head and finished chewing the food.

They were right, this is simply amazing.

"...So maybe we can go swimming in the fountain later? I'm dying to swim. I didn't even get to enjoy the beach over there..." L said, depressed.

"Yeah, sure! Bao, you wanna come with?"

"I c-"

"Gather your weapons, level 1E on the loose in the Philippines!" Hyun yelled, investigating every room until he reached ours. He nodded to the guys and smiled a bittersweet smile at me.

"Let's go guys."

We nodded and gathered our things. I slowly grabbed the cold metal object, feeling disgusted with it just by touching it, and let it wrap itself in cloth it came with. This magic stuff is really confusing me too.

We were in the Philippines in a matter of nanoseconds, standing in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the streets of Manila. The capital. Ugh, what an obvious attack.

"Head down towards the last street and we should find it there." Soo's voice broke into my mind as I almost got distracted.  

We all nodded and went seperate ways.

I walked down alley after alley when I suddenly heard someone's soft breathing and footing. I got scared and starting to run a little faster.

"Bao, wait!"

I stopped almost immediately. "'s just you. I thought it was-"

"The level 1E?"

"Yeah..."  I nodded and continued on my way, Hyun on my heels.

"Bao ah? Can I ask you something?"

"Sure" I nodded, still focused on the trail infront of me. We were almost to where we were supposed to be.

Suddenly I felt pressure on my wrist and the alley wall against my back as I was spun around, Hyun caging me with both of his hands on either side of my shoulders. His head low, his brown-ish red fringe casting a curtain infront of his face.

What's wrong with him? Did I do something? Is he mad at me?

"Hyunnie, what's wrong?" I rested my hand on his cheek to calm him down, what I used to do everytime he was upset when we were small.

He remained still and breathed in deeply, as if he was in thought. Suddenly his soft voice shattered the silence envolped between us. "I'm sorry."

"Hyun, I know it's no one's fault. Please look at me."

"I..I can't"

"Hyun, please." I lifted his chin with my index finger, my gaze getting lost in his honey brown irises. I smiled and wiped away the tears silently falling from his eyes.

"Please...please don't cry. I told you it wasn't anyone's fault, so stop blaming yourself."

"I just want you to be safe, you don't understand what's going on Bao." His eyes looking for something as he tried to make his words sink in. I smiled and hugged him.

"I know Hyun, but let's just get on with it and do what we have to do." he squeezed me and nestled his head in the crook of my neck

"Bao..." he whispered into my hair, tickling my sensitive spot below my ear. 

"Yes Hyun?"


Suddenly I felt his soft lips on mine, filling my mouth with a bittersweer taste.

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argghhhh....congrats for getting featured...hope ure story's interesting
ljoesaranghae_11 #2
Chapter 10: Again, thank you all so much!!!!!
Congrats on getting featured! :)
congratulations on getting featured! :P
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Congrats on the random feature!
ljoesaranghae_11 #6
OMFG IM ON THE RANDOM FEATURE!?!?!?!?!?! GUISE IM LIKE ABOUT TO CRY. IVE NEVER THOUGHT THIS WOULD HAPPEN. OMFG. I am SOOOO glad that you guise like my story! I will try to update way much more often, but due to advanced classes at school and stufff it might be a while. GAHHH IM SO HAPY AMD GAHH!!!!
Squishy_Dubu #7
congrats on the random feature!
congrats on being randomly featured . o A o
yngguks #9
congratulations on getting random featured~!