Chapter 5

Enemy Lines

LOL so yeah...the formatting I had before was kinda bothering me...SO I changed it!:D I hope it's all goodz :3

I went up to L.Joe and noticed how pale his face looked. I touched his cheek and forehead to make sure that he didn't have a fever or anything but the second I did he fainted and I felt a tiny shock in my fingers...

"Oh my gosh! Is he ok!?" I couldn't help but feel bad. He just... fainted! I know something was wrong, he was so pale..

"L.Joe! L.Joe! Are you ok!?" 

"Huh? What?.." a second later he opened his eyes and sat up slowly

"Oh jeez..phew~ dude you scared us for second!" a tall, muscular guy sighed with relief as he wiped his forehead. L.Joe just smiled and laughed softly

"Sorry hyung..I guess I forgot to drink some water and got dehydrated."

"Well that could be a reason why you're so pale..hmm you don't have a fever so maybe that's shouldn't forget to drink water, it's really bad.." 

"T-Thank you. Haha I guess it just mind haha" he blushed as I grabbed his hand and smiled at him.

"Well it's cool to see you guys here! Mhm but I don't think we've met though.." I noticed the two guys that didn't look so familiar. They both got up and bowed.

"Annyeong, I'm Chanhee but call me Chunji~"

"Annyeong I'm Minsoo but go by CAP. I'm the leader of this group. It's a pleasure meeting you two."

"Mhm, nice meeting you two too. My name is Bao and this Hyunshik^ ^" 


"Noona! Hyung! Come play with us!" I looked up at Ricky and saw him grin, putting on some aeygo. I laughed and nodded. 

"Araso! Hyunshik goes with the Dongsengs so they will get more of a chance! Bao, you're on our team!" annouced Chunji

"Yay! Bring it on! Donsengs are going to win!" They cheered and went back to where they were having their game.

"You guys aren't going to win easily still!" 

"Come on L.Joe!" I grabbed his elbow and helped him up, dragging him to the field. The others were already playing and having fun. First day of being here and I've already made new friends. This is going to be a good trip. 


We played until the sun set and decided that we should out to eat something. I felt my phone ring as I went to go change.



I pulled the phone away from my ear as she screamed into it. I guess she wasn't very happy.."Well you were asleep and we didn't want to wake you..mian unnie."

"Aish it's fine..where are you two? I'm going to meet you up."

"Oh well we went to the beach but we're heading out to eat with our neighbors that we met up earlier. I'll text you the place after I change."


"Aish unnie.."

"I'm just sayingg."

"Haha bye! Gotta go."

"Araso, byee!"


I put my phone back in my bag and went to the showers to wash off all the sand off my feet.

I finished and ended up slipping on my wet sandals. "Oof!"


I felt arms wrap around my waist before I could touch the floor. I looked up and saw L.Joe's face. I blushed a little and bowed.

"Ah thank you!"

"N-no problem!"

Silence filled the air till I heard Ricky call me.

"NOONA! Come on! We're heading out to eat now! Come sit next to me!"

"Haha araso! Wait for us! Come on, let's go before they leave haha."

"o-ok" He nodded but just stood there. I laughed and grabbed his hand, running to their van.

"Everyone in?"


"Ok! Off to the noraebang!"


"Unnie! Sing with meee~" 

"Shuddap, you know I can't sing.." 

"Owhhh unnie! Aish, hmmm oh! Chunji will you sing with me please?"

"Sure no problem! You have a great voice by the way!.."

"Hm you seem better now.." I shook my head, taking my gaze off of Bao and Chunji and turned to Changjo who was now wiggling his eyebrows. 

"Huh? What are you talking about..." 

"Oh you know, haha." 

"Yah leave me alone, you're starting to annoy me with randomness.." I grabbed my soda and took a sip, paying my attention back to the two singing. Ricky soon came to me with Niel as CAP talked with Hyunshik and..Soo? I think that's what her name is..And now the dongsengs were interrogating me..great.

"Noona's pretty right?"

"Noona is so nice! you think so right?"

"wah both of them are! Mhm and hyung is nice too!"

"Yahh do you think he can help us get girls?.."

"Mhmmm maybe.." 

"Yah! Stop blabbering." snapped Ricky after Chanjo and Niel carried on another convo. He turned to me and grabbed my shoulder

"Hyung, do you like noona?"


"You know..Bao? She's pretty right?" 

"Ah ah ye-yeh..but I don't like her like that.." 

"Well of course! We all just met her like today!" He said, shoving my shoulder lightly.

"I thought yo-"

"Omo I'm so hungry! Can we eat some food now?"

"We got here like 30 minutes ago!" CAP looked up from the list of songs and scolded Ricky 

"Yeah but we were at the beach for a long time!"

"...Welll since the Dongsengs plus Hyun lost I guess you'll be paying for it then!"  

"Oh! Ahhh nevermind! I can hold it a little longer!" Ricky waved his hands and sat back down. Hehe they have to pay

"You insisted, mhmm now I'm hungry"

"No really! It's fine! And you can hold it right!" add Niel and Changjo

"I'm hungry too!" said Bao innocently. I looked to CAP and rose my hand

" too!"

"Oh My GAWD I'm starving!" said Soo

"Come on! Let's head back to the apartments, I'll make everyone dinner. That way it saves us money"

"OH YEAH YEAH! He cooks AMAZING food! Come on guys!"

"I guess we'll go now. You guys got lucky!" Chunji said, a little angry that the younger kids didn't have to pay. Probably because we always go through or whatever. CAP got up and laughed at Chunji and lead everyone back to the car. I stayed quiet and tried to avoid looking out of it, but someone caught me again..

"Byunghun are you ok? You seem so quiet."

I turned and saw Bao next to me with a concerned face "Huh? ha ha uh yeah!"

"Mhm..You feeling better now right? You got some water?"

"Um y-yes.."  

"Good! Don't want you to faint again, I mean you have to be well since you guys have to promote stuff I bet. Probably have a bunch interviews and stuff. Wasting energry here and there   which means you should stay hydrated and a-" I laughed as she continued to babble and stopped her.

"Haha I get it... thank you."

"I was babbling wasn't I..? Aish.."

"Haha it's cute.."

"Awh thank you! Hyun and Soo made fun of me for it since we were young so I would expect other people to think it would be, you know? Hmm I'm strange."

"Haha no you're not, just different!"

"Haha that sounds better. Oh..wait where's everyone?" I realized that we were ahead of everyone but saw that they were heading somewhere else. Hmm I thought this was the way.

"Oh they're over there."

"Oh whoopsies. Come on before they leave us!" she grabbed my hand once again and dragged me back to the others. Jeez my body hurt with the shock I felt everytime she touched me...

"Where were you two?"

"Oh I thought we were in front but I guess not.." I shrugged, but then Ricky came through and opened the doors of the van as he mumbled something out loud

"Humph I bet he was just trying to be alone with noona.."

"What was that Ricky?"

"Oh nothing!" He sat in the back and smiled. I stayed quiet and got in. We finally left back to the condos and washed up before going over to Bao and her friends place. I heard a knock on my door when I stepped out of the shower. I quickly dried off and changed into some casual clothes. I opened the door and saw Chunji.

"Oh hey Chunji, what's up?"

"Oh nothing..can I talk to you?"

"Um sure.." I let him in and sat on the ground with him as he watched tv.

"Whatcha want to talk about?"

"We're friends right?"

"Of course!"

"Then as a friend, can you tell me what's up with you?" I felt confused but at the same time I knew what he was talking about.

"Haha nothings wrong..I think I'm just tired and homesick.."

"Are you sure? Or is there something you don't want to talk about?" I looked away from the tv screen and suddenly remembered what happened in the bathroom earlier. Should I tell him or would he think I'm crazy?

"Well..something has been b-"

"LJoe! Chunji! Let's go!"called CAP

"Uh, coming! How bout I tell you after we eat? I'm kinda hungry."

"Fine haha I'm starving too. Come on!" We both got up and left to the living room where the others were.

We went next door and saw Infinite walking around the halls.

"Hey guys!"

"Dang you guys are staying here!? Man what a coincidence! Haha" We were all in front of the door when someone opened it.

"Sungjong, Myungsoo, Sungyeol, and Howon??"


"You know them?" asked CAP.

"Yup! They came by earlier today since they forgot where their condo was. Haha small world huh?"

"Sure is!"

"Well would you all like to come in? We have tooons of food."

We all looked at each other and shrugged.

"Come on in! Haha Hyunnie, Soo! Our company is here! Plus 7 more!"

"Come on in guys!"

We all filed in and sat in the chairs that they had out plus more. I sat next to Sungjong when i noticed the other empty chair next to me. Once everyone was settled I felt someones arm brush against mine as they pulled their chair in. I looked in my perifial and noticed it was Bao. I felt myself tense up. Oh why me... 



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argghhhh....congrats for getting featured...hope ure story's interesting
ljoesaranghae_11 #2
Chapter 10: Again, thank you all so much!!!!!
Congrats on getting featured! :)
congratulations on getting featured! :P
-theirmusicismylifee #5
Congrats on the random feature!
ljoesaranghae_11 #6
OMFG IM ON THE RANDOM FEATURE!?!?!?!?!?! GUISE IM LIKE ABOUT TO CRY. IVE NEVER THOUGHT THIS WOULD HAPPEN. OMFG. I am SOOOO glad that you guise like my story! I will try to update way much more often, but due to advanced classes at school and stufff it might be a while. GAHHH IM SO HAPY AMD GAHH!!!!
Squishy_Dubu #7
congrats on the random feature!
congrats on being randomly featured . o A o
yngguks #9
congratulations on getting random featured~!