Life Just Isn't Fair ..

Too Good To Be True ,, Like Always .. Right ?

"Just when I was happy,

something else had to go wrong ..

When life for me becomes happy ..

Somone else has to be hurt ..."

she said with her eyes watering ..

She knew that if she had let her guard down ONCE again ..

That she would of been hurt even more ..

She hadnt cried for the longest ..

Maybe never for herself, but when it came to family and friends ?

She would just burst out crying along with them ..
She had days called , 'Crying day' ..

Everything ALWAYS goes wrong as soon as something goes good for her ..

She just wanted to give up ..

And say .. 'GoodBye' ..

She thought to herself ,,

'Life just isn't fair ..'


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Sounds interesting. Please update soon!!!^^