Personal Message

-Hhaaii (:

I'm not a great writer, but I do enjoy writing fan fictions .. (:

Suscribe and add??




About Me

Well Hello && Haii There .

I am The Smiley Vang (:

I have a youtube, facebook, tumblr. , twitter, pinterest, weheartit. etc . (:


I am Hmong . A teen who loves to dream, and I am in a loving relationship . (:

When im all alone, I like to compose . (:

Yes, I like to write songs and sing . I also like to dance . ^^ And take photos . [x

~Have A Good Day~


Favorite lyrics lines::

-Dreaming is believing,,

-It's okay not to be okay..

-Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place..




Favorite Quotes;;

-Live Well, Love Much, and Laugh Often ..

-People say HATE is a strong word, but LOVE is too and they say it like it's nothing .