Breaking Point

All We Do is Fight



Jiyong could see Seunghyun’s face lit up when his phone bleeped. He couldn’t hide his surprise as he saw the message was from Jiyong. Seunghyun was just about to stand up and look around, knowing Jiyong was near enough to see them. However, before he could even leave his seat, Jiyong was already in their table. 


“Sorry,” Jiyong said in the most sarcastic tone. “I didn’t know you already had a date.”

"No, Jiyong please," Seunghyun quickly grabbed his hand to stop him from leaving. Jiyong could see the panic in Seunghyun’s eyes. "This isn't what it looks like." Without letting his wrist go, Seunghyun turned to the lady and excused himself. She said she was just about to leave; she bowed and smiled before going back to her table.


"I didn't come here with her Ji, she just-"


"You don't have to explain." Jiyong took his seat. He looked away from Seunghyun when he talked, avoiding eye contact.


“I wasn’t-”


“I said, don’t.” Jiyong unkindly repeated. Seunghyun didn’t really need to explain as Jiyong saw everything. He knew Seunghyun didn’t come here with her. He just needed Seunghyun to think otherwise.


His ruse worked. Seunghyun’s shoulders fell and sunk low in his seat. He almost looked pathetic, but Seunghyun could never really be. Those sad eyes could melt anyone’s frozen soul and tug at their heartstrings.


Jiyong felt it too, but he’ll never admit to himself that he felt, even in the slightest, guilty.


"You came so late, you must be tired." Seunghyun sat upright again. It looked like no matter how harsh Jiyong’s treatment was, he was still happy to see him nonetheless. "I was beginning to think something bad had happened." Seunghyun smiled sweetly. “I’m glad you’re safe.”


Jiyong forcibly withdrew his hands, which up until now was in Seunghyun’s hold. "I was busy." Little did Seunghyun know Jiyong really had no intention of showing up. He only came here to check how long would Seunghyun have waited before he left. Then he could say he showed up right after and start another fight.


"I understand." Seunghyun clasped his fingers together again after the loss of touch. For him, Jiyong was the busiest person on earth, much more than the president. Of course he’d understand.


"Have you eaten?" Seunghyun lifted a finger to signal for a server. “I’ve had them prepare your favori-”


"I'm not hungry." He said disinterestedly, looking everywhere besides Seunghyun. He could feel Seunghyun nodding, signalling the server to cancel his order. For a split second Seunghyun frowned, worried that Jiyong wasn't eating again.


“I’m tired, I don’t have much time.” Jiyong looks his watch. “What is it that you want to say?” He crossed his arms. “Couldn’t have we discussed it on the phone?”

 “I just wanted to see you.” Seunghyun told him, brows furrowing in disbelief at his proposition. “Am I not allowed to see you anymore?”

Jiyong finally looked at Seunghyun in the eyes. The man had an unexplainable expression – it was a mixture of sadness, anger, exhaustion and hurt. Jiyong could hear Seunghyun’s heart crushing.

“I’m wasting my time.” Jiyong stood up abruptly, leaving the table without a backward glance. “My Bentley.” He casually asks for the valet once he was outside.

All that time, Seunghyun had rushed after him and kept calling for him.

“Jiyong!” Seunghyun grabs on his arm. “Please, look at me.” He begs. “Why aren’t you talking to me?”

Jiyong pushes him slightly.

“Why am I not talking to you?!” Jiyong looks at Seunghyun in disbelief. “You’re asking ME, WHY am I not talking to you?!” He almost shouts. “YOU HURT ME SEUNGHYUN!”

Seunghyun reaches out for him again but Jiyong shoves him away. It was Seunghyun’s plan to take him to a fine dining restaurant, so that they could avoid raising their voices as they talked. But it looks like there was no stopping Jiyong.

“I find out while I was away that you...!” Jiyong put his hands on his pockets. “You ing went to his house. THE ING . CAN’T HE KEEP HIS HANDS OFF YOU???!!!”

“Ji, I told you, it was just dinner. It wasn’t even planned. He said he had a script-”

“I DON’T ING CARE!” Jiyong continued to shout. “And YOU!” he pushed Seunghyun away when he tried to step closer. “You didn’t even tell me you went. You know how I found out?”

“Jiyong, calm down…” Seunghyun told him in a low voice. People around them were beginning to get curious.

“Have you seen your picture? You look so ing happy with his arm around you like that.” Jiyong looked at him, eyes in rage behind his sunglasses. “ING DISGUSTING.”

“John had a drink and-”

“YOU’RE DEFENDING HIM NOW???” Jiyong shook his head and laughing ironically. He didn’t like to shout but he was trying to provoke Seunghyun to do the same. In reality, he wasn’t really mad. He knew for a fact that Seunghyun only had dinner that night. John was a mutual friend and he had nothing against him.

He just wanted another reason to get mad at Seunghyun. He wanted Seunghyun to feel frustration. He might appear overly jealous and too possessive and that’s what Seunghyun hates.

“JI, WOULD YOU LISTEN TO ME?” Seunghyun shouted, appearing to be offended when accused of favouring John against his lover. “WHAT HAVE I GOT TO DO? TELL ME!” His deep angry voice was very frightening. “I already explained,” Seunghyun angrily pointed to his own chest. “WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?!!!”

Jiyong fell silent. He lowered his head, trying to act hurt, trying to get Seunghyun’s sympathy after being shouted at. He was good at that, turning the tables, being the victim after doing the crime.

It worked.

“I said I’m sorry, okay?” Seunghyun lowered his voice, unfurrowing his eyebrows, trying to appear as calm as possible. “It was my fault. Don’t be angry anymore…”

“DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO FEEL!” Jiyong shouted at him. He was angry again.

Seunghyun was at a loss now. Jiyong’s car was in front of them and Jiyong was already getting in. He feels a heavy pressure in his heart. He made a mistake, he said sorry, he’s trying to make up for it but they always end up shouting, screaming and angry.

They always end up fighting.

What should he do now?

Jiyong wouldn’t say.

What should he do now?

Seunghyun didn’t know.

From inside the car, Jiyong could see Seunghyun staring blankly at the street. Then he saw it. The fruit of all his hardwork. He was getting tired of this issue and this quarrel had lasted longer than the usual. It was about time he reaped what he sow.

A tear.

He had broken Seunghyun again.

Jiyong gets out of the car, grabs Seunghyun by the wrist, opens the passenger seat door and leads Seunghyun inside. Once he was in the driver’s seat, he reaches out to Seunghyun, wrapping his arms tightly to the other man and snuggling him close.        

Jiyong could tell Seunghyun did not expect this response. Confused, Seunghyun’s only reaction was his hands snaking in Jiyong’s waist, in an effort to be deeper in his embrace.

“I’m so sorry Seunghyun…” he whispered, running his fingers in Seunghyun’s head in a soothing manner. He meant it. He was always sorry after making Seunghyun like this.

“I love you.” Jiyong cooed sweetly in his ears while he held him.


He meant it.


He loved Seunghyun when he was broken.





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Chapter 5: I pray for john to screw up! So that he would finally leave seunghyun..
HYY i just joined this site just to beg to update this story i like it so much
StormyDay #3
Chapter 5: Ohh what is he planning?
Can't wait for the next update:)
hazelswirls #4
Chapter 5: omg I just found this fic, and I'm usually a silent reader but this is sooo good I couldn't help. You've done it again with gtop. So much angst but the right amount for them and I'm hooked. Really hope you update soon!
Ce-Sar #5
Chapter 5: Omo omo what is he going to do?
Please continue soon!
Chapter 5: Aaahhh what will you do jiyong ? *giggling* I'm so excited what is jiyong planning for JL >.< I'm sure jiyong is so so so creative...
puffscoco #7
Chapter 5: OMG! i fell in love wit your story more! haha! I really like how you write the emotions thay feel through out the story even though gd needs some couseling.....Anyways jiyong really needs to start trusting seunghyun, even though i kinda enjoyed the jealous gd...hehehe
I reeeeeeallly love your story so update soon!
Chapter 5: GD is really wicked & twisted! !!! But I kind of love him like that wonder what he plans for the poor director Lee (I kind of pry him to be trapped in GD's line of sight!!)
asevon #9
Chapter 5: okay. jiyong's act seemed messy but calculated in some fckd up way to me. i cant say whether i like it or not maybe because i cant see the plot quite clearly thus far, and his selfish way as the center of this story is really tiring to read in some way. argh, i really need more explanation to why he acts that way and another. seunghyun too, there's must be smthng more than love without reason in their case. okay, i rambling. thanks for updating! :)
Chapter 5: ..more creative than that. oh gosh I can't imagine what he's gonna do. your creativity is endless <3