Counter Drabble~ To Lim Hyunsik


Here we go again with the inexplicable amount of fluff that i have so generously decided to provide. /shot


This isn't relly as cheesy as the first one, but I tried. 


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Chapter 1: This was so sweet, I can't even.
idollartree #2
Chapter 1: This was simply beautiful
Chapter 1: This is sooooo sweet :') this world needs more hoonsik/ilsik fics..
Chapter 1: appa where do you effing get all of this? asfhakjfhakjsfhakjfhak. this is so so so soooo beautiful. very, very beautiful. gah, makes me want to fall in love-

oops. did i say that otl you make me incoherent. aish aish.

gull i can't explain what i feel. all of the emotions hidden behind every sentence is so beautiful i cannot even.

dad, why. why. gahd i love you so much.