Sightseeing in Seoul with Ken!!

My love is reserved for you

When I had gotten up and saw Ken already ready to go, My surprise had to sink in before I ran back to my room and shut the door, probably looking confused and tired, I frantically started looking for something to wear. I went through all the clothes that I brought with me and finally decided to wear a light pink frilly top and dark blue jeans. I took out my brush and ran it throudh my shoulder length black hair. I finally came out of my room 20 minutes later. I walked out into the living room as Ken and Hyuk look over at me, Ken's eyes immediatly widened and smiled " Wow Yoon you look amazing" he said shyly. I blushed lightly at his comment "T-Thanks" I looked away from Ken and Hyuk and smiled. "Well ready to start our sightseeing trip?" Ken asked happily, standing and stretching. I nodded happily. "Great! we better get going then" He said heading to the door as i followed, "Have fun~" Hyuk waved from the couch.


~Out and About~


Ken and i left the house and took his car to somewhere in Seoul. "I thought this would be a good place to start." He said "Um Ken where exactly are we?" I asked observing the area which was a small town like vacinity with small houses around narrow streets. The houses were placed close together and looked simaliar in size and in how they looked, walking down the street avoiding people walking the same and the opposite direction. "We are exploring a traditional Korean town" He said looking at me as i observed the town while we walked. " I thought this would be a good sight to start off at since its historical, like a lot of other sights i want to take you to today." He continued brushing a hand through his short brown hair. We continued walking down he paths for awhile, until Ken wanted to show me another place that would interest me aswell. Although all of Seoul was interesting me since the day i got here. We got back to Ken's car and we drove for quite some time till we finally parked at a place below a big highway. We got out of the car and walked out, begginning to see a beautiful body of water glistening. "Wow" I said in amazment, Ken laughed "I knew you would like this river, It is a beautiful sight" He said smiling looking at the River glittering in the sunlight. "Come on, Ken Lets get closer!" I said excited grabbing onto his arm and pulling him along as he smiled happily, laughing while following me.


~Later at a local coffee shop~


After We went to serveral other places we went out to a coffee shop near where Hyuk lives. We sat quietly and drank the coffee we ordered. Until i broke the silence "I had a lot of fun today" I said smiling and taking a sip of my drink "Me too" He said smiling back. Silence fell over our conversation again. We finished our coffee, in silence and drove back to Hyuk's house. I opened the door and walked into the living room with Ken and found Leo walking in from the kitchen with a plate of food, He froze when he saw us walking in. "Yoon Jung..." He mumbled, his facial expression remaining the same. I smiled "Leo, nice to see you" I said going into the living room and taking a seat. Ken glanced at Leo for a second and looked back at me "Its getting late, i should get going" Ken said uncomfortably "Oh" I said as he came over to me. I stood up and hugged him "Thanks for taking me out today" I said to Ken smiled "I'll take you out again sometime then" Ken said and left. Leo sat on the couch and watched tv with his food as i sat on the other side of the couch just watching tv in silence. Leo's expression never changed from the moment I got home to the point right now watching tv.


~20 minutes later~


Leo and i were still in the same position as we were when i got home. I decided to finally break the silence and ask him a question, "W-wheres Hyuk?" I asked looking over at Leo. "Oh, He went out for a while and said he would be back later..." Leo said looking at me. You were shocked hearing Leo say that it was only me and him at the house. Although he hasnt said much you were wondering how this was going to turn out. You scooted closer to Leo, "Why don't you smile?''I asked him, poking his cheek. "What do you mean? i smile all the time" he said looking at you offended. you laughed, "Smile then" I said poking his face again, He looked at me and puffed out his cheeks, I laughed at his silly face and popped the air bubbles in his cheeks, making him start laughing. After a while of laughing at each others silly faces, I checked the time. The clock read 10:30pm. I groaned "I should be getting to bed" You said hesitantly hugging Leo around the shoulder. "Good night" he said to you as you walked to your room for the night, changing into your pjs and crawling into your bed, thinking about your fun day with Ken and your weirdness with Leo, who makes silly faces. You couldn't wait to find out what was in store for tomorrow!

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Chapter 3: Wahh~! This is cute, please update soon~! <33
Chapter 1: Oooh seems interesting! Update soon!! ^o^
yooyellowbrain #3
First to subscribe, first to comment! Lol! I love the plot!^^ hehe eunkwang-bias here! X} I love VIXX too!!!~ fighting author-nim! Please update soon! *^^*