Chapter 2

Soul mates

''Sungmin! Sungmin!'' Hangeng yelled as he continued to bang his hands on the front door to Sungmin's apartment.


Although no one opened the door, the Chinese man refused to give up. Once again he started knocking on the door while screaming his lungs out. ''Sungmiiiiiiin!''


''Aish I'm coming!'' A shout could be heard from the other side of the door.


A few muffled words and the sound of the lock opening could be heard before the door opened. Hangeng was met by a half sleeping Donghae who was rubbing his eyes while straightening his bed head. Oh did I forget to mention that it was 8 in the morning?


''Geng Hyung? What are you doing here?'' The brunette yawned while leaning against the door. 


''I need your brothel.'' Hangeng smiled innocently. Donghae raised an eyebrow with a smirk when he heard Hangeng's mispronounce. 


''Brothel? Hyung I think you mean brother.''


''That's what I said.''

''No you said brothel, as in a whorehouse.'' Hangeng slightly blushed when he heard what he had said, and quickly cleared his throat to get rid of the awkward atmosphere.


''W-whatever. Can you just get him for me?''

''Sure, wait here.'' Donghae chuckled as he disappeared into the apartment.


''Brothel... real smooth there Hangeng.'' The Chinese man cursed himself for saying something so wrong. Maybe he should really take Heechul's advice on going to those Korean classes.

''Here he is. Did I get the right one?'' Donghae asked as he came back to the door with Sungmin clinging on to him, desperate for a pillow he could hug.




''Good. And stop hugging me, will you? God Hyung you're like a five year old.'' Donghae groaned as he pushed Sungmin away before going back to his own room. A loud slam could be heard and Sungmin frowned in annoyance. 



''Well thank you for waking me up with such love! Aish what is with that boy lately?! Always being rude and slamming the doors... Maybe I should have given him a small slap every once in awhile while he was a kid and acted like this...'' Sungmin muttered under his breath. He immediately covered his mouth with his hand when he noticed someone else was in the room.

''H-Hangeng?! P-please don't misunderstand! I don't hit Donghae! Not Ryeowook either I just-''


''Relax Sungmin, I have a sister so I know exactly how you feel. But whatever, I have question for you.'' Hangeng said as he stepped closer to Sungmin. ''What would you say about being a model for a day?''


''A model? I would say no, I don't have time.''


''Come on, please?''


''Hangeng you know I don't have the time. I work every day for at least 4 hours. Where am I going to find the time of being a model?''


''Just call in sick.''


''I said no.''


''Sungmin please I beg you! Heechul's university is going to have a fashion show and his work is going to be shown! Only his and two other students and people from huge clothing companies are going to be there. If he can show his clothes for them then he has a chance of getting his clothes on the market. This is his big chance! Please please please! You will get paid for the bother, I swear.''


''I-I don't know. I have no experience about being a model.''


''It doesn't matter. Heechul said he'll give you a private lesson on how to do it. Pleaaaaase? I will make dumpling for you and your brothers for a month.'' 


''Fine.'' Sungmin finally gave in while sighning. 


''Great! Now go get dressed and then we can go to the university.''


''What now?''


''Yes, now! Go get dressed before Heechul looses him patience. You have two minutes.'' Hangeng smiled while pushing Sungmin towards his bed room.




''No!'' Kyuhyun yelled when he heard what Heechul wanted.


''Come on Kyu!''




''All you have to do is to hand out these flyers. Is it hard to do?''


''No but I will have to be outside! Hyung I just came back to Korea and all I really want is to rest but you're making me work. You're so cruel."


"You think asking you to hand out flyers is too much to ask for you? God you're such a fat . I feel really bad for whoever your soul mate is. That person is going to have to put up with a lot of .''


''Whatever. Just give me those stupid flyers.'' Kyuhyun mumbled as he grabbed the papers from Heechul's hand and stormed out through the back door.


''Heechul I got him!'' Hangeng yelled when he came in through the door. He was holding on to Sungmin's hoodie while the said man was walking with half open eyes. Even though it had taken 40 minutes to get to the university and he had gotten his morning coffee he was exhausted.


''Is this the guy you want me to cast as a model?'' The designer asked while he got his measuring tape.


''Yepp, this is him. Sungmin this is Heechul. He's the designer and my boyfriend.''
At the last title Sungmin immediately opened his eyes and quickly fixed his hair, regretting that he hadn't brushed it like Hangeng had told him. He had never met Heechul before, but heard that if you didn't make a good first impression the designer would never give you another chance. 


''Hello. I'm Lee Sungmin.'' The waiter quickly bowed while flashing a small smile. 


Heechul scanned the shorter man from head to toe and walked around him in a few circles while thinking deeply. He measured Sungmin's chest, legs, arms, hips and took a look on his face. 


''You're perfect.'' The diva finally said with a big smile. ''You fit my concept perfectly.''


''I-I do?''


''Yes. As Hangeng said, I'm Heechul. What was your name again?''


''Lee Sungmin.''


''Okay then Sungmin. The fashion show is in two weeks and of course I will pay you for being here the whole night. Are you up for it?''


''Y-yeah but I don't have any experience of being a model.''


''Oh I know already, Hangeng told me. Now if you just follow me I will tell you everything you need to know. Hangeng honey do you mind getting me some coffee?''


''Sure. Black as usual?''


''You know it.'' Heechul said as he started gathering his folders and the sketches of his clothes before turning to Sungmin. ''What about you Sungmin, do you want anything?''


''Uhm... Just some bubble tea if you have any.''


''I will be right back.'' Hangeng smiled before leaving to find the drinks. 


Heechul started walking towards another room and since Sungmin didn't know anyone he quickly followed the designer like a lost puppy.


''Okay so this is the catwalk you are going to walk on. All you have to do is to walk from that side to that one, pose, and then go back. And when you come back here...'' Heechul's voice trailed of as he led Sungmin back stage.

''You will have to go down this hallway and then turn to the right where you will be changing your clothes. You don't have to memorize it all right now, but just make sure you know where to go when it's time.''



''Wait, I'll be walking down this?'' Sungmin's eyes widened when he saw the cat walk. It was so long, and when he looked around and saw how many seats there were around he suddenly felt uneasy. 


''Uhm Heechul can I just ask how many people fits in here?''


''In here? Hmm I would guess around 200 people.''


''200?!'' Sungmin exclaimed. 200 persons were going to focus on him all at once?


Sungmin wasn't a coward, he was actually the total opposite. But the thought of 200 persons staring at him was a little scary.
''Yes, 200 persons. But don't worry, it's actually quite fun. Now can I just take a look on how you walk?''


''Sure.'' Heechul walked down to the side of the catwalk and told Sungmin to always keep his eyes straight forward. No looking down on the floor or up in the ceiling. And it would definitely not hurt smiling a little, but obviously it depended on what kinds of clothes he wore.


After an whole hour of training Sungmin how to walk he was staring to get the hang of it. But because of his busy schedule Heechul didn't have any more time to coach Sungmin.


''Sungmin I'm sorry but I have to go. I'm going to take a look at the other models that you are going to be working with.'' Heechul apologized while Sungmin got down from the catwalk.


''Sungmin if you can come back here in a few days to try on your clothes it would be great. You can just Hannie for my number and the I'll contact you. Bye.'' Heechul waved as he ran off.


Hangeng walked into the room with Sungmin's bubble tea and Heechul's coffee in each hand, wondering where his boyfriend was. With sparkling eyes when seeing his favorite drink in the whole world Sungmin told Hangeng where his boyfriend was.


''You want this huh? Here you go.'' Hangeng handed the younger his bubble tea when seeing how he almost started drooling.


Sungmin let out a small smile when he started drinking the sweet drink. Mango. His favorite.


''So I guess you're done here for today. Do you want a ride home Minne?''


''No thanks I'm fine. I can walk home from here.''


''Okay but call me if any creep tries to you.''


''I will. Bye Geng Hyung.'' Sungmin smiled and skipped out from the university.


He knew his way home from here since he had been here a few times while he was still in high school. It was mean for Sungmin to begin here after he graduated, but because he had so much job at home he couldn't. Not that he minded though. He was never a good student to begin with. 



"Here take a flyer. Sir would you like a- Excuse me but there is going to be a fashion sho-" Kyuhyun's words kept on being cut over and over again because no one stopped to take a flyer.


The said boy sighed and cursed while ruffling his chocolate brown hair. He felt like a clown going around like this when not even one stopped to so much as look at him. 


''Screw this.'' Kyuhyun muttered under his breath an saw a middle aged man talking on the phone coming towards his direction. Kyuhyun walked up to him and and put all the flyers in his hand.


''Here, have a nice ing day.'' He smiled sarcastically before walking away, ignoring the confused look on the mans face.


''Aish what am I even doing here? Freaking Heechul bossing me around...'' Kyuhyun mumbled as he headed back to the university. Being so busy cursing to the designer Kyuhyun didn't hear the footsteps of someone coming from around the corner.


''Heechul can just shove himself up my a- Ugh!'' Kyuhyun's sentence was cut of when he crashed into someone and hit his head.


''Ouch!'' Two voices yelled in unison.


Kyuhyun felt a small pain in his forehead but it quickly went away when he heard someone whimper. He looked down and saw a guy bending over while holding his head. It looked like the guy was going to cry.


''H-hey are you okay? Did you hit your head too hard?'' Kyuhyun asked as he went down to the same eye lever as the guy who was now hiding his face in his hands. 


''I-I'm okay. But my bubble tea...'' The guys eyes went down to the floor, where his precious bubble tea was spread all over it. 


''Oh... I'm sorry?'' Kyuhyun said confused. Why did he look so sad over something as simple as bubble tea? That's when Kyuhyun looked up and everything went blank.


In front of him was the most beautiful guy he had ever seen. Big brown eyes, raven black hair, slightly chubby cheeks and M-shaped lips. Kyuhyun felt his mouth going dry and how it felt as if the world stopped. All he could do was to stare at the beautiful human in front of him.


Sungmin slightly blushed when Kyuhyun didn't stop staring at him. He felt too watched. 


''You're beautiful.'' The words escaped Kyuhyun's mouth before he even had a chance to think. 


The comment made Sungmin blush even more (if that was even possible) and he quickly averted his eyes from Kyuhyun's. ''I-I have to go.''
The smaller man bowed his head and stood up to leave/run away from the creep in front of him.


After Sungmin had left it took a while for Kyuhyun's brain to register what he had said. And when he did realize he immediately face palmed himself. 'You're beautiful?'  Idiot!


''Why can't I just die?'' Kyuhyun groaned and looked at the spilled bubble tea in front of him. Then he looked towards the direction where Sungmin had run off to.


*Who was he anyway?* Kyuhyun thought while standing up. That's when Heechul came and saw the mess on the floor. 


''Cho Kyuhyun!''



It was only lunch time when Sungmin came home. Because he had skipped work today he didn't really have anything to do. At least he could rest for the day. 


''I'm home!'' Sungmin yelled when he entered the apartment.


''Hello Hyung! I'm in the kitchen!'' A high pitched voice called. Sungmin followed the voice and smiled when he saw Ryeowook there with a few books, pens and papers spread out everywhere.


''What are you doing Wookie?'' Sungmin asked as he sat down across from his brother. There were a few cookies on the table and the older one was quick to snatch them. After the creepy guy had spilled out his bubble tea he had been craving for something sweet.


''I'm studying for a test. It's on Monday.''


''Aww I'm proud that you're doing good in school. Maybe at least you can finish school with good grades.''


''You could have done it too.''


''Nah. Too much work with you and Donghae.'' Sungmin ruffled his brothers hair before looking through the cabinets for something to eat. 


''Hyung I know you said that you don't want to do anything until Donghae and I can take care of ourselves, but we can. You can look for a proper job now. You can start dating.''


''Ryeowook I'm fine. I don't need a soul mate. Do you want pasta or ramen for dinner?'' Ryeowook sighed. Sungmin obviously didn't want to talk about it so it was better to drop the subject now.






''1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and turn! Sungmin you were supposed to turn there!'' Heechul yelled when Sungmin lost the count and turned too fast.


''Sorry Hyung but I'm scared to fall down.'' 


''You won't fall down, it's a catwalk. You see when you need to stop. Come on let's try it again.'' Heechul started the music all over again.


This time Sungmin took a deep breath and kept his eyes straight forward. He was the third to go out on the catwalk and he watched as the two other models before him walked. They did everything perfect. They walked with straight backs, did amazing poses and then walked back without bumping into each other.


Now it was Sungmin's turn. The fashion show was nearing and he had to focus. ''Sungmin it's you now!''


At Heechul's words, Sungmin took one last breath and started walking. 


Kyuhyun entered the room with his hands full of different kinds of bags and small boxes. He spotted Heechul at the very end of the catwalk and was about to walk up to Heechul when something caught his eye. 
The beautiful man he had seen a few days ago was walking down the catwalk while wearing the clothes Heechul had designed. And damn did he look good in those pants.


''That's it Sungmin! Now do a simple pose with the blazer and make a small smirk.'' Heechul yelled in excitement.


*So his name is Sungmin.* Kyuhyun thought and continued to watch Sungmin.


Sungmin did as he was told and slightly pushed the blazer down his shoulders to show how the T-shirt he wore under looked like. He quickly pulled it up again and made his way back so that the next model could come in.


''Sungmin that was excellent.'' Heechul praised the waiter when he came out from backstage. ''If you walk like that in a few days you are going to kill it.''



''Hyung!'' Kyuhyun yelled out and lightly kicked Heechul's leg. The designer turned around and somehow his face went from smiling to frowning.


Sungmin looked behind Heechul and his eyes widened when he saw the same creep from a few days ago. The waiter immediately turned his head away to avoid any eye contact with Kyuhyun. Somehow he felt scared of him after what he had said.


''Oh... It's you.'' 


''The hell is that supposed to mean? I've been walking around town for four hours just to get your stuff.


''Good for you. You can put it beside my desk.''


''Aren't you going to say something?'' Kyuhyun snapped when he felt more and more anger build up inside him.


''What do you want, a cookie?''


''It would be nice with something that starts with a 'T' and ends with a 'hank you'.''


''Yeah yeah you did good. So Sungmin I think you should come in about...''


*The hell? He's not even going to introduce me?* Kyuhyun frowned when he saw how Heechul was completely ignoring his presence.


Although he couldn't stop staring at Sungmin. Poor Sungmin must have felt Kyuhyun's eyes on him since a small shade of red spread on his cheeks while trying to focus on Heechul. Then things got worse when Kyuhyun scanned Sungmin from head to toe. And he wasn't displeased with what he saw.


''There there, go on dear.'' Heechul said as he pushed Sungmin to go and change. That's when Heechul finally turned around to look at his younger friend.


''There, now I have time to listen to you. Thank you so much for buying everything for me Kyuhyunnie.'' The designer ruffled his friends hair and took the bags from him. Kyuhyun croocked an eyebrow in confusion, confused about Heechul's sudden change of attitude. They had known each other since they were in diapers, but Heechul was still unpredictable for Kyuhyun.


''So...'' Heechul started of while walking away and signaled for Kyuhyun to follow him. The younger did as told and followed the designer to where he was working on his clothes.


''...mind telling me why you were eye-ing Sungmin behind my back?''


''I-I was not!'' Kyuhyun exclaimed. He quickly tried to come up with something to say but Heechul was one step ahead of him.


''Oh don't give me that Cho. I'm a lot smarter than you think.''


''That's a surprise.''


''Don't push it you brat. So tell me.''


''Tell you what?''


''Why you couldn't stop looking at him.''


''Give it a rest Hyung, I wasn't eye-ing him.'' Kyuhyun said as he grabbed a book and pretended to start reading it. The designer crossed his arms while sitting down in his chair. He glared at Kyuhyun and waited for the younger to start talking.








''It clicked!'' The younger yelled. Bingo.


''Exactly what clicked dear Kyu?''


''I-I don't know it was just... When he looked at me it felt like everything disappeared. I just... I can't describe it Hyung.''


''Well if you're lucky, maybe he's your soul mate.'' Heechul said sarcastically. Not a good idea.


''You think so?'' The younger suddenly shined up. Not a good idea either because the next thing Kyuhyun knew, a book came flying on his head.


''No you stupid, I was being sarcastic. Don't start with this crap again. Sungmin is not your soul mate. You just imagined it because you are so freaking desperate to find yours. You can help me here instead.'' Without knowing it Kyuhyun pouted while rubbing his sore head.


''I was just asking...'' He mumbled while looking around. Thank god no one was there, or else it would have been embarrassing.


Maybe Heechul was right. Maybe Kyuhyun was so desperate to find his soul mate that he really didn't focus on anything else. Maybe it was time to let it go for awhile.


''Fine, you win Hyung. I won't look for my soul mate anymore.'' Kyuhyun said and walked towards the cafeteria to get something to drink.


*But I swear I felt a click.*

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Chapter 14: Three years later I'm still here. Waiting.
Chapter 14: this is bull! god dammit siwon and to think a dorky boy cant turn into a dickhead in fanfictions ;___; honestly, they should just find siwon's soulmate *cough* kibum *cough* and get it over with or frame him or something. ill be waiting for an update authornim even if it takes a century.
Dreamer_Jk #3
Chapter 14: You know, I really miss this story of yours.. :<
(I'm not begging for you to update it soon, i hate when people do it, i just wanted to tell you i remember this story and i miss it)
PinkPumpkinMinnie #4
Chapter 14: Siwon, please stop disturbing KyuMin already. Your soulmate is Kibum! I'm sure of it!
Chapter 14: Update soon please!
Poor kyuhyun :P he HAS to be ok!
And sungmin has to show siwon his true soul mate!
Fighting! XD
Chapter 4: Best line ever. "Do you like cheese?" Hahaha!
Chapter 14: Why? Omg SIWON I WILL PERSONALLY KILL YOU!! Ugh my kyumin feels ;~;
ayawani #8
Chapter 14: Ewww Siwon,shame on you..
Author-nim..please update.. :)
adreana164 #9
Chapter 14: that choi siwon! what the hell is wrong with him? does he not understand the term 'we are soul mates', 'no means no', 'i will never be yours' or something of that sort? i really really want to punch him in the face for doing this. kick his to make him register all of those terms. how dare he hurt cho kyuhyun!

hye there, i'm a new reader and i must say i love your concept of soul mates through rings, it's so unique. and i'm sorry for my vulgar words for my first comment here on your story ^^