Chapter 1

Love Wants it's Way {Hiatus}


Song Eun Ah awoke when the maid opened the curtains, revealing the morning sun rays.

"Rise and shine dear. Mother wants to meet you at the table today," she said, as Eun Ah tiredly sat up in her bed. She groaned. "Why?" She asked.

"No idea, just hurry." the maid replied knowing Eun Ah's mother didn't have much patience,  and exited Eun Ah pink and white bedroom. She groaned once more then got up. She slipped her freshly painted toes into her pink, fluffy slippers, then started her usual morning.

"Okay, what is so important that I had to wake up so early for?" Eun Ah asked as she jogged down the stairs. She walked to the dining room, and spotted her mother and father sipping their coffees. "Why must you wear that?" her mother asked disapprovingly at her daughter's choice of outfit. She was wearing a plain polo white shirt, and a mini skirt, pink.

She laughed."Mother, I'm a adult now. You cant expect me to wear childish clothes, now do you?" Eun Ah joked, but her mother still stayed serious, her hands folded.

"Sit down dear, we need to show you something." he father said. EunAh looked puzzled as she sat on the soft furniture. It was rare seeing her parents. She was surprised that her parents would cancel their work day just to talk to their only daughter. 

Her mother slid a folder to her. Eun Ah took it between her long,slender fingers. When she opened it, it revealed a man. "Who's this?" she asked curiously.  The guy had dark brown hair that was short, he had sharp features on his face. He wore a suit, and was holding a first place trophy for horse riding. Underneath the picture, there was information about the guy.

"His name is Choi Siwon. He won 20 horse races in a row. He plays more than 5 sports and won all of them as well. " Her mother started babbling on about this guy's achievements, and other stuff that girls plainly fell for.

"Why are you telling me this?" EunAh asked as she closed the folder. The maids served her breakfast: Scrambled eggs, toast and orange juice. "He's gonna be real important in your life." her father said. Eun Ah fake gasped. "Is he my long lost brother." She joked, but her mother shook her head. Eun Ah took a sip from her juice.

"No, but your husband." Eun Ah spitted out her drink abruptedly, juice spraying everywhere.

"My What!?" She shouted even though she knew exactly what her parents were saying. 

"Your husband. The wedding is due next month." Her father responded. Eun Ah got up in rage. "A what! You're seriously giving me a arranged marriage? This is ridiculous and unfair!" Eun Ah shouted at her parents. They sighed, in frustration. "You don't understand. This was a important promise made years ago." Her father said as he tried to take her hands in his, hoping to calm her down.

"Oh, I do understand. Was the promise so 'important' that it has to ruin my life. I don't care! I refuse to do this stupid thing!" she yelled as she pushed her father's hand away. "Honey, after all these years we fed, loved, cared, did everything for you. Why can't you do a single thing for us." her mother pleaded, but Eun Ah was still angry.

"But this is way to serious. Getting Married? It's too early, I've got a life to live. You say you love me, but you're making me do this, ridiculous thing. You don't love me, you hate me. Well, guess what. I can't  believe you're doing this, I hate you!" She shouted. Her parents stared at her shocked, loss for words. Eun Ah was surprised too. She couldn't control herself. It was like a volcano, exploding.

Eun Ah stood there. All of the eyeballs were staring at her, shocked from her outrage. She walked back, then ran out the door. She quickly pulled out her phone then dialed a number.

"Hey, can you pick me up at...." Eun Ah said into the receiver, talking to her friend, who she was hoping to spend the night at.


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leeteukisyoung #2
Thank you so much! Saranghae! Kekeke I loved it<3
DivineHarmony #4
Oh yeah! For the win :D <br />
This is really good. <br />
Keep up the good work :)