Dream Chapter 1



 This story will be based on Ryeowook’s POV. Enjoy! ^_^

As a child, I always have things on my own way. I don’t like to socialize with other kids that much. Yes. I’m so much of a loner. Being in a house where your parents are always away doing their work is something that made me like this. We live in a big house, with lots of house helpers; I also have my own nanny I tell you. But that’s not really what I want. I wanted to spend time with my mom and dad. But even in weekends they always leave. I sometimes asked my nanny if my parents love me.

“Wookie dear, of course your parents’ love you. They work so hard for you. It’s for your own good, they want you to have a better and bright future.” My nanny always tells me. Oh by the way her name is Jung Yoo-Rin but I always call her Yoonie noona. Even though she’s only my nanny, I love her so much. I can only confide to her. She’s the only one who I give my trust. 

“But I want them to spend some time with me. My classmates always talks about their trips with their parents.” I said and I know tears are threatening to fall. Yoonie noona hugged me as always she does, and give me a light kiss in my head. I mentally wished that mom can do that to me. 

My mom’s always in her work. I know my mom’s famous, and I’m proud to say that she’s so beautiful. I know she loves me so much, once in a while she’s giving me a phone call to ask if I’m alright and if I’m being a good girl, though a phone call is not enough to take away the longing I feel. I can say the same for my dad. He always buys me everything, toys, clothes, bags, even my pet dog, and cat. Whenever he’s around he always hugs me and carries me in his arms. He’s so strong! I love them both so much and I missed them dearly. I just hope that they come home soon. 


“Wookie baby, wake up. Mommy and Daddy are home now.” I can hear a sweet voice whispering in my ears. I slowly open my eyes and saw my mom’s beautiful face. I quickly rise from my bed and give her a big warm hug.

“Hey! I’m jealous, baby give daddy a hug too!” My daddy said playfully. I quickly went over him and give him a hug. And he surprisingly tickles my side. 

“Yah, daddy! You’re*laugh* tick*laugh*ling me! Hahaha...” I said between giggles. Dad stopped tickling me and he placed me on his lap.

“So how was our little princess?” My mom ask sitting in front of me and daddy.

“I was a good girl, mommy. I followed our entire teacher’s instruction at school.” I stopped to think..”and I also followed Yoonie noona’s instructions!” I said proudly. 

Mom and dad give me both a kiss in my cheeks. 

“Sweetie, we have something for you.” My dad whispered in my ear.

“Really? Daddy, what’s that?” I asked them excitedly. 

“You should come with us downstairs and we’ll show it to you, baby!” My mom said. And I hurriedly release myself in my daddy’s arms.

“Hey!” Daddy shouts playfully, making me stop.

“Daddy, come on! I really want to see what you and mommy’s talking about! Hurry!” 


I went downstairs and followed my mom to one of the rooms in our house. My eyes grew bigger at the sight of a beautiful piano.

“Baby, this is for you. Isn’t it a beauty? I hope you will enjoy playing this, my princess. I know how much you love music.” My daddy said hugging me. I hugged him back and kiss his cheeks repeatedly.

“Oh daddy, thank you so much!”

“What about me?” My mom pouted. Really my mom’s so cute. No wonder my dad fell so hard on her. And I symbolize my parents’ love for each other! Yah beat that!

“Mommy thank you so much!” I hugged her and give her also my sweet kisses.

Both my mom and dad smiled. And that’s how my love for my piano started. As I grew up, my skills at playing the piano are showing.
Whenever there will be an occasion that’ll be held at our house, my parents’ will let me play a piece and I will happily oblige. All of our guests complimented me in my skills and that earns me a lot of confidence at pursuing my dream. And yes I dream of becoming a successful pianist. 

I joined Piano competitions in my school when I was still in my middle school days. And fortunately, I always won in every competition I joined in. I was so happy that I can bring honour to my parents, aside of being one of the brightest kids in school. This went up till I entered my High school. Even though we are full of homeworks and projects, I manage to find time to still play and still able to participate in competitions. 


And now I’m in my last year at high school, I’m so happy that I still manage to be on one of the top of our class and still able to pursue my dream. Only a few weeks left and we will be graduating. And I’ll start applying for Music course in one of the prestigious music school here in Korea. Oh, I’m so excited!

“Wookie! Hey!” a hand suddenly waves in front of my face. I glance to that person and saw that it’s only my one and only best friend, Donghae.

“Oppa! Why are you waving your hand in front of me?” I asked him. 

“I was calling you like a million times and you’re just staring blankly outside! You’re day dreaming again, Wookie-ah.” He said laughing.

“Yah! I’m just bored you know!” I playfully slapped his arm.

He ruffled my hair making it a bit of a mess. “Oppa!”

He just laughed and continued listening to our teacher. I smiled and look again in the vast scenery outside. How did I become friends with him? I actually ask that myself but to keep our story short, I met him during our middle school days, I was still a bit anti-social that time and he notice that I’m always alone. He always said that opposite do attract, him being the loud one and me being the quiet one. We really get along and that’s all that matters in friendship right? 

The bell rang and interrupt my thoughts. Donghae let out a sigh of relief and he looks at me. “Wookie, what are you going today?” He asked.

“Do you have to ask that? I know that you know the very answer on that question of yours, oppa.” I said smiling sweetly at him.

“Yah, yah, I know you’re going to practice playing again. Seriously, Wook, you’re already great at playing! Give yourself a little break. Come on! Let’s go and go somewhere fun! We’re going to graduate soon let’s make the most of our time being a high school student!” He said grabbing my arms. I couldn’t help but agree with him. I heard that he’ll be taking Business field in College, that’s what his parents wanted. I want to take on Music major, I still haven’t talk about it with my parents’ but I hope that they will agree with me. They know how much I dedicated my life in music. 

“Alright, oppa! Let’s go to the amusement park!” I said happily.

“Sure! Let’s go!” he said excitedly. Seriously, I think he’s younger than me.
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Chapter 2: i hope that someday..this will be updated..
Wait so Wookies a girl? Y does she call her nanny 'noona'? Great story btw :D