Chapter 1 : I really do love you..

Me and Himchan

Next day,you were at home waiting for Himchan to come back home from his schedule with B.A.P but you keep calling his phone but no one answer it but when you called the rest of B.A.P member they say Himchan has left ~ all you did was waited for Himchan to come home ~


Suddenly you heard the door open and Himchan came walking in ~ 

You look at HImchan ,

You : Oppa..where did you go?

Himchan : I went to get dinner ~ I was soo hungry ~ /rubbing his stomach/

You : I thought something happen to you..I was so worried that something bad might happen to you..*pouts* I called you alot of time but didnt get through..

Himchan : aishh My phone battery die out even before I reach home ~ mianhae ~/cuddle you/

You : Gwechana at least you are back home now ~^^ /smiling/

HImchan : keke I bought cheeseburger! /showing it to you/

You : Why cheeseburger again ? I thought we ate it last week..*facepalmed*

Himchan : It nice ^^ I lurb it soo much !<3 /smiling/

You : /laugh/ I think it time to teach you to say love instead of saying lurb ~ /teasing/

Himchan : Im already used to saying it like this ~ hajimayo ~ *pouts*

You : but it would sound nicer if it love..say it Oppa! ^^

Himchan : /tease/ lurb it ^^ 

You : Aishh it love not lurb ! >< OPPA! 

Himchan : Alright ~ lo..lurb it ! /laughing hard/

You : Aishh ~ Im not talking to you anymore~ /getting up/


Suddenly Himchan pull you and you hit against his chest <3

Himchan : keke alright im saying it now ~ Listen carefully~/hugging you tightly/

You : Say what?

Himchan : I LOVE YOU ,Y/N!<3

You : /blushed/ Oppa is a liar..

Himchan : /let go/ since when did I lie?/looks at you/

You : Just say you only know how to say lurb not love ~ *pouts*

Himchan : Cause I only say love to the only one I love..thats you <3

You : /blushed/ I need to get a drink ~ /trying to stand up/

Before you can stand up,Himchan pull you back down and kiss your lips~

Himchan : Your lips i kiss it ~ <3 I really love you sweetie <3 

And he continue to kiss you <3



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Chapter 6: Nice story :) But I hate when I read "THE END" ///kikikiki..
Chapter 4: Update soon :) Nice story!
Chapter 4: <3 oh sooo sweeet
Chapter 2: OMG!! Hahaha...I smiled~~~ ulaaala..This is best story!
Chapter 2: Update soon!!! Lurb it haha
chachu #6
Chapter 2: please update!!!
Chapter 1: Nice story!! I will wait your story! Update soon ya! :)
I'm looking forward to your story author-nim ^^ please update soon :DD