The Arranged Scandal


“Where are you going for summer break?”

“Jino and I are going to the Philippines to celebrate our one and a half year anniversary.” With her head in the clouds, Eun Mi smiled ear to ear, her eyes in a faraway gaze. “His treat.”

Still in a daze, she popped a piece of sushi into .

“Oh, wow.” Sighing, I idly dabbed wasabi onto my sashimi. Too much wasabi. My mouth burned and my eyes teared.

“What are you planning to do?” Eun Mi returned my question in the middle of my agony.

“I don’t know." I coughed. "Studying, maybe.”

“Why?” She frowned. “College exams are over. Summer break in your last year in high school is supposed to be the best!” She made extravagant gestures, attracting the attention of a few customers nearby.

“Tch. I might go somewhere,” I countered.

“Where?” She prodded. “With who?”

I must have been the last girl in our school who wasn’t in a relationship. With a student news crew constantly clawing for the latest and juiciest tidbits, our school was largely dependent on drama, and I didn’t want to be a part of it.

“No one. Myself.”

She pouted. “You’re so boring. This is why all the guys avoid you.”

Suddenly, the restaurant door opened, and video cameras flooded in.

“There she is!”

They surrounded me.

“Annyeonghaseyo. Will you be my girlfriend?”

In front of me stood someone that I’d never expected to meet in all my life.





My first story here! ^^
Reads, comments, subscriptions, and contructive criticism are all welcome~

The poster has me as Harmony, my name at SFI, where I also write, so I hope it doesn't cause too much confusion. ><;;
Thank you to the wonderful honnie for the poster<3

This story is entirely original and is a fictional work of my own imagination.
Similarities to any other works are coincidental. Please do not steal my plot or ideas.


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Chapter 2: update soon pls!!!! i like your story^^