Man In Love

Man In Love

Hi! As i have said in my foreword, I'll be posting good news and bad news today. I just realise that i have stupidly uploaded two identical chapter for my one-shot. hahhaha. So I shall start to talk about my good news and bad news now! 


So I shall start with my bad news first:

  • I have decided to stop updating my WGM: Fashionista Couple and Black Angel. Although I have not updated a lot, but I really lost interest in writing that two story, I have lost all my data of the story plot because i forgot to transfer files when I change my phone. So i lost all my data for these stories.
  • I have decided to NOT go for my husband, G-Dragon's concert in SG due to personal reasons, even though I'm very sad but what can i do? Reality can't be change. /le sigh
  • Then, my new school term have started and damn, lots of idiotic people.
  • My phone is acting all weird, shutting off by itself, OMG, super irritating. Ugh. 


My good news

  • I have decided to focus on One-Shot cuz duh, I'm better with it, HAHAHA. 
  • I'm going to my boyfriend, B.A.P's concert instead! HAHA! 
  • Lastly,


I bought INFINITE's NEW CHALLENGE album!! And I got my boyfriend, Myungsoo's photo card! YAY!! I'm so happy that I felt light headed yesterday. HAHAHH! 

Yeah, that's all for now. I'll come back soon with a new One-Shot, in fact, I'm posting one up soon, but it will be a sad one. HAHAH! Anyways! Enjoy! 


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Chapter 2: I got the other version of poster and I got my bias *____* Woohyun Oppa a huhuhu btw nice story :)
Chapter 3: Ahhh~ authornim~ it'll be awesome if you open oneshot request shop! ^^
I'll make sure to request kkkkk~
mickyilya #3
Chapter 2: Can i have ur photocard! I got sungyeol!
syazayu #4
Chapter 2: Can you make oneshot all member like this story