2nd drabble

Prompt Drabbles

Prompt : Vampires and Roses



Thorns. Red. My harsh breath. Petals. Green. I huff. Everywhere I look I see roses. Dark red roses, with their innocent looking thorns that wait patiently for someone to touch them and get hurt. I run as fast as I can in this majestic labyrinth, searching for what was stolen from me. As I pass by, countless microscopic attacks are thrown at me from the eternal rose guardians of the maze. I feel my skin break, the wounds oozing out black dead blood but I continue my restless quest.

A crossroad brings me to a harsh stop. Which way is the right one? Which route should I take? Which road will unite me with him? I hesitate for a millisecond and follow the right turn; right is what he would choose. I sent a silent prayer to whichever true god there is that I made the right choice and pick up my pace. Time is running alongside me, maybe even faster than I can ever hope to move and he doesn’t have much of it left. I must hurry, I must find him.

A familiar scent fills the air around me. I recognize my most favorite in this filthy world aroma – his own distinct and unique fragrance. Is this a sign that I am closer to him? The thought of seeing him again gives wings to my feet and feel like I’m flying within the natural emerald and ruby walls of this death trap.

I make a sharp turn and my breath gets knocked out of my chest. There he is. The love of my life, the reason of my humanity, the sun of my endless night. They have him captured, bound with fragile looking vines inside a rose bush. I smell his delicious blood and I notice the wounds his floral prison inflicted on him. My own blood starts to boil; only I have the right to extract his delicious elixir. No one else in this forsaken world is allowed to, not without ending my existence first.

I scream his name as I draw near but he doesn’t seem to hear my desperate cry. I sprint to cover the last meters than keeps us apart. At last he’s here, in front of me, only an arm’s reach away. His gaze is looking at nothing, watching things that are not of this mundane world we exist in. I grab his shoulders and shake him, screaming for him to wake up and leave with me. My efforts bare no fruits at all. I have not broken his spell. I have not rescued him yet.

My mind is racing, trying to come up with any way that I can help him, free my beloved one from this mental and physical prison. I'm constantly distracted by the alluring and sweet smell of his exquisite blood; it does not let me focus. I'm tired, I used up a lot of energy and as the seconds tick by I inch closer and closer to the long neck I so often caress and bite on. My last drop of self-restraint dissolves into thin air the moment my lips make contact with the skip covering his pulsating artery. With a low groan I give in to my carnal desires and penetrate the soft, tanned skin. I feel a flood of renewing energy surge into my entire being. My body gets hotter and my mind spreads its threads, locating his faraway consciousness.

"...Jonghyun?" I hear him ask in an eerie voice.

"Yeah... I finally find you. You're safe now." I breathed out in relief and saw the vines unwrapping themselves from my lover's body.

"I knew you would..." Minho smiled as he fainted and I caught him, securing the unconscious boy in my strong arms. Now we could go back home.

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Chapter 2: yay u finally finished it~~~
jongho huh? I think that's a first for u, right?
but I can clearly see where u left it and then finished it the another day cause u switched from α προσωπο to γ :P
it was adorable (key being like a little wife and all) and u managed to portray Bum's feelings very well (especially considering it's just a drabble). but the main point of my prompt was his fear of storms while u concentrated more on the rest which was the setting :p