1st Drabble

Prompt Drabbles



Day 1 Prompt
Key’s fear of storms, grown-up Jongkey, cohabitating, Jonghyun working long hours





The clock struck eight times. Key raised his eyes from the book he was reading and looked at the dark blue device that was hanging above the fireplace. He sat up slowly, taking his time putting away the book and moving to the front of the fire. He picked two big pieces of wood and placed them carefully with the rest, jostling them a couple times so that they started burning. After a few minutes watching the crackling and the sparks he went to the kitchen and packed the food that was on the table. He closed the lights, checked if the windows were all shut and returned to the couch, settling down comfortably. Sleep came to him quick and unnoticed.

Bright light and sudden loud noise jostled him awake. He noticed that he was in their bed, Jonghyun sleeping soundly beside him. The clock indicated that it was midnight. When did he come home? Did he eat or was he too exhausted to do that? Key understood that it was essential for Jonghyun to work overtime for now because that was the only way to get the promotion he was after for so long but he still hated it. He hated how Jonghyun was tired all the time, how he was never at home anymore, how thin he had become. He reached for his lover’s cheek and caressed it tenderly. He wanted to tell him that it was alright, that he could give up on the promotion, that he could stop and catch his breath, rest a little. But he knew that he couldn’t do that. Key had to be strong, support him, wait patiently with a smile and encourage the other.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” he heard Jonghyun’s sleepy voice and looked at him.

“The storm woke me up.” he whispered, as if not to disturb the night’s eerie feeling.

“And you can yourself a man? Come here.” the brunette chuckled sleepily and cuddled Key to his chest. “Now sleep, okay?” he murmured, barely audible before drifting back to his dreamland.

Key let out a sigh and closed his eyes obediently. The storm outside got worse but he wasn’t scared like usually because he knew he was safe inside Jonghyun’s arms. That night Kibum dreamed of the future, a relaxed future, after Jonghyun’s promotion, filled with laughter and fun dates with his most favorite person in the whole wide world.





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Chapter 2: yay u finally finished it~~~
jongho huh? I think that's a first for u, right?
but I can clearly see where u left it and then finished it the another day cause u switched from α προσωπο to γ :P
it was adorable (key being like a little wife and all) and u managed to portray Bum's feelings very well (especially considering it's just a drabble). but the main point of my prompt was his fear of storms while u concentrated more on the rest which was the setting :p