Chapter 49

Friendship Never Dies!

Narrator's POV

"Beep...beep....beep....~~" goes the sound of the heart monitor. It's been a very chaotic and hectic night. Doctors and nurses are running here and there trying their best to save innocent lifes. Wooyoung is still unconcious, laying on the bed while the nurses quickly rip off his shirt and clean up the blood that is enveloping Wooyoung's entire body. All of his friends felt sorry upon seeing him in that condition.

They are also trying to calm Wooyoung's parents down who had been wailing and whining over their poor son. There are many scary noises going on inside the emergency room right now and everyone seems to be rushing.

"Alright one more time," instructed the doctor who is busy applying on the gel on some sort of a machine to be pump against Wooyoung's chest hopefully to allow him to breathe. They did that for a couple of times. 

Sasha's POV

All of our hands and luxurious clothes are covered with fresh blood stains and it's really traumatic for me everytime as I recall back about the accident. I can't believe that God tend to punish Wooyoung so severely. I can't bear to see the agony written on his parents faces that I excuse myself into the washroom. I wash the blood away, rubbing it continuously even though it's already clean. My breath become unstable seeing myself as a bad friend. I regretted for not being able to stop the arguement he once had with Taecyeon. I sob right in front of the mirror when a sudden tap on my shoulder scare me, causing me to swing the hand away when I realise it's my own husband. I cover my face and wipe off the tears away.

"Come here," Jay pulled me, my head and patting me gently on the back

He give me some comforting words and hug me for a few minutes till I'm kinda ok. I swear if anything happens to Wooyoung, I will never forgive myself. Why must there be such accident during a happy occassion. As we return back to the emergency ward area, Taecyeon became emotionally frustrated of what happened to Wooyoung and starts to curse himself while Nichkhun was calming him down. Haiz.... please wake me up from this awfully nightmare.



I wake up from my unpeace sleep upon hearing the creak sound coming from the sliding door. Everyone rush towards the doctor who had blood stains all over his gloves.

"How is he? He made it right?" Mrs Jang asked, in a very desperate tone


I shall say there are always good news and bad news to some things. In this case, I shall include both. Wooyoung is still in his unconcious world, laying on the hospital bed with that uncomfortable oxygen mask covering his mouth and those evil needles peircing most of his poor body. Sadly, accoridng to the doctor, Wooyoung might be in coma for about a few months. However, no matter how ish the news may seem, I'm so not going to believe that and I bet the others will not either. Things will only become reality only if you 100% believe it. Mr and Mrs Jang go to their son's side, holding onto his hands, hoping and praying for him to wake up. It is such a despodent and sad atmosphere in the ward.

Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Jay and myself can't stop shedding our tears, seeing our friend, or should I say one of our important family member getting severely injured. Mrs Jang wail, kissing her son's hand continuously, trying her very best to wake him up when Mr Jang pull her to one side before she were to collapse seeing Wooyoung in this situation. The four of us move closer, taking a sit, wanting to be by his side till he regain back his concious again.

Upon seeking the doctor's advice, we decided to keep talking to him because mostly people who are experiencing coma, even though they couldn't open their eyes and move, they could actually hear us. We talk about all of our regrets for neglecting him and recall him back about our childhood memories. I stare at him and I know he is listening. Our hands are still glued onto Wooyoung's with full of high expectations that he will wake up.

Narrator's POV

Due to overwhelming fatigue, the four friends including Mr and Mrs Jang fall asleep. Without realising, a tear roll down from Wooyoung's closed eyelids after what his friends had said and confessed. In addition he seems to be taking small breath. The heart monitor shows that Wooyoung's heartbeat is changing.

The next morning, Nichkhun was being awaken by the ray of sunlight protruding from the windows. Charmingly, he sits back upright and stretch those cramp muscles due to sleeping in the same position for hours. With his sleepy eyes, first person he focus on is Wooyoung who still has not move a muscle.

"Morning bro, sleep well last night? Hope you did. Hah, you know I had a wonderful dream about you yesterday. I dreamt that the five of us could reunite as one like before. You miss those moments too don't you? Can you do me a favour and let my dream come true? Please? Open those eyes of yours?" Nichkhun whispered, controlling those tears from falling

With no changes made, Nichkhun decided to go to the washroom to wash his face.

"YE?!" Sasha accidentally exclaimed causing Nichkhun to paused and look at her in curiousity

"Sasha, did you just call me?" Nichkhun asked while he monitors her eyeing at Wooyoung

Nichkhun asked again after no reply.

"Ani, I think I felt Wooyoung's hand squeezing onto mine," she said assuringly

"You sure you're not dreaming?" Nichkhun asked

Sasha keep quiet for a while thinking that Nichkhun might be right when she feel it again. Her eyes when wide and look at Nichkhun. That commotion causes everyone to be wide awake.

"I feel it again. Wooyoung?" she called out as Nichkhun reversed back his steps

All of them crowd around Wooyoung and called out his name when like finally a miracle happen. Like coming back from the dead, Wooyoung take a long, deep breath of the fresh air and his eyes which was once being surrounded by total darkness tend to allow light to enter, allowing him to see clearly. His heartbeat is back to it's normal speed again. Wooyoung is back and seeing his love ones crowding around him, he couldn't express it with words but to shed thankful tears. Thanking God for giving him a second chance to live.

Wooyoung's POV

"," I called out weakly, when she and my dad gave me a long hug, followed by everyone

Me and my four friends had a long heart to heart chat like as if we've not seen each other in ages. It's quite touching that they actually accept whatever mistakes that I've done and they really have strong determination in me to change into a new and better person. I'm happy that our friendship is still standing strong even though there are lots of ups and downs that we all have to in.


I'm busy reading some random book which is being place on the side table beside me when I notice Jay strolling in the ward, looking as if he wanted to tell me something.

"Hey Wooyoung, do you have a min?" he asked

I close the book and pay fully attention to him because I have something to tell him as well. It started of with a very casual talk about not meeting each other for a very long time and stuffs when it comes down to the serious, emotional part that only a friend to friend would understand.

"Do you hate me?Be honest," I asked him

"Used to, after what you actually did but not anymore," he answered honestly

"Sorry if my answer disappoint you or anything but that's my honest feelings but hey, come on, you're not some supernatural heros to be 100% perfect. But I swear that night when I lay my fist on you, I felt tremendously bad because I have no intentions to hit you at all. I regretted, big time. I just wasn't myself that night. You have the right to hate me too. You're absolutely right, I do care about myself since our young days, I am always the attention seeker. I'm sorry alright and I promise to change," Jay confessed

"Nah it's cool bro, we both have the rights to hate each other. I mean, just admit, we're both dumb frankly speaking. I didn't know how ing stupid I can be that just because of jealousy I actually get our friendship affected. Well, that sums up on how bloody good you are. Haha You get the chance to be famous too. But thank you so much bro," I thanked him

Jay protray a stun expression on his face, like he didn't expect me to say such things to him.

"For what dude? You think I like being famous? Well maybe at the start of it yes, but trust me bro, once you're too famous, you'll be depressed and stress most of the time. I regret being famous actually. I prefer to have a normal life like we used to have you know? Having the four of you in my life is much more better than being famous," he said

"You know, right after you beat the out of me, I finally realise what I actually did. Honestly, I felt guilty as hell after the fight. I wanted to run and apologised to you but I'm scared you wouldn't accept it. I'm really sorry for what I've done. I owe you and Sasha big time. Whatever you guys need in the future, just approach me alright? No matter how busy I am, I'll try my best to come to the both of your rescue!" I assured him, giving him a brotherly pat on the shoulder

"I appreciate that. Especially when you actually take the initiative to attend my wedding. If you confront things to me earlier, you wouldn't have to end up like this. Aiish!" Jay grumbled

"That was my real intention if you want to know. Nichkhun informed me about the wedding and I had a despair heart to attend but after thinking overnight, I plan to attend it to resolve things with all of you and just need to happen. I wonder who that bastard or who have the guts to knock me down," I wondered

"Don't tell me you're planning to have a fight meeting with whoever it was," Jay guessed, after knowing me so well

I give a satisfying smirk to him and I know he will repeat the same damn thing like what the other used to whenever I were to get involve in a fight. I can totally read his mind.

"If you have that in mind......don't forget to bring us along, because we want to repay for what that moron had done to you," he joked, causing the both of us to laugh hysterically


At last, all of the bad feeling that had been haunting me is slowly draining away after letting it out to Jay. Experiencing death sure is the scariest that I've ever encountered. Thankfully it only lasted for a day for me to regain back my concious and I feel bless to be given another chance to live. I swear I will not put it to waste because this kind of opprtunity is not given to all people. Only lucky ones like me. I am having a brotherly chat with Jay when Sasha enters.

"Babe, Nichkhun and Taecyeon is looking for you," she said lovingly to Jay

"Oh ok, you're not coming?" he replied standing up

"Nah, I'll be here or else Wooyoung would be alone, it's ok, I'll see you soon" she told him holding onto his hand

Jay tend to look insecure as his eyes met mine.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything to her. The least maybe a kiss on the lips?" I teased

"You dare to do that to my wife? I swear you won't be breathing like you used to now! Babe, sit a few distance away from him arra?" Jay warned me and reminded Sasha

Me and Sasha just giggle away as she shove a fork with a chopped pear towards and munch on it.

"Hahaha such a protective husband. Damn, I miss watching movies. Do you?," I said

"Me too...I wonder how many movies have we missed ever since you are 'missing in action'. Yah did you happened to do some filmming or something?Ahh, I heard you're featuring in a movie called, "Backstabbing Your Own Friends". Hahaha, just kidding," Sasha teased, causingly me to laugh

I know she is hinting me on something but stupid things are meant to be forgotten right?

"I still couldn't forget that time where we escape afternoon class just to watch 'Batman The Dark Nights'," I reminded her while recalling

"Yeah, and we are like creating a nuisance, mimicking the songs from the advertisment before the show actually started. Singing like lunatic, you especially, that someone actually asked you to shut up...hahaha," she told me

"Yeah whatever. The kid is asking you to shut up too! Hahaha!" I laughed

The joy of being back as normal friend is hard for me to explain when a sudden guilt hits me.

"Hey, Sasha. Whatever I did in the past, it's hard to be forgiven isn't it? I cause you to lose someone precious. I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to. I'm sorry, do you hate me?" I apologised

She never breathe a word. Instead, she give me a hug which amazed me so much. Why would she hug a murderer like me?

"What is done cannot be undone. Maybe it's not my time to have a child yet. It's not your fault because you didn't know about it. It's my fault for being careless. I already have four precious people near me and that includes you," she said, patting my back

I give her a friendship hug, tears of happiness fell out tremendously.

"Komawo," I thanked her



Sasha's POV

Today is a very meaningful day for me with Jay but sadly, I had a feeling he totally forgets about it. Due to that, I can't even concentrate during my working hours and kept on waiting for him to give me a call or a text. Unfortunately nothing happened until I end my work. I go to the ladies to do some touch up on my make up ensuring that I don't look like I've just woken up from my sleep. After applying some mascara and eye liner, I give myself one last look in the mirror.

Simple and perfect. With that, I install all of my make-up accessories back into my handbag and head out when out of a sudden someone grab my hand randomly, pulling my sideways. Feeling panic, I step on his foot with the edge of my heels causing him to scream. To my surprise it's Wooyoung. Gosh, why must he act like a kidnapper.

"Aiish, Wooyoung, what are you up too? Ugh!" I grumbled, adjusting my blouse

He pant hard for breath and speak word by word.

"Woah, hold on. I don't get what you're trying to say. What about Jay?" I asked

"Jay's injured!! You remember on the day I had an accident? The driver who knock me down, did something to Jay. Jay was at home alone...and...and.... that idiot happens to break into the house and attack Jay. Jay give me a call and his voice is as if like he gonna knock out anytime. Oh God!!! I think that idiot stab Jay for a few times!! Your son, oh my God, what if," Wooyoung exclaimed

"ANDWE!! Yah, You're not kidding aren't you? (tears forming)...Wooyoung, stop joking around arra? Jay is working today and Kyumin is at my parent's place. They are fine!!! I never receive any calls. You're lying!" I protested

"That idiot trick Jay saying that something happened at home and he believe it. I wouldn't lie about this!! Yah, something serious happened to my friends and you think I'm gonna lie about it!! Aiish, enough talk, let's go before that idiot could do anything more dangerous!" he insisted and pull my hand with sense of urgencies

My goodness, is the nightmares coming back again? I'm loss for words that I cried in the cab along the way home. I keep on calling Jay but he doesn't seem to pick up. Oh My God, it seems to be real. AARRGGHH!! I should have never gone to work today. I regret going to work and leaving my precious boys at home to be murdered by someone. My heart is beating fast and I am still trying to contact Jay. Right when the cab reach in front of my house gate, I rush towards the main door, unlocking it quickly. The door bang open!





DDDDDDAAAMMNNNNN!!! IT WAS A PRANK AFTER ALL???!! Aiish, this is so embarrassing that I cover my shameless, dumbfounded face with my hands. I heard lots of laughters when Jay who is carrying our son come towards me, giving me a hug to safe me from being embarrassed. I look so stupid to believe in such things but apart from that, I'm thankful that nothing happen to my two precious people. Wooyoung enter from behind me, laughing out loud and praise his acting skills to the rest.

"Wooyoung!!!!!! You so gonna pay for it one day!" I grumbled, teasingly

Apparently, they did the same thing to Jay as well and he almost believe it. Then all of them pop party poppers towards me and Jay. Funny that they remembered our anniversary. Maybe they should remind Jay every year from now. I'm still sad that he forget about it though. However, I shall put my personal feelings aside and enjoy the rest of my entire day. A few seconds later, Youngjae and Eunji came out from the kitchen with a huge cake in their hands. Slowly displaying it on the dinning table where we are all crowding around it right now.

"Me and Youngjae baked it for the both of you.. Ermm, happy anniversary cousin! hehe," Eunji wished and slot her arms around Youngjae's

I give Youngjae a congratulation stare upon achieving the girl that he had been eyeing on since my wedding. So glad that they are together now. With no further a due, we lit up the candles, and they give some space for me, Jay to be nearer to the cake. After saying our promises to each other, me and Jay cut the cake and we receive around of applause. Kyumin who had been sticking to his uncle Zelo reach out his arms for Jay to carry him because he was distracted by the huge cake. Zelo pass him to Jay. Adored by my son's cuteness, I swipe some cream from the cake to let Kyumin taste. Amazingly, he went all hyper after tasting the vanilla cream.

"Aiiggoo, you're so cute. Want appa to feed you more cream? Kyumin-ah you want some more cream?" Jay entertained his son

Kyumin stretch out his hands to reach out for the cake when Jay pull him back incase if he were to fall.

"Arrasoh, arrasoh, more cream arra? Here you go," Jay feed him and a glow of happiness hits Kyumin

"You like it?" Jay asked

Kyumin squealed in excitement and keep asking for more. Awww my son is so cute, just like his dad.


Narrator's POV

The sky is ablaze with the fire of the setting sun. The atmosphere in the house is still party like thanks to the wild friends the  couple had. Jay and Sasha had so much fun and it's the most memorable day for them that all of them are never going to forget. Not only they prepare some ridiculous games but had some kind of a reunion session where they all gather together at the living room and have some random talk. It's great and heart warming to see this happening after the tough moments that they had been through.

They are all watching some news on the television when out of a sudden Sandara's face appeared on the screen causing all of us to be aghast by it.

"Why the hell is she on the news?" Nichkhun felt irritated

"Like finally after all of the crazy investigation about the hit-and-run accident which happened a year ago, police had finally found the reckless driver who admit that she did it on purpose because of revenge purpose she had on someone whom till now she had not reveal it yet. Could it be her ex lover? Stay tuned as we will update you more about the case,"  said the news reporter

"What the? So she's the who knock me down?!!! Hah! SHE'S SO GONNA GET IT FROM ME WHEN I SEE HER!!!! F**KING !! Aiish, such an annoying ..." Wooyoung roared, shaking his head from side to side

Like seriously, Dara hasn't wake up to face reality yet hasn't she? They all start to gossip about how worst her character is. We are busy talking when Zelo and Chaerin excuse themselves.

"Annyeong Sasha noon, annyeong Jay hyung!!" Zelo rushed his sentence pulling Chaerin quickly towards the door

"That's it? That' all you have to say to your brother-in-law and me? What's the rush?" Sasha disturbed

Everyone tend to feel suspicious about these two that they keep asking questions. Poor Zelo have to think of something to escape.

"Ahh arrasoh, arrasoh, the truth is  we actually have a night movie to catch and we can't stay that long...hehehe, sorry everyone," Zelo apologised, hands still holding onto Chaerin who can't stop giggling upon his cuteness of hiding the fact from others

"Going on a movie date I see...ahh..sure, sure you're excused. Haha! Don't care what others say, you're a grown up! Have fun, both of you!" Jay said

"Komawo hyung!! You're the best brother-in-law ever!" Zelo exclaimed and leave with Chaerin

In the end, one by one starts to leave except for their other three friends who decied to stay longer. Feeling bored, they went up to the rooftop garden with Nichkhun carrying Kyumin along with him while Sasha and Jay prepare some fruits and beer to be brought upstairs.

The three of them are playing with Kyumin while waiting for the couple to join them. Taecyeon is busy entertaining Kyumin when Wooyoung just grab Kyumin away causing him to cry. As the master of being annoying, Wooyoung copied Kyumin, teasing him as Taecyeon told him to stop.

"Yah, don't do that. He'll cry more!" Taecyeon warned

Feeling fed up, Nichkhun who had been monitoring them since just now snatch Kyumin away from them and calm him down. In just a few seconds, Kyumin stop crying and laugh upon Nichkhun's jokes and funny faces.

"Kyumin neomu gwiyeowoyo...neomu neomu gwiyeowoyo...Hehehe," Nichkhun repeated and make some sweet faces, causing Kyumin to fall for it

"Wow, Nichkhun have the potential to be a dad!!" Wooyoung teased

At that point of time, Sasha and Jay join them with a plate of fruits and cans of beer. With no further a due, each of them tuck in except for Nichkhun who is still adored by Kyumin's cuteness.

"Have you guys realised, it took us like years to be like what we used to be before...Phew sure is tiring but I'm proud we manage to go through all of the . Really scary though, one of us almost lose a life," Taecyeon said in disbelief

"Ugh don't remind me," Wooyoung said

"Hey Sasha, I think Kyumin is sleepy. You want to put him to sleep?" Nichkhun told her

Gently, Nichkhun pass Kyumin to Sasha as Jay give his son a goodnight kiss. Sasha excuse herself for a few minutes to put her son to sleep and  told them to chat without her first. So, while Sasha is not there, they had some boys talk just to kill the boredom.

"So how was it eh Jay?" Taecyeon asked

"How was what?Being a husband?" Jay asked blurly

"Eh don't act like you don't know. Come on, every couple goes through that," Wooyoung added, doing that smirk

" mean..that?'s quite awesome actually. Best night I ever had in my entire life and the outcome turns out to be as cute as the dad," Jay joked

"Oh please...I believe Kyumin gets her cuteness from Sasha. Dream on alright Jay? Haha!" Nichkhun who felt disgusted by it told him

"Come on, explain it to us in detail will you? From the starting till the end," Wooyoung insisted

"Gosh, serisouly you guys? You really want to hear about the details? Taecyeon and Nichkhun I don't think you would want to," Jay predicted

"Why not, I can get some tips from you," Nichkhun said which surprised everyone

"WOAH!!!!!! SOMEONE IS GROWING UP" everyone insulted that Nichkhun couldn't control but to laugh as well

"I have to do it in the future anyways?" Nichkhun said proudly

"Come on Jay. Tell us!!" all of them insisted

"Ok fine, fine," Jay agreed and elaborated about what happened that night

Sasha's POV

I kiss my Kyumin on his forehead and a few seconds after ensuring that he is peacfully asleep, I go back up to the rooftop to join my guy friends. Since it's cold, I grab a cardigan along with me. I rub my hands against each other to prevent the cold, while climbing up the stair. On my way their I heard loud laughters from them. I professionally crept step by step trying not to make a sound and eavesdrop their unclear conversation.

"Yeah, so those are the tips for a very awesome one night stand. Oh to have a safe , I advice you to wear condoms, unless you're an expert like Wooyoung, hahaha," I heard Jay's voice, as I see him doing a high-five to Wooyoung

Ewwww!!! Are they like talking about dirty stuffs? Gosh it's disgusting. Before they could even continue, I appeared without them noticing.

"What the hell are you all talking about? What about one night stand??? And what about condoms??" I raised my voice

All of them shrink in shock and tend to stutter.

" title of the event is One Night Stand. Have you watched it? It's fun!" Wooyoung stuttered

"And babe, what about condoms?" I look at my husband vividly

"Oh nothing really. I mean, I was trying to say condemned but accidentally said that. So yeah. Hey glad you're back, come join us," he said, pulling me to sit on his lap

In a split of a lightning bolt I totally forget about it bacause we are to busy chatting about our friendship, making fun out of each other like we used to. We talk about dance practice, and is deciding to continue by opening up classes for teenagers who are interested.

"That would be an awesome idea. We should start printing flyers and poster to be published," Taecyeon suggested

"Alright, let's put all that aside cause it's almost midnight. Let's toss together to celebrate our strong, long lasting friendship," Wooyoung exclaimed and all of us hold up our drinks

"To our friendship!" Wooyoung yelled



Narrator's POV

They take sip by sip and chat at the same time when they suddenly remembered that Nichkhun couldn't take alcohol that much. Due to that, he is the first one to be knockout, followed by Taecyeon who had not been drinking for a long time, causing his body to get use to it as a first timer.

After finishing their last sip of beer, Wooyoung told Jay and Sasha that he and the rest should be heading home. Instead of just standing, they help Wooyoung to carry Nichkhun and Taecyeon along until they reach the main door.

"You sure you can send the two of them home by yourself?" Jay asked being concerned

"Of course. It's a piece of cake. Don't worry about me ayte? I can fully handle them...hehehe," Wooyoung smirk

With that they wave their final goodbyes.


I am so lethargic that I could pass out but I'm still frustrated though. Jay didn't apologise to me that he had forgotten about the anniversary. Jay could sense it that he keep on bombarding me with questions. I find it stupid to answer questions like, "babe why are you angry with me?". It's just a waste of time to answer that kind of question. I'm tidying up the mess when he hug me. I struggle free but he is just too strong.

"Let go Jay, I'm tired ok?" I made an excuse and let go of myself

I go up to my room with him tailing me from the back. Still fed up, I shut the washroom door right in front of his face and take a shower. I'm done in 20 minutes and surprisingly, he is still standing there. I'm about to walk to the bed when he pull me and embrace me.

"I'm sorry baby. Happy Anniversary. I know it's late.. Sorry I've been busy with work and I swear I didn't mean to forget about it. It's embarrassing that the rest remembered about it," he lamented

"Glad that you realise it," I replied

"Maybe to them today is the only anniversary for us, but to me, everyday single day is like an anniversary. You're important to me every single day and I can't miss one day without you. I love you, forever. I mean what I say during the vow remember?" he reminded me

I said nothing and wait for him to let go fo me. I forgive him actually, I just wanna test how romantic he could be. I've been doing that since our young days anyways so he is supposed to get used to it. I am drying my hair with a towel when suddenly he ask, being as cute as possible.

"Babe, you still mad at me?" he asked

I kinda giggle which I think he notice.

"Yeah, I'm still mad. Really frustrated indeed!" I told him

"You mean....ually frustrated?" he smirk

"Nope, not yet....," I replied standing up, looking at him as he did something that's irresistable to me by removing his shirt

He move closer to me, till I lost my balance and fall on the bed, with him climbing on top of me, with his face only inches to mine

"What about now?" he asked moving cloer to my lips

I am too awe-struck to reply that only my eyes could tell him my honest feeling right now. I am about to say something when he lean down and kiss my lips deeply. I could taste the beer in his breath, but deepened the kiss anyway. His hands travel under my tank top, exploring the curves of my body. I felt him messing with the buckle of my bra under my shirt and push away from him slightly, taking my tank top off.

With the sweep of his hands, he succeeded in unbuckling my bra and throw it off bed. I slid my hands under his jeans and starts to it. He kiss my lips again and then move down his kisses tracing along my jawline, moving down to my neck. I let out a little moan of pleasure as he kissed my soft spot. He continue moving down my body, planting kisses on my stomach, my navel. He then got dangerously close to my -line which sent waves of pleasure all through my body. I brought his face back up to mine and kiss him on the lips and the making out process just went on and on.

"I love you," I confessed

"Love you more babe," he said


Nichkhun's POV

The day dawned crisp and clear. The sun poured through my window, bringing it with new hopes and inspiration. In a cranky mode, I wake up from my slumber, taking my own sweet time, rolling here and there. Out of nowhere, my door bang open and in came my mum with hips on her waist, looking so vivid. I am about to wish her good morning when I get a slap in return instead.

"Ouch omma!! Wae gurae!!" I raised my voice for the first time

"I should be asking you that!! Yah, you're still to young arra?!!! Why do you have these in your coat pocket from last night? YAH TELL ME, WHICH GIRL HAVE YOU DONE IT WITH!! TELL ME NOW!!" my mum raved in anger as I pick up a few packet of condoms that she threw on the ground

"Omma, what the hell is wrong with you? You know your son don't you. I would never do such things! I swear these aren't mine. Like really not mine!! Trust me, I've never done it, not even once!!" I told her astoundedly, feeling so curious on how these thing ended up with me


"NO!!! NO ONE!!" I assured her

"Is it Minzy?" she asked again, like a detective

"NO MUM!! I TOLD YOU, I'VE NEVER DONE IT EVER BEFORE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! JUST BELIEVE ME WILL YOU?" I roared frustratedly as she give me the look thinking that I'm lying

Taecyeon's POV

I'm getting ready for breakfast in front of the mirror when the headache strikes me again. It happened ever since I woke up just now. Haiz.. the consequences for not drinking for such a long time. Once ready, I went to the kitchen and get myself a glass of water hopefully it could reduce my drowsiness. While I was drinking, I see my mum stomping her way towards the kitchen.

"Morning omma!" I greeted when she pull me and push me against the wall harshly

"Yah, who is it? Tell me before your dad were to know about it," she said which I don't understand.

"Huh? Who is what? What are you talking about?" I asked

She immediately shove a few packets of condoms right in front of me. She told me she found those in my jeans pocket from last night.  My eyes widened in shock and I'm speechless to see how those dirty stuffs ended up with me.  I didn't even touch it. As I was wondering...

"Are you out of your freaking mind? Be honest, have you lost your ity?" my mum asked

"NO OF COURSE!! Those things aren't even mine!! Omma I swear, I didn't do it!!" I assured

"Don't lie to your mum. I could sense it arra? Who is the girl!!!" she yelled in anger

"I didn't do it with any girl at all!! I raised my voice

"Oh you've done it with a guys?? Taecyeon-ah, I didn't raise you up to be gay!!" she wailed annoyingly

"MUM NO!!! I DIDN'T DO IT WITH EITHER GUYS OR GIRLS! NO ONE!! THOSE ARE NOT MINE!! BELIEVE ME!" I assured her again, being as honest as possible


Narrator's POV

No matter how hard they try to persuade the truth, their parents still couldn't believe whatever their sons are saying sadly.



Both of their parents shouted directly at their faces. One person appeared in their mind and it's high chance that he must be the cause of it.



Wooyoung's POV

Hahahaha!! Lesson to be learnt Nichkhun and Taecyeon!! Never, ever, ever get drunk when you're with me. Miracles could really happen. LOL! Their parents must have exploded in anger by now. Wah, it's been so long I've not played this kind of prank with them. What can I do? Love them too much that I can't help but to fool around with them. Hope they forgive me though. Hmmm... should I do something to Jay and Sasha too? Hmmmmm....






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Nichkhunieee #1
Chapter 50: Ahhhhh I love the ending:) so sweet and funny: D wooyoung ah wooyoung lmao <3 awwwww it's been a while Since I've seen any of the 2pm story I have subscribed to update:) and this fanfic brings back a lot of memories: ) IT'S one of the first few fanfiction I read<3 and It's sad to see it end: / But all good things come to end right? I love this story:) well some:D
kitktykatty #2
Chapter 50: Such a great story~! I'll miss reading this~! To be honest, I don't usually read stories where Junho isn't a main character (for 2pm stories at least) and I don't even remember how I found this Story XP But I enjoyed reading it, and stuck with it even though it didn't feature him~! I'm glad Wooyoung was okay~! Thank you for writing this story~!
orangecreamcicle #3
Chapter 50: It ended....that was one of the most greatest stories I have read!!!! So much detail and drama into it!
I'm so glad Dara got what she deserved! And thanks author-nim you made wooyoung live! I knew you couldn't let him die!^^
Thank you for making such an interesting story for me to read. I'm sad that it ended but it had a fantastic and funny ending so it's okay~
I can't wait for you to make a new story! If you need any help with creating one or any idea help, just message me up and I'll help!!!!!!
Congrats on another story <3
orangecreamcicle #4
Chapter 48: Aw younjae and Sasha didn't get together ....... But you are true author-nim, forgiveness is a big part in life and that's the right thing to do. That's why jay and Sahara are an official couple . But author-nim, I'm really happy you didn't leave younjae all by himself !!!!!!!! You gave him a girl !!!! I JUST HATE when the second guy never gets the girl and doesn't get anyone afterwards but you gave him one ! Thank you<3 I was so tired of seeing him suffer and Sasha!!!!
You can't let wooyoung die now!!! After all that has happen !
He needs to live so this story will be happy and all the friends are back to the way things were in the beggining!
I have to say though , YOU made me shed tears in this chapter!!! ;) I just love how you bring my emotions out of me !
Please save wooyoung!!!!!~
Update soon ^^
kitktykatty #5
Chapter 48: Great chapters~! Poor Youngjae~! But now he has someone new~! *wink wink* I'm so happy for him~! And yay~! Marriage~! OHMYGOD WOOYOUNG NO~! YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO DIE~! TT_TT If Wooyoung dies I'm definitely going to cry~! TT_TT .....I know have the strangest urge to listen to either EXO's BAby Don't Cry or My Turn To Cry... That scene was so touching though~! And the Zerin~! Loved it~! Please update soon~!
orangecreamcicle #6
Chapter 45: I want Sasha with younjae actually. I'm grown not to like jay anymore. I mean I understand that they all thought she was dead and all but I mean he was a jerk to her and the guys. Younjae has been by Sasha's side through her really rough times and I feel that they would be good together. But I guess Sasha still has feelings for jay......honestly I guess it's up to Sasha really. Because even though if younjae asked Sasha to be his girlfriend and stay together and forget bout jay, only Sasha can say yes or no. :( why they all suffer too much author-nim~ T_ T
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 44: Dun Dun DUN~! I want Jay and Sasha together, but then I don't because Jay is a jerk... And I'm so mad at Wooyoung~! But I pity him so much~! I feel like his anger and jealousy wouldn't have gotten to this level if it weren't for people like Sandara and that gang encouraging him =( He still did wrong though. I hope he's forgiven~! Please update soon~!
orangecreamcicle #8
Chapter 44: Wish intense fighting happened in this chapter!!! Finally jay came back to his senses!!!! Can't wait to read what happens between jay and younjae!!!! Who will get Sasha ?!?!? Aaaaarrrrgh!
joongkisswi #9
Chapter 44: Omg you're updating!!! I love the moment nichkhun who calm down wooyoung. Update soon =]
orangecreamcicle #10
Chapter 43: Omg thanks for updating!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I read it all and may I just say I can't stop !! The way you write makes my emotions come out !!! Like samsara is such a b**ch in here!!! Idk if I want jay with Sasha anymore. I mean he really was a jerk to her. I actually supported Sasha and younjae hehe ^^ can't wait for next update ~