Chapter 44

Friendship Never Dies!


Haha they always said that scandals and tabloids are fake. Furthermore it's bad for us to listen to it but I'm f**king loving it now. Like finally, the world is now looking down on Jay and bloody serves him right. At last, the feeling of achieving something and winning over someone which was once powerful than me is slowly revealing itself, doing it's job according to my plan. This is what I am talking about man! No more spotlight for Jay, no more jealousy feeling and most importantly, no one even gives a damn about him right now.

I had been enjoying my time with Dok2 and his gang ever since that incident happened. I felt a sense of belonging at least compared to last time and I truly needed that. Seriously, I had enough of being left out and I totally had enough for being the slow one who is always the last one to know whenever there is something going on. It's close to midnight and me and my new friends were killing some time, playing snooker.

"Dude, it's your turn," Junior told me

"OH..right, sorry. I'm still in a disbelief mode I guess? Haha," I told them with a smirk

I focus my aim at the ball and gave it a perfect shoot when out of a sudden we heard a loud banging sound, coming from the entrance. Jay? Oh well, I had been waiting for his return anyways? I am prepared for his 'comeback'. The thing that angers me the most was, Dok2 was being drag by him with fresh red blood, oozing out from both his mouth and nose. Me including the others throw our snooker sticks to one side. Jay just used his strength and shoved Dok2 towards us, in a throwing manner. Pfft, trying to show off as usual!

"Now that's not a nice way to greet," I insulted

He had his eyes on me lividly, breath of anger could be heard and I don't know why my heartbeat increased in fear. He stomp his way towards me, grabbing me by the collar and pushing me harshly against the concrete wall. I dared to smirk and roll my eyes away from him.

"You murderer!!!!! F**king !! What have you done to my child?!!You really have no heart at all, BASTARD!" he yelled while all of my others friends just stand and watch in silence

A sudden guilt hit me directly but I won't let my pride down just because of this . I pushed him hard to let go of me and adjusted my shirt. Without warming, he gave a punch on my face, a bloody pain one in fact! UGH!!! I stay in that position, wiping of the blood at the side of my lips.

"Still dare to be silent?!!" he shouted in anger and kick me in the stomach

I still ignore and stay at that position.

"You son of a ! Unbelievable, just because of jealousy and hatred, you're affecting people around you? Selfish little bastard! (grabbing Wooyoung by the collar) You're f**king heartless!!! How could you do that to Sasha, your friend!! You should have murdered me instead. Why are you so cruel?Do you know who you just murdered!!! AAAARRGGHHHH!!!!" he venged his anger on me, using his every strength to beat the hell up of me


I endured the pain just by not doing anything at all. He stop and show signs of tiredness. I bet I had bad bruises all over my face right now. I smirk and glare at him with the eyes of the predator.

I force my poor, painful body to get up. I almost lost balance but managed to root properly to the ground. Then, I take step by step, laughing in sarcasm.

"Satisfied? always came to the same damn ending. Everything that happened is all about you isn't it? All of us used to be caring so much for you, but bloody hell Jay, did you do anything in return? People always have to care for you and don't you ever look back on who will be caring for us? You always ended up being the hero isn't it. And what did you say? Friends? Since when are we friends? Since when me and Sasha are friends? I am like this freaking close to propose to her that very night, and who came to destroy it? You! During one of the battles, I was the one who actually choreographed the dance step and who gets the f**king praise in the end? You! And damn it Jay, I was about to try to get Sasha by my side again but who does she ends up with in the end? YOU!!!!! IT'S ALL YOU!! You're the jerk one here. And do you think a jerk deserve whatever that was inside her stomach?!!!" I yelled

He gave a physicaly violent reply and start to beat me up again. However this time, no more Mr Giving You A Chance guy. I return the same physical answer, but acting double the times as violent as he is. Like all you readers know, once I'm in a fight, there is no way I'm gonna stop. I miss my fighting moments anyways. I push him harshly towards the snooker table, hurting his back bone when he immediately kick me hard causing my waist to hit against the edge of the table. I groan in pain. He went for my neck, trying to do a choke slam when soemone stop him.

"Enough the both of you!!! Jay, enough. He is not worth it!" Taecyeon and Nichkhun break us apart

"Let go of me. Humans like him deserve to die!!!" Jay fumed and was about to go towards me

"STOP!!!! HE IS NOT WORTH IT!!" Nichkhun who was holding onto me shouted

But that stubborn motherer still won't stop. He continues to punch me and since I had enough of being a loser, I fight back. Taecyeon and Nichkhun couldn't take it that they seperate us again and this time, Taecyeon drag Jay out.


I move my body away from Nichkhun and slam the table hard. Jay is starting to piss me off and that anger is just increasing everytime he were to appear. Then my eyes met Nichkhun's disappointed eyes and being honest, a slight guilt swept through me like a breeze.

"I really don't know what had gotten into you ever since you reveal yourself as being the bad guy. I don't see why is it hard for you to not understand matters. We do care about you, it's just that you don't realise it and for this matter, I have to say Jay is partly right. I just hope you will come to your senses one day because I miss a friend named Wooyoung which I once had," he said and slowly walk off

A few steps, he stop and turn around.

"Wooyoung-ah, you can seperate friends but you can never seperate a father and his child. That's the biggest sin ever," he said as being a reminder and when off

I was a bit stun by what he said. I lean my back against the wall and reflections are bombarding my mind.



About a few distance away from the entrance, Jay struggle himself free from Taecyeon's grip, causing Taecyeon to move a few steps back due to the strong force. Taecyeon stay silent for a while thinking that Jay might need some time to cool himself down. Taecyeon just watch in silence, slotting his hands in his blue jeans, waiting patiently for the right moment to speak.Swell of desperation is like eating every part of Jay's body and it's like he can't think of anything right now to solve the problem.


Serisouly speaking, I have never seen this emotional side of Jay. I thought he was a jerk all this while but just by reflecting back, Wooyoung is much more worst. Somewhere inside of me, I still do treat him as a friend and I know humans can change. It's just that they need time to do so. Why must all this happened? Sasha's nightmare seems to turn out so real that it's really scaring the out of me. Ugh, God, why is this happening to our friendship? I wish this nightmare could be put to an end because I can't stand it, seeing my friend breaking apart especially when one of them is looking extremely devastated right in front of me right now.


The anger is boiling and churning inside of me. I'm not done with Wooyoung yet. Nothing could make me satisfied unless the same thing were to happened to him as well. AAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!! I cried and my non-stop flowing tears is just leading me to do stuffs that's driving me crazy. I kick the trash can, screaming and punching the tree trunk with my fist for a few times. I felt a pang in the middle of my chest, trapping in my own disappointment. F**k me!!! I can't forgive myself for what I've did to Sasha. I'm the one who caused her to suffer. Although my hands are already covered with fresh blood thanks to the rough texture of the trunk, I don't feel any pain at all because the pain that Sasha had gone through is much more excruxiating compared to mine. I gave one last weak punch on the tree and slowly root down to the ground. I cried even more.

I've been selfish, heartless, useless and I always care about myself. Wooyoung is right, very right indeed. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Jay, you don't have to hurt yourself for what you've done. It still doesn't change anything. Maybe the that happened, is trying to give you and us a wake up call. You think I like things turning out this way? It's not too late Jay, there is still time for you to clean up this mess. Here (taking my hand and place something on it). Sasha is in L.A and to get through her, just find this guy in this picture. Like I said, it's not the end yet. Apologise to her for what you've done alright? This is the least I could help. Good luck Jay," Taecyeon told me and leave quietly

I take a look at the guy's picture and turn the picture around. There is an address written at the back of it. I stand up, wanting to thank Taecyeon but he already ahead of me. Then he stop like he knows what my intention was and turn to face me. A smile appeared on his face.

"Most importantly, tell her how you feel before someone elses does," he ended of with that, wave and leave me alone

What does he mean by that? She has someone else in her life? I jerk upon a phonecall and heave a sigh of relief after that. It's my manager and I don't know whether I should answer it. I had been thinking about it for a few nights and it seems like this celebrity life is like taking control of my life causing all of this disasters to happened. After making the final and hopefully right decision, I answered the call and listen to what he have to say.

After what seemed like ages of him explaining to me about my scehdule which I am fond of hearing them, and about me performing in shows which I am starting to hate it, it's my turn to end this.

"I quit," I told him directly

My manager just laughed in disbelief assuming that I'm probably joking.

"I'm not. Seriously, I'm not joking around right now. I'm sick and tired of following orders from you, I had enough of entertaining people out there and I am certainly sick of affecting the peopl around me. Just kick me out of the music industry. I'm done, I really am," I told him and about to hang up

"NO WAIT!!! Jay, listen to me. Please listen to me. Ok, Ok I'm in the wrong. It's my fault for not giving you enough vacation and stuffs but come on, you can't quit just like that. Fans will hate you for sure and you'll appear on all scandals and tabloids even the news. Come on Jay I thought this is your dream, you wanted this fame so much rigt?" my manager persuaded

"Mianhe, I have another important dream to chase after and don't blame yourself. It's not about you but me. Fans will hate me? Well you know what? I had people which are closer to me already hating on me so I can try to accept that. Mianhe...thank you for all your hard work and sorry to cause trouble to you. I'm really giving up on my career. Please...just please, kick me out from the music industry. I seriously had enough to handle. Mianhe," I ended of the call in despair

I stare back at the guy in the photo and instead of crying again, I frowned, having a feeling that if I don't hurry, this dude will steal what was supposed to be mine. Without wasting time, I decided to fly off to L.A tonight.




Sasha's POV

I had been in my room ever since we've arrived a few hours ago. I had been ignoring the knocks and persuassion made my Youngjae and Dr Tae Young. I have no mood to do anything, not even having my dinner, not even watching television and even if I want to sleep, I just can't because the tears won't let me to. The moment I close my eyes, that horrible flashback started to play in my mind. If only there is a pill where you could forget everything and start anew.

"Sasha, please get out of the room. You can't stay forever in there. You have to eat to gain back your energy," Dr Tae Young persuaded

I still ignore and I heard a loud sigh and footsteps walking away. I feel bad but situation is so terrible for me to do anything. My stubborn tears flow out tremendously again while I touch my stomach, rubbing it, imagining that the child is still in there.

Youngjae's POV

I had been trying to make her forget her past but to no avail. Since I can't solve it by words, I shall do it with actions. I put on my greyish sweater and my black jeans. Styling up my hair a bit in the mirror and rush down the stairs. I'm a bit shock to se Dr Tae Young walking back and forth in front of the main door, as if trying to figure out something. He didn't even notice me until I'm right behind him. He gave a suden jerk upon seeing my prescence.

"Aiish!! Are you trying to scare me?" he scolded

"Errmmm, no I'm just making my way out?" I told him in confusion

"Oh really? Wait, you're going out?! Leaving me alone here with her condition like this? So you're leaving all of the persuassion to me? We've done almost everything and there is no way she is going out of that room," he complained

"I didn't ask you to. I'm going out for a reason and I hope this will get her out of that room. Just help me look after her alright?" I told him, putting on my sneakers

"Yah,yah, what are you going to do? Come back fast arra? You don't know what is it like here during the night," he reminded me

"You'll see...Arrasoh," I assured him with a thumbs up

I then go to a bakery nearby and bought her favourite pastry, chocolate eclairs and feeling a bit bad for staying at Dr Tae Young's house without paying up any rent, I bought some fruit tarts for him and some for myself. That should be it. I bring it to the counter and pay for everything. Once it's been paid, I went out of the bakery, walking towards a mini mart to get myself a drink.I was strolling back home, taking a few sips of my orange juice when I could sense someone tailing me from the back.


I let it pass at first because maybe that person is living somewhere near my area. 10 minutes had passed and still that paricular person is following me. Then I remembered what Dr Tae Young told me about hanging out at night. Ok, this is getting annoying....

I purposely chose a deserted route and in a few seconds, a hand was being placed on my shoulder grabbing it tightly. Without giving that person a chance, I twisted his arms backwards and fight back. I can't see his face clearly but he was to strong for me to fight back. He punch me in the stomach, grabbing my sweater, slaming my body against the wall. All of the pastries fell off from my grip causing a mess on the ground. Since it's dark, I can't see his full face.

"What the hell do you want?!" I daringly asked

"I'm not here to get into a fight with you, which is not going to be worth it. Don't waste my time and I just wanna clarify with you something. Do you have a minute?" he asked



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Nichkhunieee #1
Chapter 50: Ahhhhh I love the ending:) so sweet and funny: D wooyoung ah wooyoung lmao <3 awwwww it's been a while Since I've seen any of the 2pm story I have subscribed to update:) and this fanfic brings back a lot of memories: ) IT'S one of the first few fanfiction I read<3 and It's sad to see it end: / But all good things come to end right? I love this story:) well some:D
kitktykatty #2
Chapter 50: Such a great story~! I'll miss reading this~! To be honest, I don't usually read stories where Junho isn't a main character (for 2pm stories at least) and I don't even remember how I found this Story XP But I enjoyed reading it, and stuck with it even though it didn't feature him~! I'm glad Wooyoung was okay~! Thank you for writing this story~!
orangecreamcicle #3
Chapter 50: It ended....that was one of the most greatest stories I have read!!!! So much detail and drama into it!
I'm so glad Dara got what she deserved! And thanks author-nim you made wooyoung live! I knew you couldn't let him die!^^
Thank you for making such an interesting story for me to read. I'm sad that it ended but it had a fantastic and funny ending so it's okay~
I can't wait for you to make a new story! If you need any help with creating one or any idea help, just message me up and I'll help!!!!!!
Congrats on another story <3
orangecreamcicle #4
Chapter 48: Aw younjae and Sasha didn't get together ....... But you are true author-nim, forgiveness is a big part in life and that's the right thing to do. That's why jay and Sahara are an official couple . But author-nim, I'm really happy you didn't leave younjae all by himself !!!!!!!! You gave him a girl !!!! I JUST HATE when the second guy never gets the girl and doesn't get anyone afterwards but you gave him one ! Thank you<3 I was so tired of seeing him suffer and Sasha!!!!
You can't let wooyoung die now!!! After all that has happen !
He needs to live so this story will be happy and all the friends are back to the way things were in the beggining!
I have to say though , YOU made me shed tears in this chapter!!! ;) I just love how you bring my emotions out of me !
Please save wooyoung!!!!!~
Update soon ^^
kitktykatty #5
Chapter 48: Great chapters~! Poor Youngjae~! But now he has someone new~! *wink wink* I'm so happy for him~! And yay~! Marriage~! OHMYGOD WOOYOUNG NO~! YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO DIE~! TT_TT If Wooyoung dies I'm definitely going to cry~! TT_TT .....I know have the strangest urge to listen to either EXO's BAby Don't Cry or My Turn To Cry... That scene was so touching though~! And the Zerin~! Loved it~! Please update soon~!
orangecreamcicle #6
Chapter 45: I want Sasha with younjae actually. I'm grown not to like jay anymore. I mean I understand that they all thought she was dead and all but I mean he was a jerk to her and the guys. Younjae has been by Sasha's side through her really rough times and I feel that they would be good together. But I guess Sasha still has feelings for jay......honestly I guess it's up to Sasha really. Because even though if younjae asked Sasha to be his girlfriend and stay together and forget bout jay, only Sasha can say yes or no. :( why they all suffer too much author-nim~ T_ T
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 44: Dun Dun DUN~! I want Jay and Sasha together, but then I don't because Jay is a jerk... And I'm so mad at Wooyoung~! But I pity him so much~! I feel like his anger and jealousy wouldn't have gotten to this level if it weren't for people like Sandara and that gang encouraging him =( He still did wrong though. I hope he's forgiven~! Please update soon~!
orangecreamcicle #8
Chapter 44: Wish intense fighting happened in this chapter!!! Finally jay came back to his senses!!!! Can't wait to read what happens between jay and younjae!!!! Who will get Sasha ?!?!? Aaaaarrrrgh!
joongkisswi #9
Chapter 44: Omg you're updating!!! I love the moment nichkhun who calm down wooyoung. Update soon =]
orangecreamcicle #10
Chapter 43: Omg thanks for updating!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I read it all and may I just say I can't stop !! The way you write makes my emotions come out !!! Like samsara is such a b**ch in here!!! Idk if I want jay with Sasha anymore. I mean he really was a jerk to her. I actually supported Sasha and younjae hehe ^^ can't wait for next update ~