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What happens....just before you die? 


Dedicated to: userinfo.gif?v=103melalocket :


I hope you like it! I'm not exactly sure which genre this is...and I am sorry if this is sort of a bit...of a fail? But this story lodged itself in my mind and I couldn't write anything else until I wrote this >___>; LOL. I know you wanted MInkey, too...//sigh. But the Minkey didn't want to happen. Worry not because I am thinking of a short chaptered Minkey fiction <3 (later). Enjoy reading, m'dear!


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Chapter 1: That's so sweet~! Good Jinki ^^ Go back to your lover~
Chapter 1: you're an awesome writer.
There should be a "love" button for this story...
I'm happy for your friend and her mother :)