Obedient (Parent’s Choice) Obstinate (Heart’s Choice)



What does it mean to be obedient or obstinate? Ryoko finds out when her parents decide to move the family to South Korea where she has to make a decision. She can either be with the guy who she decided to like while putting her future on the line or the one her Mother chose to marry her off to, although she’d still be able to have the freedom to live her life as she pleases so long as she marries the guy assigned to her.




(OC)Ryoko: A very loving and obedient daughter and sometimes comes off a bit childish. She grew up in the presence of either mother or father even during their own hectic schedules which she was always grateful for but loved it best when they were all together. Of course she followed her mother taking an interest in music and tends to switch around  in languages when she’s nervous or speaking with her parents. Lee Taemin is her second best friend on account of her Korean Grandmother. His family was close with that side of the family and was introduced to Ryoko at a young age along with Mi-cha. They all stayed in contact and often visited when Ryoko’s grandmother or Mi-cha and her father visited. One of the movie genre’s that her father is famous for also gave her a bit of a sadistic side but is hardly ever seen but when “Black Ryoko” comes out…(“Guess who’s Dying to meet you. Pwuhahahaha” *v* ~Mi-cha runs up to her friend before anything could happen and gives her banana milk~ “Oh arigatou!” ~chu~ ^v^ ~out of breath Mi-cha throws a thumbs up to her friend.~ “Did you make it?” ~Takashi asks while holding white chocolate~ “Ye…abeoji…I…did.”) Yes the only way to rid the world of ‘Black Ryoko’ is to give her The Elixir of Yumminess. (That’s what she calls it) Either that or white chocolate , pineapple or pineapple covered in white chocolate. And when you provide her with the ‘Elixir of Yumminess’ her thank you’s always end with a peck on the cheek. One thing she loves most is riding, she likes the things that were issued by her parents but Riding is her one true bliss. Languages: Japanese, Korean, English, Mandarin, Russian (“Yes well if she’s to succeed in life-” ~Takashi cuts off his wife~ “They get it Still Doll. For her future.”  “Well would if she marries some high-class businessman?” ~Takashi closes his eyes not wanting to be reminded~ “I hope not, most of THOSE marriages end up with my baby crying her eyes out because she finds his mistress and illegitimate child!” ~Has flames in his eyes~ “I won’t allow it!” Kanon hides face in embarrassment~ “Why did we get married?” … “You said yes.” ^3^) Race: Japanese & Korean Hobbies/Talents: Equestrian, Martial Arts (“I knew she’d be so >;3 cute! I want her to be able to defend herself against boys! Kyaagh the thought of it!” ~Takashi dramatically sulks~) Artist, Musician (“Her creative talents almost surpasses ours.” ~Kanon hugs her husband~ “That we can agree on.” ~chu~ “Still Doll not in front of the readers.” ~chu chu chu~) Pet Peeves: Snobs, Being told what to do by non-authority wielding people.

Parents Occupation: Cellist/Singer, Director

Takeshi Miike: Has a dark sense of humor as well as a normal one. Around his family and very close friends he’s sometimes bubbly, cheesy and childish (sometimes annoying) like an anime character otherwise he’s pretty normal around outsiders. Also VERY protective of his ONLY child. He met his soul mate when he was thirteen and even married young because he’s such a big time cheesy romantic. Moved his family to South Korea because he’s using certain locations for his movie,  before his long awaited break. (The reason for his wanted break is an attempt to make Ryoko a big sister!) Kanon Wakeshima: Strong-willed woman and very focused and dedicated to her family’s wellbeing. Because of her headstrong ways she managed to have her career and a family at the same time, she even performed while she was pregnant, full belly showing. Her mother was a snob to non-Japanese and a bit of that horrible habit rubbed off on her daughter until she met the love of her life while barely in her teens, becoming a cute and caring woman. But old habits die hard and that sometimes shows its ugly head now and then when she gets upset  but Kanon has learned to hold her tongue when necessary. She constantly reminds herself about her fans that range from a lot and she’d be nowhere without them. (Although she was fuming when she found out the location where her beloved wanted to settle down for a of couple years.) They love their daughter to such extent they made sure she was prepared for whatever life was going to throw at her.


(OC)Jung Mi-cha: Full of life and hyper, she grew up in the same circle amongst Ryoko’s family. Her father is the actor So Ji Sub and although he was never in any of Takashi Miike’s films didn’t mean they didn’t know each other. They were close friends and often claimed each other's daughters.  Once Mi-cha went abroad she was never the same again. (“Yah! Meaning?”  “Relax would you?” ~slurps banana milk peacefully until Mi-cha snatches it away. Ryoko pulls out another and begins drinking it~ “Jin-jja!” ~Ryoko nods head~ “Ah.”) She became a bit Americanized with her talking.  (“Dafauq that mean?” ) Her special talent and most favorite hobby is dancing, any style really, it’s her passion. (“It’s my passion too.” ~Taemin pops up~ “Kyahh! Don’t scare me! Get out of here Oppa this ain’t yo character.”  “I just wanted-”~Mi-cha looks to Ryoko’s pockets and spots another banana milk. She grabs it and tosses it past Taemin and he quickly follows~ *^*” “Did you just-”  “Chocolate?” “Oh arigatou!” ~chu~ ^v^) She’s secretly dating a Kingka but finding that keeping it a secret is annoying since she can’t do any PDA since she’s very fond of skinship. Lee Taemin is her second best friend and is the only one that knows of her secret relationship. Before Ryoko attended the same school Mi-cha was almost expelled for assaulting a teacher. (“With good reason!”  “I believe you.”  “Aww,Ryoko-chan.” TvT)Languages: Korean, Japanese, English, Mandarin, French Race: Korean

Pet Peeves: Failing a dance routine Hobbies/Talents: Swimming, dancing, Musician, Song Writer,

Lee Taemin: The only guy that isn’t seen as one by his two girl buddies who often since he hasn’t had a girlfriend…EVER. They even gave him the girl name Mina but only use it within their own trio circle. In the beginning as kids he was Ryoko’s enemy since he took the last banana milk from the fridge. (“That was the reason why you colored my entire face black with permanent marker?”  “Ah.” “…I can understand that.”)
Choi Minho: Sticks to his sports and does not get along with fellow Kingka Kim Hyung Joon. Finds his player ways with girls revolting especially since he found out he was now ‘playing’ with his secret crush Mi-cha. (“Hyung?” ~Jjong waves hand in his face~ “He’ll get his.” “Huh?”)
Kim Jonghyun: Lively and flirtatious he’s actually friends with the number one school playboy. Although he knows of Minho’s distaste of the guy he tends to keep the peace between the two.("Girls are animals of emotion. Whisper sweet words to them. Give them a slight eye smile.")
Kim Kibum: Fashionista to the max and often finds solace in his art. Of course he becomes the guy that makes the girl question herself. Who knew an accident would be the start of her disobedience or that it'd be him
Lee Jinki (Onew): Sometimes silly and sweet most girls fall victim to his cute awkwardness and who wouldn't with that killer smile? Because of an accident he was assigned to be a bodyguard and the one that would allow her to keep her freedom

Why does my life have to right now? 

My name is Ryoko, daughter to the famous movie director Takashi Miike and cello/singer Kanon Wakeshima. Appa is a half-breed of Korean and Japanese while Haha is a pureblood reining from Tokyo. (It’s funny since my lovely mother thinks her race surpasses all. She’s kind of a Diva) Things were great! I mean famous parents, traveling around the world and getting the best birthday presents ever like exotic pets and anything else I ask for. The best one is my ebony liger named Tsukiko. >:D They don’t even really exist and I have one! Seems like a dream come true right? How does my life ? Appa loves to make movies but he wishes to retire for two years but to do that he needs to make “The Movie” of the millennium in order to get a break which is stupid since he’s only going on based on his standards! What the heck is that? So for the picture of their lifetime, they decided to shoot it in Seoul, South Korea. So now I’m being uprooted from my hometown and favorite school to live in a ‘filth infested’ country (as my Hahaoya puts it. I have no idea why she thinks this way, my two bestie’s live there! The only upside to moving.) in order for Appa’s dream to come true. Why Appa decided to shoot in such a place, I’ll never know but if Okaasan speaks the truth then I plan on boarding the first plane or boat, if I have to, just to escape! >o< /)_-”

Credit goes to midnight graphics THANKS 4 THA POSTER!
Aright, so this would be my first time ever writing anything so pleaze forgive my writing. ^v^ I decided to use a different character pic for the role of the director since i needed someone younger! Anywayz ima try this out so grit ur teeth and bare with me on this first time journey for me! I don't own any of the photos so the credits go to the OG owners along with the so called quote that Jonghyun has in the intro. I'll start the first chap soon! I hope you like it and I can't wait to hear from future readerz!!!!


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