Chapter 9

Protecting the Phoenix

Jieun threw the large bag on the ground and plopped onto her bed. She just spent hours looking for a dress for her dad’s party in a couple days. Plus it took her an extra couple hours to find the perfect watch for her dad. Jieun wanted to use money she made on her own, so she couldn’t afford a rolex, but she got him a nice leather one of a lesser brand. It still looked really good though (and still cost a lot), so Jieun was satisfied with it. 

She sat up and dug around her bags to find a velvet box. She pulled it out and opened it, looking at the black cartier watch she bought for Yongguk. Jieun felt bad when he had to tag along during this long day trip, so she bought a watch for him, too. (She noticed that he didn’t sport one.) But... she wasn’t sure if she should give it to him. What was she going to say? “Oh hey, Yongguk. I realized how much of a pain it must have been to take care of me, here’s a watch to make it up.” “Oh, your wrist looks pretty bare. Here’s a watch to bling it up.” “Thanks for being a great bodyguard. I got you a watch.”

Jieun shook her head. They all sounded... awkward. She pouted as she closed the box and shoved it in one of her drawers. Besides... he has been colder to her lately. No more fun joking around, no more laughs around the house. Yongguk just followed her around quietly and in the back, kind of like a shadow. And when they come home Yongguk would just say good night and shut himself in his room. Jieun wasn’t really sure why. Maybe she did something wrong? She looked over at the large teddy bear sitting next to her dresser.

“Why is Yongguk mad at me?” Jieun asked the smiling teddy bear, “You should know.”

The bear just smiled back. Jieun laughed. Now she was talking to a doll... she must be going crazy. Well, she didn’t have time to deal with him right now. She should just think about her dad’s birthday thing. The campaign people wanted her to do like a performance gift to her father in front of everyone. The press would love it and it would be great publicity, they said. 

Jieun pulled out her notebook to scribble some notes when her phone buzzed. It was a text from Youngjae asking her what color dress she got. Of course, Jieun had to ask him to be her date... actually, more like she didn’t even ask. He just assumed. Well, maybe it should be an obvious assumption. “Royal Blue” she texted him back. 

Youngjae was another problem. It’s not like he did anything bad or anything. But after he kissed her at the park, Jieun realized... there really can’t be anything more than friends between them. There was no... what do you call it, fireworks? She really wasn’t expecting it at all. They were talking about how nice the stars looked and he suddenly swooped in, catching her off guard. It was just a peck, anyhow. He turned into a bumbling red mess afterwards, too. Jieun just laughed it off at the time, but she was sorely disappointed. No butterflies, no fast heart beat. But Jieun didn’t really know how to tell him that it wasn’t really working. Youngjae was just too nice... 

Whatever. Jieun just grabbed her notebook and went outside to the piano to write her song. 


It has been a very difficult week for Yongguk. He had been getting more angry these days, and it scared him. After the day at the amusement park, Yongguk felt built in anger (especially to Youngjae, but Yongguk would never admit that) start to emerge. He opted to remain quiet, else he would have probably would have released that anger. And so, this week, Yongguk tried his best to remain quiet and be on his best behavior. Only a couple more weeks left for him to endure through this and leave. 

Yongguk heard a soft piano melody enter the room and he felt a bit at peace. He really liked it when Jieun played the piano. It kind of was a way for him to understand Jieun. The soft music suddenly became a large dischord of all the keys being played together. That scared Yongguk right off his bed. What was that?

He walked outside to see Jieun face down in her arms on the piano keys. 

“Is everything okay?” Yongguk asked. Jieun peeked from arms and gave him a weak smile. “Yeah,” she replied, “Everything is fine. I was just getting frustrated because the song wasn’t coming out the way I wanted it to.”

Yongguk just nodded and Jieun just stared at her notebook on the piano. After much contemplation, Yongguk said, “Want to take a break then?”

Jieun looked up at Yongguk. “A break?”

Yongguk nodded, “Yeah, come on, maybe a dessert break will give you new inspiration. I’ll even buy it for you.”

Jieun smiled, “Okay then. I want strawberry ice cream! You said you’re buying.”

Yongguk nodded as the pair headed out to the car.


Jieun quietly giggled to herself as they were driving back to the apartment. Yongguk really did buy her ice cream which they ate at the pretty park close by. They sat on a bench, their ice cream while basking in the sunlight. In silence. But it wasn’t awkward. It wasn’t weird. It was nice. 

Jieun smiled. Maybe she was just over analyzing everything about him being mad at her and stuff. Then why would Yongguk take her out to eat ice cream when he obviously didn’t have to? 

“Why are you so giggly?” Yongguk asked suspiciously, one hand on the wheel, the other on the stick.

“Nothing.” Jieun replied as she smiled.

“What a liar” he said, “Come on tell me...”

Buzz Buzz.

Yongguk’s phone suddenly rang. “Sorry, I’m gonna take this phone call, but you better tell me afterwards!”

Jieun just shrugged as Yongguk picked up the call.

“Himchan, what’s up?”

The car suddenly screeched to a stop as Yongguk slammed on the breaks. “What? I’ll be right there.” He said as he pulled the car over the sidewalk and hung up.

“What was that?” Jieun asked, concerned, “Is everything okay?”

“The apartment is only a couple blocks from here. If you don’t want to walk, I can bring a cab here for you. So can you please get out?”

“Get out?” Jieun asked, “What do you mean get out? You’re my bodyguard, aren’t you? What’s going on? Are you okay? Just te--”

“GET OUT!” Yongguk yelled, “Please. Hurry, just get out.”

Jieun gasped as she stared at him. He never yelled at her before. Jieun shook her head. “No, I’m not leaving. I’lm going wherever you’re going.”

Yongguk growled before stepping on the gas and speeding down the road.


Yongguk ran out of the car and headed into the building. He can hear Jieun calling him and coming in after him, but Yongguk didn’t really pay attention. He couldn’t really hear anything, it sounded muffled and everything seemed to be moving slowly. He impatiently waited for the elevator and got in. Yongguk didn’t even know if Jieun got in, but he just pressed the 8th floor button many times. The elevator dinged open and he quickly walked into room 8334. Yongguk opened the door wide and saw Himchan sitting next to the bed.

Himchan got up and walked to Yongguk, but Yonguk just pushed Himchan aside and walked to the bed. His mom was lying there, same as before he left her.

“Umma?” He quietly whispered. The woman lying down slowly opened her eyes and looked at Yongguk. Her lips curved into a smile under the breathalyzer. Yongguk grabbed her arm and started sobbing. “Umma! Umma!”

She was finally awake.


Jieun ran behind Yongguk, out of breath. What was going on? And why wasn’t he waiting for her? She slowed down as she exited the elevator and saw Yongguk go into a room. After almost killing them a couple times out on the road, he pulled up into this hospital. Jieun didn’t know what was going on, but she hoped everything was okay. She walked up to the room and dropped her bag in shock. There was Yongguk, the always laughing and strong guy, kneeling next to a bed, crying. She’s never seen him cry before either. 

Himchan came up next to her and said, “You should give them some space.” 

Jieun just merely nodded and the two moved locations into the waiting room. Himchan handed her a can of iced coffee which Jieun accepted in a daze. 

“You were pretty shocked, huh?” Himchan asked, sitting next to her while drinking his can. Jieun just nodded, holding on to the can.

“Who... who was that woman?” Jieun asked, turning towards Himchan.

“His mom.” Himchan replied. 

“His mom?” Jieun asked, “But... Yongguk told me he had no family...”

Himchan sighed, “He probably just didn’t really want to talk about it.”

Jieun looked down with a frown. He didn’t trust her enough to share when she was so vulnerable with him?

“If you ask him again, maybe he’ll tell you.” Himchan said, “But it’s not my story to tell.”

Jieun nodded. “I hope he’s doing okay.”

Himchan put his hand on her shoulder reassuringly, “He’ll be fine. His mom woke up. If anything, he will be even better.”

Himchan checked his watch. “I have to go back to work now. You should go back in the room. Or I can take you home if you want.”

Jieun shook her head. “It’s okay. I can just wait for him out here.”

Himchan raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”

Jieun nodded. “Yeah. You go along now. I’ll see you later!”

Himchan waved as he made his way toward the exit. Jieun breathed in deeply and looked at her watch. It’s almost been an hour since Yongguk was in there. Jieun just sipped her juice when she felt someone sit next to her. She looked over and saw a tired Yongguk collapsed on the chair. 

“Is everything okay?” She quietly asked.

Yongguk looked at Jieun and nodded, giving her a weak smile. 

“Sorry about yelling at you in the car earlier. I... I didn’t mean to be so harsh...”

“It’s okay.” Jieun interrupted, “I understand. Emotions are things that we don’t have complete control over. We wouldn’t be human then.”

Yongguk just looked down and rested his head in his hands. Jieun suddenly got up and tapped his shoulder. “Hey get up!” Yongguk looked up at the girl.

“I’ll buy you some really good food. I don’t buy food for everyone, so consider yourself a very lucky person. Come on.” Jieun pulled Yongguk up and dragged him outside of the hospital. They entered a nearby naengmyun house and Jieun sat Yongguk down.

“Food will help you feel better! This place has really bomb naengmyun!” Jieun excitedly told Yongguk. “Ajuma!” She said, calling the lady, “Can you give us the house naengmyun combo? Two servings please!”

Yongguk smiled to himself and drank some of the water that was served. 

“You need to eat a lot so you can have strength!” Jieun said.

“Do you think you’re a mom now?” Yongguk asked jokingly. Jieun smiled, “Well... I always did have a maternal instinct.”

They both laughed as their food was served. 

“Thank you for the food!” Jieun said, as she digged into the food. Yongguk just watched Jieun as she started slurping up her noodles. Jieun looked up with full. “Dude, it’s so good! Why aren’t you eating?”

Yongguk laughed. “And you can eat slowly. No one’s coming to get you.”

They enjoyed their meal and then left, bellies full and satisfied.

“Wah, that was good, huh? Huh?” Jieun asked Yongguk as they were walking back to the hospital.

“Yeah, it was pretty delicious.” Yongguk agreed. Jieun grinned and they walked side by side in comfortable silence.

Which Yongguk broke. “Aren’t you curious?” Yongguk asked. Jieun looked at Yongguk. “Curious?” she asked. Yongguk nodded, “Yeah. About this whole situation.”

Jieun nodded. “Of course I’m curious. And maybe a bit concerned. But I figure, you would tell me if you want to. I don’t want to ask you uncomfortable questions.”

Yongguk stopped walking. “Do you want to know?”

Jieun nodded. “But only if you want to tell. I don’t want you to feel obligated to tell me anything.”

And so the pair found themselves sitting on one of the benches outside of the hospital.

“I grew up with my mom. As a single mother, she always worked hard out in the markets so that our family of two can survive. And things weren’t bad. When I was younger, I would always study hard and help my mom is whatever way I can and stuff. Even as a young kid, I knew my mom struggled. And I don’t know why but I never asked her about dad. Because I knew it was something that would be hard for her. So even though I had that aching question, I never asked her.But... It turns out I found out soon enough.”


Little middle school Yongguk happily walked back home from school. He got first place in the examinations again! Little Yongguk was super excited to show his mom the results and then maybe they can have a celebratory dinner. He made his way in the dinky alley way into his house.

But the door was swung open. That’s weird. Yongguk rushed inside and found the living room a mess, with items all over the place. He heard a lady yelling and screaming from his mom’s room. Yongguk rushed over and saw an older lady push his mom onto the ground. Yongguk’s mom’s head hit the ground and she started bleeding.

“Umma!” Yongguk yelled as he rushed over to his mother’s side. Yongguk glared angrily at the lady, “Who the hell are you? What are you doing here?”

The lady scoffed. “This is ridiculous.” She said. The lady addressed Yongguk’s mom. “And who is this kid? Ah... you went and got yourself knocked up that quick? Hah. Figures, you little gold digger. Mark my words and stay away.”

And with that the lady stomped off by herself. Yongguk’s mom started crying as she lied on the ground. Little Yongguk was beyond pissed. He ran into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of salt and a water bottle and ran outside.

“Hey, old ugly lady.” he called out to the lady. She turned around angrily, “What did you call me?!”

Yongguk stomped over to her and threw the salt in the bowl in her face. The lady screamed. Yongguk then uncapped the water bottle and poured it on her head. The lady kept screaming and flailing. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU LITTLE BRAT?!?!”

Yongguk smirked as he looked at the lady. “It’s not polite to let guests leave our house without having anything to eat or drink. I hope it was to your taste. Don’t ever come back. Or I. Will. Kill. You.”

And with that Little Yongguk went back to his mom.

“Umma, are you okay?” He asked. Mother Bang nodded and smiled at him, “It’s nothing. You don’t have to worry about it.”

“No. I want to know. I need to know, mom. I’m old enough to know.”

His mom sighed. 

“I know you’ve always wondered where your dad was. And I didn’t know how to tell you. Or when to. But... your dad is a man of high standing, the owner of one of the largest business companies. When I was younger, I worked as the maid to their household. He was a really kind and benevolent man, your dad. And he always took care of me during my stay there. I... I started liking him. And he reciprocated. But he was already married and he had a reputation. So we couldn’t really do anything. We just kept everything a secret. But then the wife found out and hell broke loose. I was kicked out of the house with nothing and your father couldn’t do anything. I was scared and alone... I was even contemplating suicide. But I found out... that your dad gave me a gift. You. And so I knew I had to live and love you. I haven’t talked to your dad since then. Only up until recently. We met again randomly and he started giving us money...and his wife found out and that’s why she came.”

Yongguk looked at her incredulously. “who is he?”

“It will only hurt you.” She said. 

“Who is he?” Yongguk asked, tears streaming down his face. “Mom, who is he? I have a right to know!”

“The owner of Grand Hotel Chain.”

Yongguk left the house running. His mom called after him, but Yongguk didn’t listen and just ran. 

End flashback

“I went to go find him. My dad. But I saw him leaving his car with his family. His wife in tow with two daughters. And he was laughing and looked so... happy. He looked so happy with his family. While mine was suffering because of him. We made eye contact and he looked shocked. And confused. After he sent his family in, he came over to talk to me. That was the first time I talked to my dad. He asked me if I was okay and I just spit in his face. I told him to be happy and live a comfortable life. I’ve lived without a father for 13 years, I might as well do it forever. I told him one thing I was ashamed of though. That someone so pitiful is my father... who couldn’t even protect someone he loved. And that I’d never be like that.”

“So we moved and I never talked to him again. Until last year. Apparantly, my mom and that man started meeting up again. He kept pestering her that he loves her when she said no and that evil wife found out. She came worked up a storm to which my mom didn’t take well. She already had a a couple years before, but she had another one after that lady came. And she was in a coma since. I felt at that point that I failed. I became someone as shameful as that man... because I couldn’t protect her. The doctors kept telling me to pull the plug on her and that it’s just a waste of time, resources, money... and hope. But she woke up today.” Yongguk looked at Jieun with watery eyes and a smile. “Her eyes opened. And she smiled at me. She smiled at me.”

Jieun wiped the tears from her own eyes and placed her hand on his encouragingly. 

“Everything is gonna be okay.”

Yongguk smiled. “I know... I know.”

“And... you are nothing like your dad. There is nothing shameful about you. Protecting is in your blood. Look at me, I’m completely fine.” Jieun laughed, “And you can protect her from now on.”

Yongguk nodded. 

“I don’t know why you were so down. Today is a happy day, Yongguk!”

“She wants to see him” he said quietly. 

“him?” Jieun asked, “You mean your dad?”

Yongguk nodded and sighed. “I don’t know what to do.”

“I still think the good overbears the bad. You’re mom is awake now. You should be feeling ecstatic over that instead of worrying about the man and stuff. Now come on. Get up!”

Yongguk looked at Jieun who stood up and pulled on his arm once more. 

“Go where?”

“Let’s go buy some flowers. I want to meet your mom!”


Yongguk and Jieun entered the hospital room. It was quiet in there save the beeping of the machine. The lady in the bed opened her eyes and turned her head at the sound of the door opening.

“Umma.” Yongguk said as he approached her side, “How are you feeling? It wasn’t too tiring being with the doctors?”

Mrs. Bang shook her head and smiled. She inquisitively looked over at Jieun who stood behind Yongguk. 

Jieun came over to Yongguk’s side and bowed. 

“Anyoung hasaeyo. Song Jieun imneeda!” 

Yongguk’s mom looked at Jieun and smiled.

“Umma, She’s my friend, Jieun.”

“I brought you some flowers,” Jieun said, “Yongguk said you liked sunflowers, so...” she placed the flowers in the vase on the stand.

Yongguk’s mom just smiled and nodded.

“Anyway, you should rest, umma. I’ll be back to visit soon, okay?” Yongguk said.

Yongguk’s mom just stared at him, a bit confused. 

“I have to go work. I’ll be back later. I promise.”

She just nodded and watched as Yongguk and Jieun left.


Jieun collapsed on her bed. It had been an extremely LONG day. But it was a good one.  She was glad that Yongguk was opening up to her and that he was doing better. Jieun smiled as she remembered how warmly he treated his mom. Jieun grabbed her phone to call Zinger... but whoa. She had like 10 missed calls from Youngjae. Jieun sighed. What did he want now? Jieun just tossed her phone aside and picked up her notebook that was on the ground.

Oh yeah...She really needs to practice that song.


AN: This was a little bit more dramatic than usual, but hope you guys like Gukkie's story! Next chapter: FINALLY the party. WOOT WOOT! ^__^ Where lots of stuff will be going down. heheheoho

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penielhyunsik #1
Chapter 13: Such a lovely story... I really loved it ^^.. I simply love all of them
flxwrx #2
Chapter 13: omg authornim !! congrats fr the best , interesting , sweet bangsong couple !!! i love it sooo much !
syayuuri #3
Chapter 13: This is good~ Thanks for this great story :)
Chapter 13: just found this~ it was beautiful :))
romedori #5
Chapter 13: i'm just finishing read this story . i love the way you explained the whole story.
i'm blushing in the end . love bangsong ^^
i'll wait for another bangsong story from you . keep updating
Chapter 13: Thank you for making this a happy ending. They finally got married!!!
you don't know how happy I am right now. ouo

Thank you author-nim. I really enjoyed reading your story... I'll be waiting for your next bangsong fics
Chapter 13: AAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW ~ that was so cute :"> I just can't stop aw-ing lol Hope you will write more in the future :)
Chapter 13: aww thats so cute. bang jieun :3
Thank you so much for this amazing fic autor-nim <3