Chapter 7

Protecting the Phoenix


Yongguk woke up early the next day and got ready to go to school. Jieun was already in the kitchen, eating a piece of toasted bread. He saw that she placed one plate of toast for him too. He sat down in front of her and took a bit out of the crunchy bread.

“Did you sleep okay yesterday?” Jieun asked. Yongguk nodded his head as he ate his bread. “You?” he asked back.

“Good.” Jieun said, looking a bit uneasy as she just sat there. Yongguk looked up from eating his bread. “You have something you want to say?”

Jieun looked hesitant but proceeded to talk anyway. “Hey, about yesterday. Thanks. I guess I overreacted a little bit. But I understand you’re just doing your job. So, yeah. Thanks. We cool?”

Yongguk nodded. “We’re cool. Maybe I did overreact a little bit. But I finally got some sort of action on the job.” 

Jieun laughed a little. “Comes to show how much protection I need.”

“Hey, but you should be careful.” Yongguk said, “There are some bad people out there in this world. Not everyone is as nice and good looking as me.”

Jieun’s laughter filled up the room and it made Yongguk feel a little fuzzy inside. “Well, Mr. nice and good looking,” Jieun said while grabbing her plates, “It’s time to go to school. So please, lead the way.”

They put their plates away and made their way to school.




Jieun tapped the table with her pen as the professor kept talking in that same monotone voice about the stock market and something about the banks. Jieun just gazed off into the distance, counting down the seconds until the class was over. Yongguk was engaged in the learning next to her, taking notes and stuff. 

Jieun sighed as she fell deep into her thoughts. Honestly, it would be a complete lie if she said that yesterday didn’t effect her at all. In fact, she might have been a bit shaken up by how cool Yongguk was when he beat up the other guy. It made Jieun feel like she was in a movie or something, that she was the main girl and Yongguk was coming to save her. Oh, damsel in distress. But of course, Jieun didn’t really know how to respond to that, and got mad instead. It was kind of dumb of her. But as she lied down in her room and thought about it over and over, she realized that he was just doing his job. And that kind made a pang in her heart. It reminded her that he’s not here because he wants to be. He’s here because he HAS to be. And for some reason, that made her sad. That Yongguk was doing all these things because it was his job. That made Jieun wonder if she even wanted him here. One month ago the answer would have been an obvious no. She wanted no one to be with her, she wanted to be independent. But now, Jieun couldn’t bring herself to say no. She shook her head to shake off those thoughts and feelings. 

Yongguk suddenly leaned in a little too close and whispered in her ear, “I’m surprise you’re awake.” He said that in his smooth, mellow voice. JIeun just gave him a smile and turned her face away from him so he wouldn’t see how flustered she was. Yes. Things didn’t look too good for Jieun.




After her classes finished, Jieun wanted to eat lunch with her friends. All of her friends. They haven’t met up in forever according to Jieun, so Yongguk found himself sitting in a table with all of them. Zelo and Jongup weren’t there much to Yongguk’s chagrin... or joy. Okay, so maybe Yongguk was a little bit sad. 

They came to eat at “the most delicious pizza place” as Daehyun put it. He was sitting next to a quiet Youngjae who was conversing with an excited Sunhwa and Jieun. Yongguk was squeezed in between Hyosung and Zinger who kept bickering and talking over him... kind of like he wasn’t there. A little bit awkward. Youngjae laughed as he saw Yonguk’s situation. 

“Hyosung, Zinger... you guys are making Yongguk hyung uncomfortable.”

The two girls stopped momentarily and laughed cheekily. 

“How have you been Mr. bodyguard?” Hyosung asked, patting is back. 

“Have you been good to our Jieun?” Zinger asked, also patting his back. To say that Yongguk felt a little bit uncomfortable was an understatement. He didn’t really know how to people like them, let alone women like them. He would be sitting between the two most talkative people. 

“He’s been good.” Jieun answered for him, “Don’t eat him alive.”

“We’re not bugging you, are we Mr. bodyguard?” Hyosung asked. Yongguk just gave her a forced smile and a nod. Things were getting even more awkward for him. Thankfully, Sunhwa’s phone buzzed at that moment.

“Oh, Kwanghee oppa is here!” Sunhwa said happily. 

At that moment the door opened and a skinny boy with a mop perm (as Yongguk likes to describe it) on his head. 

“Omo, Sunhwa!” the guy named Kwanghee said as he skipped over to their table. He was a fairly skinny chap, dressed in some fancy shmancy shirt and khakis with a blazer. Oh, and let’s not forget the splash of the red scarf thing on his neck. 

This Kwanghee guy sat himself next to Sunhwa who gave him a little peck on the cheek. 

“Oppa, you know all my friends, right?” She asked. Kwanghee nodded, “Of course. I know everyone from our university. Haha, just kidding. Oh.. who’s this scary looking gentleman over here.”

Yongguk realized the guy was pointing at him. “Yongguk.” He said, “Jieun’s bodyguard.”

“OH WOW.” Kwanghee exclaimed, “Jieun you have your own bodyguard? Oh goodness. I’m Kwanghee, Sunhwa’s boyfriend. Nice to meet you!”

They were interrupted by the entrance of the food, to which Daehyun suddenly perked up from his tired state and smiled.

“Thank you for the food!” he sang yelled, “Let’s eat!!”

They all ate the delicious pizza. Well, minus Daehyun who practically inhaled the food. Yongguk took a bite of the delicious looking pizza. Wow, that really was some good pizza. He gave Daehyun the thumbs up sign. Daehyun just nodded vehemently as he shoves more into his mouth.

“So anyway,” Kwanghee said during their meal, “I can get good hook ups for the opening of the new theme park! And because my cute little Sunhwa asked, I was able to get enough for everyone!”

“Really?!” Hyosung and Zinger shouted excitedly. Sunhwa beamed next to Kwanghee. “Good job, hubby!” She said, patting him on the cheek. 

“I bet they have all these cool rides and stuff!” Zinger said excitedly.

“I wonder if they have delicious food” Daehyun added.

The group buzzed on about this trip so Yongguk just quietly ate his pizza. 

“I can get a ticket for you too Mr. Bodyguard!” Kwanghee said happily. Yongguk looked up. “Oh. Um, thanks.”

“Yay I’m so excited!” Hyosung shouted. “Kwanghee yah, can you get any more extra tickets by any chance?”

“Are you going to invite your boyfriend?” Zinger asked teasingly. Hyosung nodded with a  small blush. “I think he’ll like it. right Yongguk?”

“Yeah. He likes that stuff” Yongguk said.

The group of friends continued to chatter on and finally made their leave. They filed out of the restaurant and started talking outside. Yongguk wondered why it took college students so long to move and do anything. (They ended up regrouping, why bother leaving then? Yongguk sometimes didn’t understand). The group of students ended up standing there for a good couple minutes until someone suggested going to a cafe to eat some bingsoo. He shook his head and looked for Jieun who was laughing at something Youngjae said. Well, if she was going, Yongguk was gonna have to go, too. 

Yongguk was talking to Daehyun most of the time while walking to the cafe. Although their conversation consisted mostly of what food would go well with bingsoo and whether pizzas or hamburgers tasted better. But it’s okay. Daehyun was a good kid.

As they arrived at the cafe, everyone started filing in one by one. Yongguk looked around at their seating arrangement... and found that Jieun was missing. He looked around panicked. 

“Where did Jieun go?” Yongguk asked as he abruptly stood up.

“Oh, relax.” Hyosung said, “She’s at the park with Youngjae right now.”

Yongguk looked confused. “She’s what?”

Zinger pulled Yongguk back down to sit back on his chair. “She’s at the park with Youngjae right now. What do you think happens when a girl and a guy are together at somewhere with nice scenery?”

It suddenly clicked in his head. Oh. Confession. 

“I..” yongguk said, “I still need to go make sure she’s there.”

He stood up. “Don’t worry, I won’t be interrupting anything” and made his leave towards the park. Yongguk briskly walked to the park. He was so stupid, he should have just stayed next to Jieun. What if she wasn’t at the park? What if something bad happened?

Yongguk finally arrived a saw the two sitting on a bench. He could see that Youngjae was saying something to a very surprised Jieun. 

Well, at least she was there. 

Then why did Yongguk feel like someone punched him in the gut?

Man, he needed a cigarette.





Jieun really wasn’t expecting this at all. She really enjoyed dinner time, talking with them and having a good time when Youngjae suddenly asked if they can talk and lead her to this bench in the park. 

“Jieun, I’m not very good with words.” Youngjae told her after sitting her down, “And I never really had much experience with this kind of stuff. But.. I like you. More than a friend. I was wondering if you might feel the same way about me.”

Jieun blinked. What? 

“I... I don’t know what to say.” Jieun said, “I... I really wasn’t expecting this. I never thought of you in that way before.”

Youngjae had a crestfallen look on his face as he mustered an “oh.” He looked really sad, and Jieun felt really bad. She’s never seen Youngjae look so devastated before.

“But... we can give it a try.” Jieun said. Youngjae’s face suddenly brightened up. 

“Really?” he asked excitedly. Jieun nodded. “We can take it slow. Maybe try going on dates to see if I can see you in a different way.”

“I promise you won’t regret giving me a chance, Jieun!” Youngjae said excitedly as he gave her a hug. 

“Oh, and here.” He gave her a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. “I think girls like this stuff, right?”

Jieun softly laughed and accepted the gifts, “Thanks.”

Youngjae grinned widely. Jieun smiled too when Yongguk’s face suddenly flashed in her head. Jieun shook it off. That was weird. Youngjae happily strolled back and entered the cafe with Jieun by his side, all giddy and happy.

Jieun walked over to the group while awkwardly holding the flowers and chocolates. The girls ran over and were shouting and screaming things Jieun couldn’t really understand. 

“Congrats!” they were all saying. Jieun smiled at the awkwardly.

“Are you guys official now?” Zinger asked. 

“Um, no.” Youngjae said shyly, “We’re just.. um going to try it out. Like dating.”

The girls starting squealing again and Jieun swore her ears got deafened. She wasn’t even really listening to what the girls were chattering excitedly about. Jieun searched for a familiar face and found it staring outside the window. Yongguk was sitting down just sipping his drink. He must be tired of all the noise and stuff.

“Thanks guy.” Jieun said, “But I think I should go back now. My parent is a little bit tired.” She pointed at Yongguk and laughed.

So they said their goodbyes. Youngjae’s was extra awkward, but they all finally departed. Jieun walked up to Yongguk who stood up and smiled.

“Youngjae, huh?” He asked. Jieun shook her head, “I’m not exactly sure what happened. I don’t really know what’s going on now. Sorry to keep you waiting. You seem kind of tired.”

“Congrats.” Yongguk said, “And what can I say, I’m getting older.”

“You’re like only 2 years older, you drama queen.” Jieun said, “And it’s not even really official or anything.”

Yongguk and Jieun arrived at the apartment and Jieun set down the flowers and chocolate on the counter.

“You want some chocolate?” Jieun asked, as she opened the box and popped one in . 

“Am I allowed to eat this? Are you sure it isn’t infused with love potion or whatnot?” Yongguk joked.

“Ha.Ha.Ha.” Jieun said, “Very funny. It’s fine if you don’t want some. I can eat it all by myself.” She plopped another in to prove her point. 

Yongguk laughed. “Okay, can I have one please?”

“Of course!” Jieun handed the box over to Yongguk who ate a chocolate.

“I know this is an awkward question...” Yongguk said, “But what am I supposed to do during your dates?”

Jieun punched Yongguk’s arm. 




Yongguk went into his room and sighed as he collapsed on his bed. After seeing everything unravel at the park, he went back to the cafe and stayed with the friends who were betting on what would happen and stuff. He really wished he had a cig. Instead he just drank a ton of that coffee drink and cool himself down. 

Yongguk wasn’t mad. He was wasn’t sad either. But he wasn’t happy. Thing just... won’t be the same anymore between him and Jieun. And it just made Yongguk a little bit uncomfortable. But not like he wasn’t used to that anyway. 

But when Jieun and Youngjae walked in and all their friends went up to congratulate them, Yongguk was coldly reminded that he was still an outsider. Just watching everything unfold in front of his eyes, Yongguk momentarily forgot that he wasn’t a part of them. He wasn’t a college student, he wasn’t their friend, he wasn’t even supposed to be there with them. Yongguk was just her bodyguard. This was just his job. And that’s exactly how Jieun sees him, as someone her father has hired. There was only a month and a half left before they would depart. And Yongguk just had to accept it. 


But he couldn’t shake off this weird feeling of sadness. 




Jieun collasped on her bed and sighed. This day was just so... uncalled for. Youngjae? She never even knew.. never even thought about it. She thought back to Yongguk who was sitting alone at the table and then congratulating her after.

Honestly, when Jieun first accepted Youngjae, her thought went to Yongguk. What would he think? Would he get mad? But he was completely fine. Heck, he even joked around with her and... well, it didn’t affect him at all. Jieun sighed... what was she even expecting? That he would get mad, show some sort of reaction? This was dumb. 

Jieun was reminded once more that Yongguk wasn’t here because he wanted to. He probably can barely tolerate with it everyday. To him, she was just a duty.  She was just being dumb, thinking that he would somewhat... care. And in a month and a half, he would be gone and wouldn’t ever look back. And Jieun just had to accept it. 


But she couldn’t shake off this weird feeling of sadness.



A/N: Sorry for the late update. Finals season is rolling around so it might take me a while to post these chapters up. But we're just about passing the halfway mark to this story. There will maybe be 4 or 5 more chapters left. Hehe, till then enjoy! And please leave comments. They motivate me keep writing! Cheers!

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penielhyunsik #1
Chapter 13: Such a lovely story... I really loved it ^^.. I simply love all of them
flxwrx #2
Chapter 13: omg authornim !! congrats fr the best , interesting , sweet bangsong couple !!! i love it sooo much !
syayuuri #3
Chapter 13: This is good~ Thanks for this great story :)
Chapter 13: just found this~ it was beautiful :))
romedori #5
Chapter 13: i'm just finishing read this story . i love the way you explained the whole story.
i'm blushing in the end . love bangsong ^^
i'll wait for another bangsong story from you . keep updating
Chapter 13: Thank you for making this a happy ending. They finally got married!!!
you don't know how happy I am right now. ouo

Thank you author-nim. I really enjoyed reading your story... I'll be waiting for your next bangsong fics
Chapter 13: AAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW ~ that was so cute :"> I just can't stop aw-ing lol Hope you will write more in the future :)
Chapter 13: aww thats so cute. bang jieun :3
Thank you so much for this amazing fic autor-nim <3