Chapter 3

Protecting the Phoenix


Jieun woke up bright and early. It was a Wednesday so Jieun had a lot things she needed to do. She walked out into the living room and smelled a delicious aroma coming from the kitchen. Jieun followed the smell and found Yongguk cooking something in the kitchen. Oh, yeah. Jieun totally forgot about him. Her face suddenly turned bright red and she recalled yesterday’s incidents. She was about to turn away when Yongguk called her. “Good morning, miss. Come eat some breakfast.”

Jieun gave him a weak smile as she sat down on the dining table with the food Yongguk prepared. Why was he suddenly being so nice compared to yesterday when he was so aggressive? Yongguk set down a glass of orange juice and sat down in front of her.

“I’m sorry about yesterday.” He said, “I let my anger take control of me, I’m sorry if I scared you. But I wanted to let you know that I am here to protect you, so you don’t have to hate me or be scared of me. Let’s try to be cordial for the next couple months, yeah?”

Jieun didn’t know what to say. She just took a bite of the pancake he prepared for her. “It tastes good.” she said forcing a small smiling, “I’m sorry about being a brat, too. I mean, you look pretty young, maybe around my age even. Imagine if your whole life, you were surrounded by big men in suits instead of a father. Imagine having these guys with you when you’re 22. 22! It’s not that I had or have anything against you, but you understand don’t you? That desire to have freedom? My dad still thinks I’m like a 5 year old.”

Yongguk didn’t respond so Jieun just looked down on her plate and started picking at her food. 

“I can see why you came off that way,” Yongguk said softly, “I personally never dealt with that so I wouldn’t know what that’s like.”

Jieun suddenly put her fork down and looked up at him. “Okay. First thing is first, you need to get rid of that suit. I don’t really want the whole world to know that I have a bodyguard following me everywhere. If you’re dressed normally we can just look like random casual acquaintances. Second, I would very much like my alone time as I am sure you want yours. So when we are home, let’s try to respect that. Oh, and I guess when I go out you have to come along, but let’s try to be normal. None of this “I am obviously Song Jieun’s bodyguard” stuff. Also, you’re protecting me from people, right? So, you don’t have to bother making me food or whatever, babysitting me. We can live out our own lives. Even if it is intertwined, we can enjoy what we want.”

Yongguk nodded. “Seems reasonable.”

Jieun smiled for the first time since Yongguk met her. She extended her hang out toward him. “A truce to being amiable acquaintances?”

Yongguk held her soft delicate hand that fit so perfectly into his big, coarse ones. “Acquaintances.”

“Oh, and one more thing, call me Jieun. None of this ahgashi stuff.”




A couple days have passed since this truce that Yongguk and Jieun made. He would be wearing “normal clothes” and follow her around to her classes and stuff. At first, Yongguk wondered if it was a trick, but everything seemed okay so far. It was finally Friday and Jieun planned on going out with her friends. Yongguk came out of his room wearing “normal” clothes, just jeans and a T-shirt. It took him a while to find a place to hide the gun though. It’s a good thing his jeans were a bit loose. Jieun was already in the living room dressed in a nice spring dress with her hair and makeup done. 

“Are you ready?” His gruff voice asked. Jieun nodded as they headed outside. Jieun started walking down the sidewalk, excited to go meet her friends. 

“Wait a second.” Yongguk called, “The car is right here.”

Jieun turned around and saw Yongguk pointing at a spankin new BMW. “Really?” Jieun asked excitedly as she ran over to the car. “Is it for me?” she asked hopefully.

“Sorry, Jieun. It’s my car...from your dad” Yongguk said with a smirk. Jieun’s smile faded. “Well.. can I at least drive it around a couple times?”

“Do you have a license?” Yongguk asked. Jieun sheepishly grinned. “No.”

“I think it’s best if I drive.” Yongguk said, “Come on get in the car.”

They both got in the car and Yongguk pulled out into the streets. 

“I usually never get to sit in the passenger’s seat!” Jieun giggled, like a little middle school girl. They soon got onto a highway along the coast, so Jieun pulled down her window and stuck her head out to scream. She did this a couple times and then sat back down, opting to stick her hand out to feel the ocean breeze. “This is really nice!” she said happily. Yongguk laughed. He felt like he was taking a little niece to the beach for the first time or something. 

“Are we almost there?” Jieun asked. Yongguk nodded as they finally pulled up into a parking lot by the beach. Jieun jumped out of the car and ran to the railing to see the beach. Yongguk trailed behind her. “When are your friends coming?” he asked.

“They should get here soon.” Jieun replied, “None of them have a car so they’re probably bussing it here.”

Yongguk just nodded and waited next to Jieun. The silence was kind of awkward for him, but it seemed like Jieun wasn’t paying attention to him at all. She just smiled as she looked out towards the beach. Wow, and she did have one nice smile. 

“Is there something on my face?” Jieun asked. That brought Yongguk out of his trance and he shook his head. 

“Jieun-ah!” A voice shouted from a distance. They turned to see a group of people walking towards them. Jieun excitedly shouted as she ran towards them. There were three girls and four guys with them. Ah, Yongguk recognized one of them as the creepy friend who caressed his arms last time. He involuntarily shivered at that thought. 

“And who’s your friend over here?” a girl with auburn hair asked. 

“Ah,” Jieun said, “This is my.. um... bodyguard. He’s my bodyguard. Guys, meet Yongguk.”

Yongguk gave them a brief nod and a small smile. “Oh, and Yongguk, this is Hyosung, Sunhwa, Zinger, Daehyun, Yongjae, Jongup, and Junhong! We’re all colleagues!”

“Minus these two little kids right here.” Zinger added, pointing at Jongup and Junhong. They’re my annoying little brothers who tag along everywhere.” Yongguk just nodded, not wanting to talk to the creepy girl. They all shared their greetings and started walking toward the shore when Zinger came up next to Yongguk and said, “I’m sorry about last time by the way. I hope I didn’t scare you too much. I promise I’m not really that much of a creep.”

Yongguk just laughed, “It’s fine. Jieun kind of explained it to me.” But I’m still a little bit cautious, he thought. “Good!” Zinger said as she moved along to talk to Jieun. One of the boys came up to him and stared at him. Yongguk uneasily glanced at the kid. Which one was this guy again? 

“Do you kill bad guys?” The kid asked. Yongguk was confused. “What?” he asked. The kid asked him again, “I said do you kill bad guys?!” The kid looked like he was asking a very serious question. 

“No, I don’t really kill people...” Yongguk said. The boy frowned, “You’re not a real bodyguard then. How uncool.” and walked away. 

“Zelo, be nice to him” Jieun chastised. She popped up next to Yongguk. “You doing okay?” she asked. Yongguk nodded, “It’s definitely better than you running away all the time.” 

Jieun just laughed. The group of them found a spot and set up their stuff. Yongguk sat down on one of towels to relax. He saw the girls walk cautiously into the water and the two older boys... dang it, he forgot their names... throwing around a football. The kid who bugged him and the other one took off thier shirts and ran into the water like... well, kids. Well, this seemed very... normal. Yongguk never really had normal friends, if you would put it that way. (Himchan was very far from normal.) So everything about this picture seemed very unreal to him. A football suddenly landed next to his feet.

“Do you want to throw with us?” One of the guys asked. Oh yes, Daehyun, that was his name. Yongguk grabbed the football and threw it Daehyun who caught it with ease. The younger boys came back towards them now wet to the core and in to play too. They started up a small game of tackle football and soon all of them became a wet, sandy mess. 




Jieun looked over at the guys who were laughing and rolling on the ground. Sports really must bring guys together. She saw Yongguk laughing too, which she never really saw before. He had a nice gummy smile. 

“What are you staring at?” Sunhwa asked suspiciously, “Are you staring at your new bodyguard?”

Jieun rolled her eyes, “No, Sunhwa. I was just watching them play, they look like they are enjoying themselves.”

Jieun went back to watching them play when Yongguk’s gun suddenly fell out onto the sand. There was an awkward moment when all the guys froze and just stared at the gun. Yongguk quickly grabbed it and stuffed back where it was before. Jieun saw Zelo and Jongup come up to him and beg him to see the gun again as Yongguk awkwardly rejected and sat back down on the towels. 

“So... how is it?” Hyosung asked Jieun. Zinger and Sunhwa looked at her expectantly too.

“How is what?” Jieun asked.

“Living with a handsome, young man!” Sunhwa said. Jieun shook her head, “You guys are ridiculous.”

“I thought you were gonna get rid of him. I was so confused when you told me that he was coming today!” Zinger added. 

“It’s a long story,” Jieun said, “But we decided to get along.”

“Oh my, are you liking him already?!” Hyosung teased. Jieun groaned, “No, guys. Please. I’m not ready for another relationship anyways.”

“Jieun, it’s almost been a year already! He’s moved on, I’m sure he wants you to go on with your life, too.” Zinger said. Jieun just shrugged, “I don’t know. I just haven’t really thought about it.”

“There are plenty of fish out in the sea,” Sunhwa said putting her arm around Jieun, “You just have to choose the best one that comes to you!”

“Like Kwanghee?” Hyosung and Zinger laughed. Sunhwa glared at them. “You guys, stop making fun of him. He’s a nice guy. Besides, what about you Hyosung and your little DJ friend?”

Hyosung smiled widely. “Well, I got his number. Hehe, Himchan said he’ll call me soon. hehe.” 

Jieun laughed. It wasn’t everyday she saw a shy Hyosung. Jongup suddenly popped out next to them. “Noonas, let’s eat! The hyungs made hot dogs. I even cooked some of them myself!”

They walked back to their place and sat down on the mats. The guys served the girls the food and they happily ate away.

“Are you having fun?” Yongjae who was sitting next to Jieun asked. She nodded her head, “Yeah! I haven’t been to the beach in so long! It’s so nice being here! Are you having fun?”

Yongjae nodded. “I got to show off my manly athletic skills. Look at these muscles.” He proceeded in lifting up his sleeve and kissing it. 

“Yah, what muscle?” Zinger said, throwing a piece of bread at him. Everyone laughed. Jieun looked across and saw Yongguk squished between the two maknaes who kept bickering back and forth at each other. 

“Hyung said he was gonna show me the gun first!” Zelo said.

“NO. I’m older than you. He’s gonna show it to me first!” Jongup retaliated. Zinger sighed as she got up and bonked the two kids on the head. “Please, behave or I swear I’m never bringing you guys out again.”

The two suddenly straightened up and started eating their food quietly. Jieun laughed. She hasn’t hung out like this in a while. It felt nice... even thought the bodyguard was here, it wasn’t awkward. Er, for her at least. She looked at Yongguk talking to Zelo and Jongup about a gang he fought once. Jieun smiled. This might not be too bad.




Yongguk and Jieun finally arrived back to the apartment. After playing at the beach, the group moved on to eat dinner at a gogi house and then even go to karaoke. Jieun had some crazy friends who had a lot of energy.. A LOT. 

“That wasn’t too bad?” Jieun asked hopefully as they entered the apartment. 

“No, it was actually kind of fun. It’s definitely not what I was expecting to do when I accepted this job, but it was good.” Yongguk replied. Jieun smiled. “Well, I’m glad we’ve come to agreement.”

Yongguk nodded. 

“Good night then!” Jieun said as she walked to her room.

“Good night.” Yongguk echoed. He walked into his own room and lied down on his bed. It was a bit strange how fun the day was. This must be the college life Yongguk missed out on. He smiled sadly as he closed his eyes and imagined himself being an actual student.




Jieun went back to her room and sat down on her chair. It was a long but good day and Jieun was very happy for that. Her phone suddenly buzzed, bringing her out of her thoughts. Hmm, a text from her dad.

“Hey honey. I hope everything is going well with the new recruit I sent you. Please be nice to him and don’t scare him off. Just reminding you that there will be a candidate debate in two weeks. Don’t forget to come! See you then.”

Jieun sighed. She hated going to those boring presidential speech stuff. Whatever. She logged onto her computer and saw Sunhwa online. 

JE: Hey Sunhwa!

There was not reply. Ugh, she was probably chatting away with Kwanghee as per usual.  Jieun was about to log off when a message popped up.

YJ: Jieun! What are you doing up so late?

JE: I was gonna talk with Sunhwa, but she’s busy with Kwanghee

YJ: They can get pretty daksal gross at times.

JE: Seriously. Haha, why are you still up?

YJ: Just thinking about stuff. Also got a paper due in a couple days.

JE: Thinking about what stuff? And good luck with that paper!

YJ: Well... there’s this girl I like, but I don’t know if she feels the same way about me. I don’t know what I should do. And thanks, I need all the luck I can get.

JE: OMG really!? WHO IS IT?!! You should just totally ask her out!

YJ: It’s a secret ;) Hmmm, we’ll see.

JE: Well, I hope everything works out for you! I’m gonna go sleep now. Good night!

YJ: Good night!

Jieun logged off and lied down on her comfortable bed as she drifted off to sleep, dreaming about beaches and guns.




AN: Hi guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter (I finally added members, hehe.) I have a big midterm this week so I won't be able to update until a week. Please wait till then! Thanks for reading. 

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penielhyunsik #1
Chapter 13: Such a lovely story... I really loved it ^^.. I simply love all of them
flxwrx #2
Chapter 13: omg authornim !! congrats fr the best , interesting , sweet bangsong couple !!! i love it sooo much !
syayuuri #3
Chapter 13: This is good~ Thanks for this great story :)
Chapter 13: just found this~ it was beautiful :))
romedori #5
Chapter 13: i'm just finishing read this story . i love the way you explained the whole story.
i'm blushing in the end . love bangsong ^^
i'll wait for another bangsong story from you . keep updating
Chapter 13: Thank you for making this a happy ending. They finally got married!!!
you don't know how happy I am right now. ouo

Thank you author-nim. I really enjoyed reading your story... I'll be waiting for your next bangsong fics
Chapter 13: AAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW ~ that was so cute :"> I just can't stop aw-ing lol Hope you will write more in the future :)
Chapter 13: aww thats so cute. bang jieun :3
Thank you so much for this amazing fic autor-nim <3