Summary: This is what happen when Little JiYool loves lollipop, but her Mommy was away...


YunHo was resting that day after ended his latest movie, while his wife, Kim JaeJoong whose a lead singer for a rock band was away for two weeks already leaving YunHo and their children’s, Jung ChangMin and Jung JiYool.

JaeJoong finally can have some time to for his career and for that his company was suggesting him to do a World Tour for Hero band, agreeing with the suggestion JaeJoong now was in Paris for his first world tour location for two weeks already.

Their little angel was sleeping on a small air mattress that he pump just for the girl to enjoy her playing time there without scattering her dolls around the house. YunHo was flipping the remote control around as he was feeling bored with no one to talk.

The news channel was open as YunHo stop on that channel since he can see his wife was performing with all his heart on the large stage. The black rocker suit on his wife's body seems to really suit him even he already had two kids before, his wife still looks the same like when the time they first meets. ‘Still beautiful as ever…’

For YunHo get to know JaeJoong was like a dream, everything that happen between them was a miracle. He was grateful for that, never in his life was regretting his choice. Their relationship almost broken once but due to his own mistake.

“Daddy… Yoolie hungry…” He's three years old daughter was saying to him with her round eyes like always when she needed something. “Mommy?” JiYool saw her Mommy on the LCD screen as her finger was trying to reach it as she was meant to touch her Mommy's face.

YunHo saw his daughter’s intention, he walks to JiYool and take the little girl in his arm, letting the girl to touch the screen with her small little finger. “Did you miss your Mommy, Yoolie?”

JiYool nodded while her finger still touching the screen, “Yoolie miss Mommy… but Yoolie hungry too.”

YunHo laughed softly at his daughter remark while carrying the girl in his arm and lead them to the kitchen. He placed JiYool on the kitchen top, after that he was checking inside the fridge for the food. “Looks like there’s nothing can be eaten, Yoolie ah. Why don’t we eat outside?”

JiYool was pouting, she already misses her Mommy’s food and her Daddy cooking skills was limited, not that it tastes bad but like her Daddy said, Mommy’s food always the best.

“Plus, it’s almost time for your Oppa to be home, we take him from school then we go eat, okay?” YunHo said to his daughter, hoping that JiYool will not throw some tantrum.

Hearing her Daddy mentioning his Oppa, JiYool was smiling while clapping her chubby hands. “Oppa… JiYool wants Oppa too.”

YunHo takes his daughter together with him and getting ready to get his older child at the elementary school nearby their house.



Jung ChangMin was waiting for his Daddy to come and fetch him. He can’t wait to go home and playing with his little sister. Remembering the time his Mommy was pregnant with his sister, he was happy that finally he wasn’t alone anymore.

Though at that time ChangMin was just seven years old, he really did help his Mommy to take care of his little sister. Now, his Mommy was away for two weeks, his Daddy was like a lost person when JiYool was crying in the midnight from a nightmare. It will always be him to take his sister to sleep together on his bed.


ChangMin looks up to the voice whose calling for him. He was smiling looking at the familiar face of his beloved little sister. 

JiYool was running towards ChangMin, her hand that was holding to her Daddy was loose already easier for her to let it go. She was now in her Oppa’s arm, hugging her older brother like they doesn’t meet for months. “I miss Oppa.”

“Oppa too…” ChangMin said since they really close to each other.

“Daddy doesn’t cook… He said we are going to eat outside.” JiYool was complaining.

ChangMin just smile looking at his little sister that really looks like their Mommy. “I miss Mommy’s food…”

“Me too…”

“Me three…” YunHo said as he just got a chance to interrupt his children’s conversation. “Let’s go eat and then we buy things for food supplies. The fridge already empty, your Mommy is going to go mad if I let the fridge empty like that.”

ChangMin nodded understanding what his Daddy had said and he pulls his sister to walk with him follows by their Daddy at the back to the car. YunHo just looks at his children, he was glad that God let him by giving him a chance to have a child with the man that he loves. It’s true like his wife always said, ‘It us that make our life colourful with memories not others’




YunHo was strolling the trolley to the fresh fruit section as he is just finishing for the seafood and vegetable. He might not as well as his wife at shopping the groceries but accompanying his wife for their food supply always helping him to know what he should get when the times his wife can’t specially when the singer had a busy schedule.

ChangMin appears with JiYool that only at ChangMin’s waist height and putting some fruit inside the trolley and then disappear again with his sister too. YunHo finally stops at the large freezer where the fresh fruit was placed.

‘Strawberry…’ The fruit that always reminds him to his wife. It was their favourite fruit after all. Strawberry always be their special since the fruit was the reason they know each other. Strawberry that always helping him every time his wife was sulking from him and moody during pregnancies.

“Daddy, why are you staring at the strawberry’s box?” ChangMin said as he caught his Daddy was staring for a long time at the strawberry’s box in his own hand. ChangMin was really tall for ten years old boy but nobody can’t deny it since YunHo himself was tall.

YunHo scratching his not itching head doesn’t want his son to notice he was staring at the box. “Nothing, Daddy thought that Daddy should buy this too. Where’s JiYool?” YunHo asked as he wants to distract his own son from his embarrassment.

“She was behind you, Daddy…”

YunHo turns around and he caught his daughter was holding a packet of Lollipop in her small hands.

“Can I have this, Daddy?” She was asking cutely. Only a fool would say no to that cute face.

“You may have that but remember only one for a day.” YunHo said like his wife always did when their children was asking for candy and junk food but when their children was asking for fruits they would be glad to buy it as long as they will eat it.

“I will give Oppa and Daddy lollipops too…” JiYool said to her Daddy and she didn’t miss the smile that her Daddy sends her.



“Daddy, can I have my lollipop time today?” JiYool was asking since yesterday she couldn’t eat it as she already fall asleep when they reach home at night after having dinner at their Grandparent’s house.

YunHo just finish washing the dishes looks at the young little girl that was tugging his shirt for attention. 

“Okay, just one.”

“I want two, please… Please, Daddy.”

YunHo doesn’t agree with it, “One or nothing at all.”

“One for me and one for Oppa.” JiYool was showing her index finger from his right hand and left hand.

“Okay, little princess.” YunHo took the lollipop packets that they brought yesterday from the top cabinet and open it for his daughter. Handing JiYool two strawberry lollipop.

“One more… please.”

“And why is that?”

“I love strawberry lollipop, so I give it one to Oppa and another one to Daddy cause I love Oppa and Daddy too” JiYool was smiling as she said it.

“Okay.” YunHo said as he takes the lollipop for himself too, unwrap it and asking his daughter to feed it to him. JiYool took the offer and put the lollipop in his Daddy’s mouth, later she place a kiss on her Daddy’s cheek.

YunHo stays in the kitchen while preparing the launch for his little family, while JiYool probably was running to her brother’s room to give the lollipop to her brother and accompanying ChangMin while waiting for her brother to finish his homework.

Still deciding on what to cook, YunHo can hear his Samsung SIII was ringing. His beloved finally had some time to call. “Hello, love…” YunHo said as he was putting his already finishes lollipop stick inside the bin.

“Hello, Yunniebear…”

YunHo smiles as he heard what his wife just called him, JaeJoong always love to call him Yunniebear, but he too loves that nicknames.

“I miss you so much…”

“I miss you too, how was the concert?” He asked through he already know it from the news.

“It was awesome… Yunnie…”

YunHo was silent, he wants to hear what JaeJoong was trying to say to him.

“I miss our children, so I decide to be back next month.”

YunHo clearly shocked since his wife should be away for four months. “I thought you had a fifteen place to perform.”

“I asked the management company to cancel some of it, I will perform for six places only.”

“Then I will wait for you to be home…”

“I need to go now, send my love to Minnie and Yoolie. I will call again tomorrow.”

YunHo can sense some sadness in his wife’s voice maybe it’s true that is wife really miss their children. Even he sometimes misses cuddling and laughing with their children especially when he was busy spending his time at the shooting location and back home at midnight.

YunHo open the fridge soon he saw the strawberry box that he brought yesterday. He sighed as he really misses his wife already, everytime his wife was away he will eat the strawberry but this time he knows his wife must be really missing them already since his wife usually email and had a video chat with their children.

‘I should be the one to cheer him this time…’ YunHo took the strawberry box placing it on the island table kitchen. Then he walks to the cabinet searching for the plate.

“Daddy, what are you doing?” JiYool was asking.

“Surprise for your Mommy…”

“Did Mommy called earlier? I heard you were talking to someone.” JiYool was placed on the table top beside the strawberry box and plate. She still holds on the lollipop still not eating it.

“It’s your Mommy… He miss us, so he decides to be back earlier than he should be.”

“Really?, when?” JiYool said as she claps her hand seem like her older brother’s habit.

“Calm down, young girl. Next month… maybe in his first week.” YunHo pinch his daughter’s chubby cheek.

“Ahhh, Daddy, hurts. I know I’m cute, don’t pinch my cheek. I will tell Oppa, if you do it again.” JiYool try to threat his Daddy.

YunHo just laugh, JiYool threat doesn’t affect him even a bit.

“Oppa, looks Daddy pinch JiYool’s cheek cause he thinks I’m cute.” JiYool said as soon as she saw her brother figure was entering the kitchen.

“You are cute, little Yoolie.” Instead of helping JiYool, ChangMin too pinch his little sister chubby cheek.

“Done with homework?” YunHo asking his oldest child.

“Yup, Daddy. I’m hungry…” ChangMin eyes was delighted as he saw the strawberry box was opened in front of him.The red small heart shape strawberry was looking so inviting for ChangMin.

ChangMin gulped his saliva, his hand was reaching the strawberry in the box. He took one of it, but before the strawberry reach his lips, his hand was being slapped softly by a chubby hand.

The strawberry landed on the table, “Oppa, that’s for Mommy.” JiYool said, while pouting doesn’t agree with her brother’s action.

ChangMin’s face was amazed by his little sister action, he though only his Daddy was siding his Mommy looks like his beloved dear little sister too. “Opps!!!”

“Daddy, hurry!!! Make it a heart shape so Mommy knows we miss him too.” JiYool pulling his Daddy hands trying to make YunHo doing like she asked.

Carefully, YunHo follows his daughter and place the strawberry to form a heart shape on the plate. JiYool was smiling widely looking at her Daddy seriousness while shaping the strawberry. ChangMin snorted and he can be heard his stomach was groaning loudly.

“Done!!” JiYool clapping her hands while placing his Daddy kiss on the cheek and this time on both cheeks, 

“Daddy the best!”

“Can we eat now?” ChangMin was ruining the mood again.

“Oppa, stop it. I know you miss Mommy too!” JiYool said slapping her brother’s arm.

“Auchh! You become like Mommy, Yoolie. Stop slapping my arm.”

JiYool slaps ChangMin’s arm again. YunHo sighed at his daughter and son small fight. “Let’s send this to your Mommy.” YunHo take out his Samsung SIII from his pants pocket. Ready to take picture of his small surprise art for his wife.

“Daddy wait!” JiYool said, YunHo stare at his daughter. “Oppa, bring the card that you brought for Mommy. I saw it, on your text book earlier.”

“Aissh!!!” ChangMin walks to his room since he know better obey his little sister or when JiYool was screaming, you would never want to heard it. It worst than his Mommy screaming to wake him up in the morning.

ChangMin appears a few minutes after with a small card, the card was printed or maybe ChangMin did buy it without YunHo knowing. “It’s suppose for Mommy, when he come back. I used my saving and asked my friend brought it for me.”

Without YunHo asking, ChangMin explain it to his Daddy. “Daddy can used it, I still had one more gift along with the card but please let it be a secret from Mommy.”

YunHo nodded, understand his son very well. ChangMin may be naughty and love to tease JiYool with his snarky remarks but when it comes to JaeJoong, ChangMin really become soft as soft as tofu through sometime his wife was complaining about ChangMin’s naughtiness but he knows that ChangMin really loves his Mommy.

He placed the card write ‘missing you’ along with a plate of strawberry heart shape, placing his smart phone in camera mode ready to take a picture.

“Daddy, Stop!!” Once again JiYool interrupt his Daddy.

“What more, Yoolie?” ChangMin was getting annoyed with his little sister act.

“Daddy give Mommy strawberry, Oppa give Mommy a card and Yoolie want to give Mommy something too.”

“What did you have for your Mommy, Yoolie?” YunHo asked his daughter.

“I give Daddy and Oppa, my lollipop so I want Mommy to have one too. I love my lollipop, I love Mommy, Daddy and Oppa too.” JiYool hands the lollipop to his Daddy.

YunHo take it and unwrap the lollipop before giving it back to his daughter. “Where you want to place it, JiYool ah?”

“Here…” JiYool places the strawberry flavour lollipop in the middle of the strawberry heart shape on the plate. 

“Now every loves in this house are equal to Mommy. Take the picture, Daddy”

YunHo smile as he though JiYool was really smart for a three year old child same like ChangMin. He takes the picture of their surprise for JaeJoong. Save it and send the picture to JaeJoong using his smart phone.

“Done!” YunHo said, without waiting ChangMin snatch one of the strawberries away from the plate. 'I hope you will love it, Jae…'

“Oppa!!!” JiYool scream.

ChangMin then take the plate away to the living room as he really was feeling hungry. YunHo just smile looking at his children act.

“Daddy, put me down.”

YunHo take his little princess from the kitchen top, JiYool runs as soon as she reaches the floor following her brother. “My lollipop!!!!”

A message come in as a clue for YunHo to look at his smart phone.

I had a surprise for the three of you, can’t wait to be back. I love them, I want to eat strawberries too. Get me some when I’m home, please…

YunHo was curious what would his wife have for him. JaeJoong can be sweet sometimes but he loves JaeJoong acting like a brat and snarky at the same time.

“Daddy, JiYool loves Mommy. I miss Mommy.”

YunHo smile when his daughter was wrapping his leg with her little arm while the lollipop still in . “Daddy too.”



A/N: Double update for today~~ Hope u all will enjoy this.
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Chapter 7: nice story! <3
Chapter 2: awww!! Yoolie is just soooooo sooooo cute!! <33
Chapter 1: OMG The first chap was very niiiiceee! <3 Love it.
hymeki #4
Chapter 7: Really a sweet love story..♡
Thx for this yunjae's sweet family author-ssi..
Hope i can read the other yunjae's sweet family story from u, author-ssi..^^
Chapter 7: that's the thing happen in reality,the person u hate the most troughout ur life ultimately loves u the most.thats dnt hate anyone or make enemy with everyone!!thank u author-shi for sharing a gud moral with us!!
Chapter 7: So beautiful. I love big brother Minnie ^_^
Chapter 7: omo now jj's slowly accepting his mom again, even jj's mom is so evil, and i hate her for what she did to jj, but im glad she's seeing everything now, how bad she was, her sickness became the reason for them to bond once again, let it be a lesson... glad things are going well and seriously, i super love love yunho, jj's so lucky to a hubby like him hehehe anyways thank you so much for this update and all the best ^-^
Chapter 7: how i wish i get husband like yunho ^^...
btw why i don't feel enough ? is it ok if i want more update from u author shi @_@
qiukey #9
Chapter 6: really hate jae's mother..I hope she died in regret
Chapter 6: awwww,yun is such a sweet and caring husband to jae!!