Jonghyun, you Stupid Little Fool

What is fanservice?


*Next week*

Onew’s POV

Jonghyun hasn’t come back yet. That’s the reason why Key has been depressed for one week. He always sauntered around in our dorm with his head down and he didn’t respond when we asked him something. It’s so obvious that they miss each other… but it kind of hurts me. I want Key to be happy but there is something that bothers me. I’m not saying that I’m in love with Key but he has something that attracts me… something that makes me want to take care of him.

I started to look for him but he wasn’t in his bedroom, neither was he in the kitchen and living room. I went to the door to exit our dorm and began to look for him. He can’t be that far because I saw him a while ago when he took his coat and… Is he looking for Jonghyun? We already tried to contact him but nobody knew where he really went.

I passed a few fans who immediately knew who I was. They ran over to me and started calling my name and asking questions. I usually try to be friendly with my fans but I couldn’t do it. I tried to ignore them and started walking in a faster pace. When they finally gave up chasing me I looked around. I was pretty lost right now…

When I was hectically looking around I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Excuse me…you look lost. Can I help you?” The stranger said to me with a quite familiar voice.

“Yeah, I was looking for someone an- Omg!” I turned around and faced the stranger. Well… it wasn’t really a stranger.

“Jonghyun! Wh…why…what…who…Huh?!” I said stuttering.

“Onew? What are you doing here?!” Jonghyun yelled in my face.

“I was looking for someone… Anyways, where have you been? Why did you leave us like that?”

“I’ll tell you later. Who is the one you’re looking for? Tell me how he or she looks so I can help you.” He said with furrowed eyebrows.

I started to think of a plan. So I began:
“He is quite tall, I think something like 1m 80cm… He is wearing black skinny jeans and a loose t-shirt and has brown short hair. Got it?”

“I got it. Let’s go together, that will be easier for us to not lose each other.”

We wandered in the streets for more than an hour when we came by a small grass field with some benches. There were more people than I expected. I travelled down the place with my eyes and noticed a bench completely to the left. It was a little left out.

I also saw a dark figure of a person sitting on it. I looked closely and noticed the black skinny jeans. That’s him. The cap of his coat was pulled over his head so you couldn’t really recognize him.

Jonghyun’s POV

“Hey Onew, isn’t that him?” I asked Onew after I noticed a guy sitting on a bench.

“Yeah… I think so. Let’s look closer.”

Onew gave me a little push in my back and came next to me. I started walking towards the person he was looking for. We came closer and closer, I was actually wondering who he was. Do I know him? I couldn’t recognize him because the cap of his coat was pulled over his head and his collar was also covering his face.

We finally reached the place. The stranger looked up at us with a surprised look.

“Why did you run away,” Onew began, “ I was looking for you everywhere, Kibum

“Wait… Did you just say ‘Kibum’??” Did I just hear something wrong?

“Yah! Jinki-ah, why did you bring… that thing  with you?!” Key yelled. He emphasized ‘thing’ while pointing at me.

“I just wanted you two to meet, Okay? Key has been depressed since you left, Jonghyun.” Onew said with his head slightly down.

“I wasn’t depressed..” Key whispered quietly but I could understand it.

“You should return to our dorm, Jonghyun. Please, I beg you. We have a SHINee World concert in Japan the day after tomorrow. You know that, right?”

Damn… I actually forgot about that but I can’t tell them that I forgot. It would be better if I slept in the dorm now…

“Okay, I’ll go back to the dorm…”

“Yes. Now you can work things out between you and Key.” Onew said smiling.

We both looked at Onew with a questionable face and then we looked at each other. Key smirked a little bit when Onew made this comment. Making eye contact with Key was really hard for me now but I got to admit that Key’s smirk a little bit…

Why did I actually abandon him like that? We were really happy back then. What was wrong with me.

 … Jonghyun, you stupid little fool , I said to myself.



Annyeong~! I updated so fast!  That's acutally because it's vacation... 

But you gotta ing love me for doing this XD

Bye bye!heart


SHINee is being too cute for Etude House....

Wait... WHAT? HAHAHA! Where did my manly beast Minho go? xD

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Lol XD dumb Jjong~
your english is just fine sweetheart ^-^ oooeeeh love love jongkey keke teasing Key <3
Totally love the story!! Camt wait for the next one. And maybe a little bit of ?? Update soon :3
sleeplesshope15 #4
gahh the frustration and need for the next chapter >< maybe not hardcore but just a little detail hehe ^^
I say... !!!<3
Hehe XD poor Jjong. It's gotta be awkward being shorter....
YAYYYYYY! :D<br />
! :))
These chaps are haute cuisine ly friend ^^ and in class we were more like: " fck... We're dead..." and i was begging god that she wouldnt read our y -scene for the whole freaking class :p