Bad excuses, Good intentions.

(One-Shot): Secrets and Suprises

Youngjae's POV


I burst through his front door, wanting to get away from his home, from him.

Everything about him... Was addictive. His alluring voice, manly scent, even his ing hair called to me, told me to stay with him. Everything about him... I loved. I'd seen him at his best, and at its worst.

You got too close a voice in my mind whispered. Perhaps it was true. Perhaps, I'd really got too clingy, too close to him, forcing him to push me away, expelling me out of his life.

It's my fault.

I wanted to argue against my inner voice, tell it that it was wrong, that Daehyun would always love me, no matter what.

But how can you argue against fact?

How can you argue to ignore the fact that every night, for at least a week now, he'd gone out? Every night, he'd left, not saying a word about where he's going and where, or, even more importantly, why. Every night, he'll leave without a single goodbye. Every night, I'd stayed up; not knowing he'd come back, never knowing if I'd see him again.

Every night, I'd cry.

And I'd cry, until he came back.

Like, now, running down the street, tears streaming down my face, the sunset casting its dangerous glow around me.

"Youngjae!" He shouts.

I could feel him behind me, running after me, chasing me, wanting to me to hear his excuses.

But I couldn't. I'd rather want the silence to speak its truth than hear his lies once again. The truth would at least say it the way it was, no sugar-coating, no more cover-ups:

And it'd tell me that he doesn't love me anymore.

I sprinted past a speeding car as it missed me by a few centimeters, its wheels skidding against the ground. I don't turn around to see if the driver is alright. I don't take a moment to thank my stars for not getting hit. I don't turn around, because I know I'll see him chasing me.

And if I do, I know I'll stop running, I'll cry even harder, and I know I'll fall into his arms, letting him feed me his lies, and I know I'll never be able to run away again.

"Youngjae... Please stop." He shouts once again.

I only speed up, my lungs desperete for oxgyen as I run past each building, trying to create as much distance between us as possible, wanting to get away from him, let me have my own thoughts, even if just for a second.

Every day that he'd been acting weird, I felt a small part die inside. Each awkward conversation letting all the unspoken truths out. Each eye contact accidental, each brush of hands unintentional, each passing in the hall silent.

And I'd know he'd be thinking about her.

I didn't even know who she was, I didn't know her name, let alone anything else about her.

But I knew one thing: Daehyun loved her more than me; that much was clear.

Finally I see my familiar street. A bit futher, I think to myself a bit further and I'll be home, and he can't hurt through a locked door.

I can hear him shouting behind me, telling me to turn around, to let him explain. 

He doesn't need to explain, I think as I push the entry door open, gritting my teeth. I think I understand perfectly well, actually.

I see my door and run towards it, my hand in my pocket as I reach for my keys. The keys to safety.

Suddenly, a hand grabs my free wrist.

I close my eyes. Be strong I tell myself.

"Youngjae..." He pants, despite his running, his hand holds firmly onto my wrist.

"Please..." He pleads.

"Let me go." I demand through my teeth clenched teeth.

"You don't understand..." He whispers.

"Don't I?!" I turn around face him. My lover. My enemy.

"All I know is that you never tell me anything, and the few words you do speak are lies. Pure lies, to keep me away from the truth. Lies, to keep me away from whatever the you're hiding. I loved you, and I swear a part of me still does, as much as when I first met you, but I'd rather live on the streets than with someone who treats me like " I snarl at him, looking him dead in the eye.

"Youngjae..." He says, pulling me in for a kiss.

And I can feel it happening; the invisible pull drawing me towards him. The power of love telling me to love and forget.

Don't let him kiss you, It whispers. If he does; he'll only replace the puppet strings on you once again.

"Tell me... What's her name?" I ask, seconds before his lips meet mine.

He stops, his eyes searching mine for answers. For a singer, he's a convincing actor too.

I push him away from me, the force suprising us both as he falls to the floor just as my key slids into the lock.

I run inside, shutting the door behind me.

He's gone.

He can't hurt you.

You did it.

You're safe.

I let myself catch myself as I fall to the floor, sliding along the door. Stupid, pathetic tears roll down my cheeks. I let out a loud sob, the tears landing softly on my shirt. I know he can probably hear me through the door, but I don't care.

Let him hear my pain; let him listen to what he's done to me; let him eavsdrop of the sound at his own works.

I slowly stand up once again, gripping the edges of the walls for support, wiping my tears away with the back of my hand.

I hated crying. I did it too often, mostly when no one knew about it; through a locked door, under blankets.

At slow, almost baby-like, steps, I make my way into the kitchen, eager to distract myself.

The door to my living room is closed as I gently push it open, feeling the solid wood against my sweaty face, the smell of smoke filling my nostrils.

Wait... smoke?

Alarmed, I shoved the door open, letting it bang against the wall.


Inside, the usual wooden floor was covered... with roses. Hundreds, no, thousands, of roses where spread around the floor, creating a field of the scarlett flowers inside my own room. Some had been attatched to the walls, the ceiling, creating the illusion as if it was raining roses. I took a slow step inside, feeling my foot sink in a good couple of inches through the soft petals.

So many roses... Between the flowers, were source of the smoke; lit candles, its light giving a seductive feel, making the scene even more like dream-like; even more romantic...

At the far end of the room, backed up against the opposite wall, was a mountain of teddy bears, all varied in shapes and sizes. Some were on the floor, some on chairs, others holding boxses of chocolates, yet the were all framing the rosy coloured band taped across the wall, I narrowed my eyes, and almost choked on my own breath when I read what it said.


Will you marry me?


My body froze.


"I know its sudden..." Daehyun said, standing behind me. Vaguely I remembered forgetting to lock the front door.

Daehyun... Is asking me to marry him. He wants to marry me. Me. Marry. My mind went numb.

"I didn't want to tell you, it was going to be a suprise..." He murmured, his voice hoarse. I felt something hot and wet hit the back of my neck.

I turned around to face him... And almost broke down at the sight. His eyes were red and swollen, looking at me like through his tears, which clung to his cheeks.

Ever since I'd known him, I'd never seen him cry. Not once. Ever.

I'd never felt this stuipid in my life before. I'd doubted him, his intentions, his love for me. I'd abused everything I knew about him; using it against him to predict something unnrealistic. I'd violated our trust, destroyed my loyalty.

And all this time...

All this sneaking around, all the secrets, everything that he'd been doing at late these past days. I'd actually thought he'd cheated on me. I'd actually believed he was with some other girl. I'd actually had the guts to predict the worst. When really...

... He'd been trying to find a way to propose to me.

Our eyes met, and I took a sharp breath at seeing the love in his eyes as he looked at me, was overwhelming; he radiated passion. I felt myself tear up as I thought how much I'd been a complete and utter to him.

He deserves someone better I thought, holding back a sob. Someone who won't blame him for something he hadn't even done due to their own paranoia.

"I'm so sorry..." I sobbed, wrapping my arms around him, tears falling freely.

"Shh... It's okay" He whispered in my hair. But wasn't. Nothing would ever be okay again. I'd been such a pathetic I didn't even know why he was still here.

"I thought you'd leave me, I thought you'd find someone else..." I said, crying harder.

"I could never leave you... Youngjae," He said, pulling away to look at me "You... you mean the world to me. And.. I-I can't remember what my life was like before I met you. If you left my life... I'd die." A tear fell down his cheek as he my cheek

"I could never live without you. You can scream, punch and kick at me all you want, but" He put my hand at his chest so I could feel his heart beating "At the end of the day, this heart will always be beating for you" He whispered.

"I'll never leave you." I whispered, seeing his eyes light up at my words. I could help but let a small laugh escape. I was a pathetic loser and he still wanted me. Still wanted me in his life, despite all my multiple flaws.

"So..." He said, getting down on one knee, his hand reaching down in his pocket as he pulled out a small jewellery case. I smiled for what felt like the first time in years.

"Youngjae..." He began, taking my hand. "Will you marry me?" His eyes shining up at me expectantly.

"Yes" I whispered.

He stood up again, opening the case to reaveal the most expensive-looking diamond ring. I gasped at the sight of it. So, so beautfiul.

"I love you" He said quietly as he slid the ring onto my finger. Perfect fit.

"I love you too" I whispered.

I could feel his hands at my neck as he pulled me in for a kiss.

I could feel his lips hesitant against my own, as if asking for approval. I responded by pressing against him, wrapping my arms around his waist. Nothing had ever felt more right. I couldn't leave him, not unless someone tore him away from me. I truly loved with him, with all of my heart. That kiss spoke more than a thousand words ever could. it spoke what I could only show.

I'll die before I'll ever leave you.


A/N: I totally did not cry whlist writing that last bit. Not at all.

Oh who am I kidding I'll go and fetch another tissue.

Anyways... What do you guys think?! Was the storyline good? Was it too chessy? Was the wrting alright? Please tell me in the comments what you think and if you want me to continue for me to write BAP oneshots.

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Do you like Super Junior? If so do YeWook or Zhoury :3
DaeJaeGyu #3
Chapter 1: Yaaaaaaaaaaaay its a good one author-nim
in the beginning i was like go f** yourself daehyun , how could you do that to youngjae !! i thought it will be an angst fanfic and i hate those stories
i felt eveything in youngjae view so ( poor daehyunnie )
BUT THEN ! The romantic Daehyun appear and i cant stop smiling !
Keep writing a stories like that :)
Chapter 1: This is so good! It reminds me of the DaeJae anon story yesterday. Ericka's anon. If you know her. :D