Chapter 6

What I Once Had.
She didn't really know what to do; return the drink to Jaejoong and risk having to sit with him? Or leave it there and waste the drink and hurt his feelings?
'But people like him don't even have feelings...Aishhh I don't know.' Yejin thought to herself as she sat and stared at the smoothie he had bought for her.
'I'll just have one sip.' It was actually really nice, but for some reason Yejin didn't want to drink the rest.
"Yah! Are you going to finish that?" She heard a deep voice behind her, she hadn't even noticed that anyone came over to her table due to the fact she was too busy staring at the drink.
Jaejoong walked around to the opposite side of the table, Yejin didn't really know where to look so she just looked downwards at her empty plate.
"Are you busy after this?" He questioned.
"I have work." Yejin replied flatly trying to hide the fact her hart was beating fast even just because of his presence.
"After that?"
"I have no plans." replying with single sentences seemed to be a habit of Yejin's.
"Then go out with me, I'll take you somewhere nice. I promise, you'll enjoy it." Jaejoong was trying to persuade her but it just didn't seem to work.
"I'm not interested." She lied.
"Ask one of your girlfriends, I'm sure they'd love to go with you."
Yejin got up and put some money on the table. "here's the money for the smoothie, don't bother me again."
She didn't really understand why she acted like this, so sour and coldhearted, towards someone she liked a lot. As she left her phone lit up.
You'll regret not accepting my offer~
Putting her phone away she left the cafe quickly, almost running, not only because she was almost late for work but to escape the sight of the guy who was constantly on her mind.
'Why does he make my heart beat so hard? It's uncontrollable and literally driving me insane.'
Half of her shift had passed without any problems and her break had just ended. Almost dropping the two drinks in her hand, she stopped dead in her tracks after realising who had just ordered them. 
"Yo~" He said smirking.
"You, again." Yejin rolled her eyes back.
"That is no way to speak to a customer, is it?"
Jaejoong was right, she didn't want her co-workers to misunderstand her actions so she bowed and apologised leaving him slightly confused.
"Chill out, I was just kidding. Why don't you sit down with me?"
"I can't, I have other customers to serve."
"If you accept my offer from earlier I'll leave you in peace, I'll leave as soon as you do."
It did mean spending time with him, but it couldn't of been that bad, after all, she did like him.
"Fine, I'll go, I don't know where you're taking me but as long as you stop distracting me I'll go."
"I distract you?"
She didn't realise wat she had blurted out but she suddenly got embarrassed and went bright red.
"I'm only teasing you, I'll wait outside here once you've finished work." Jaejoong finished his drink and left.
She stood there in awe, not knowing whether to be excited or not.
The rest of the evening flew by unbelievably fast and it was soon time to pack up and leave.
"Goodbye, Yejin! You worked hard." her boss shouted as she grabbed her bag and walked out of the bar. She had a new message.
I'm waiting outside -J
She looked around and found Jaejoong leaning against the wall.
"You ready?" She nodded her head and he walked to the side of the road to call a taxi.
"Where are we going?"
"The funfair." He smiled.
Yejin tried to hide her excitement, she loved going to funfairs.
Lights flashed and music played, the place was packed full of people dashing about and trying different things. There were so many things to do, Yejin didn't know where to start.
"Aren't you glad you came?" Jaejoong said.
"I thought so, want some candyfloss?" He laughed and Yejin laughed quietly, too.
They walked around eating candyfloss, going on different rides, taking pictures, winning things on hook-a-duck, but they didn't really talk much; Yejin was too busy staring at Jaejoong and Jaejoong was too busy stealing glances at Yejin whenever she wasn't. Passersby mistook them for a couple, people even said they looked cute together which only made Yejin embarrassed.
"I think it's starting to rain, let's go home." She said.
"I'll walk you home."
"I'm not a child, I can walk myself."
"Yejin, don't be silly, it's cold and wet and getting dark, what if something was to happen to you?"
Jaejoong did have a good point, Yejin had to admit that.
"Fine, okay...I'll walk home with you."
Jaejoong smiled and began to walk, her house wasn't that far from the fair so it didn't take them long.
As they approached her home Yejin stopped. "I can walk by myself from here, thank you. I had a good time today."
She was about to walk away but Jaejoong swiftly grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. 
"You didn't even say good bye." He said before looking at her and smiled genuinely,
"I had a good time as well, you know."
They stood there silently for a few minutes just staring at each other.
"Jaejoong? Aren't you going to let go of my wrist?"
He didn't say anything. Instead? Instead,  he leaned down and gave her a kiss on the lips. She didn't respond for a while but she briefly kissed him back after realising that he didn't seem so bad after all. She gave him a chance.


Chapter written By Mikanonikka

Oh god...Is it too long? Oh well, I hope you enjoy it. ^~^
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Chapter 7: omg omg, he was with another :OO
update soon please ^-^
Chapter 5: Can I be in her place??? Freaking lucky yeojaaaaaaaaa.aigoo
Samantha24 #3
Waiting for new updates. Thanks
Chapter 3: Oohhh. I wonder if jj's gonna change his badboy image for her.. Kyaaaa