
I like u...but I like him too...

Dinner end, junhyung put himself on his bed. He sigh. "i know, this time hyunseung is dating with hyuna."

then his phone rang, he answer the phone.


"jun? Hurry up, we go to the book store, now."

he know. Dujun is waiting for him, how nice dujun is.. "about in a hour."

junhyung asked his mom, his mom let him go with dujun, cause his mom knows, dujun is a good boy.
"okay you can go, junnie. Don't go back too late!"

jun nodded, he puts his sweater and go out, this night is really cold. He ran faster as he can.

Now, he arrived at the book store. He looked around.. Then he find dujun stand in front of the store's door. 'god! He must be waiting for me!'

he walks to dujun "d-dujun, since when you're here?"

"12 minutes ago, brrr..cold."

"i'm sorry, im late!"

dujun just smile and shook his head and pull junhyung's hand warmly. "let's go."

then junhyung blushed. This is the first time dujun makes him blush very hard.

In the books store

"jun, what do you want to buy? I wanna buy sports magazine."
"hmm..i know this is suprising you. But i wanna buy cooking book."
"huh? Cooking book? Pfftt.." dujun not suprised but he laugh. Then jun said "i always cook meal for my family, this is why i'll buy this." dujun stops laughing, then he looked away with a.'sorry' look.
'awww..what a nice future wife! >_<' dujun thought.
 then...He saw jun looking a book with a pink cover with a tittle 'love' dujun stare at that book. and also junhyung. "dujun, can you keep my secret?" junhyung said nervously
"can you?"
"of cour-se,j-jun, i can."
"you know bout hyunseung.."


"maybe..i-i fall for him," junhyung looked down to his foot.
"WHAAAT?!!!" dujun scream. "REALLY?!"
junhyung still looked down..
"keep my secret, ne?"



heyyaaaa!!! looonnggg time no seeee!!!!!
this is the new chap, what do you think?
hope ya like it,
 and for...emmm...mistakes...sorry...
plz comment and subcribe,,, byee..! XD


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keryna #1
Chapter 7: Update please ~~~
seobseob #2
Chapter 4: ISH POOR MY DOO~ -_-
seobseob #3
Chapter 2: make it long please? ^^
seobseob #4
Chapter 1: First comment hehe^^
i really love 2jun and i hope you will update soon ok figthing