The consequences of falling for a boy named Luhan


Where in Sehun finds himself in a messy predicament, falling for an unsuspecting Luhan quite literally.


Sehun finds himself staring back into a pair of huge brown eyes, unable to move. He can't help but think that the person in front of him must be his soulmate because he's sure that this is love at first sight. Sehun however is painfully unaware that said person goes by the name of Luhan and just so happens to be the school's most popular soccer player who has both guys and girls swooning over him and isn't exactly the world's nicest person. So he unknowingly continues to stare at Luhan until all of a sudden he's being pushed and feels himself falling towards the ground. "What the hell are you staring at loser?! Get out of my way!" he hears, turning just in time to see Luhan sneering at him and walking away with his friends. Soon he hears giggles and turns his head to notice some of his new classmates  laughing at him. "Check out the school's new loser!" some of them yell while whipping out their phones to take pictures of Sehun which Sehun fears they will turn into gifs and post all over tumblr, making him look like the boy who was just dumped at the alter. "Great Sehun, way to go on your first day" he tells himself while attempting to pick himself up off the ground. To afraid to question whether this is only the beginning. 


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800 streak #1
Good luck with it! :D